Reusing Plastic Potato Chip Canisters?
I use mine to water my plants. being from Louisiana and not having any rain in the past month, I fill the canisters with water and lay them down in my hanging baskets (lay then since they are less noticeable). The water usually lasts 2 days. We also use them...
Leaves on Aloe Plant are Turning Brown?
I have a fairly large pot of aloe, and all I do is take a 12oz. coke bottle, poke a pinhole in it and lay it down in the pot. I refill around once a month.
Make a Garden "Bed" Out of an Old Bed...
I thought I was the only one who did this, lol. I didnt want to throw away my grandmothers bed so I used is as a herb bed. As far as adding a dust ruffle, I added an old shower curtain all way around. Thanks, I just thought that I was strange.
Pests That Attack Sunflowers?
I dont know if this will work on sunflowers, but I use this on my veggies. I put dawn dish liquid in a spray bottle diluted with water and spray my plants. Not while the sun is out though, I wait till dark, and I never have a problem with bugs. Good luck
My Debit Card Was Stolen and Used Online?
Update! First off Thank You all for the support I appreciate it. I have gotten back 409.00 so far, yay! I am still waiting for though, the charge for them was 465.00 alone to Mafia I have to laugh cause I would cry otherwise. My bank has...
My Debit Card Was Stolen and Used Online?
I know I just about fell out when I found out that 3 of the charges were made to porn, the same people were vague in description of charges. I just got ahold of again, they said that they have lost the bank statement, so I had to resend.
How do you trellis beans?
I use dawn dish soap dilluted in a spray bottle to spray the leaves. Works wonders, as far as a trellis I just plant them on my chain link fence.
White Out on a Leather Sofa?
I have a microfiber sofa and I usually clean it once a month with vinegar diluted in water. I take a dish towel and get it just barely wet and scrub the arms and back, then I get the cushions and scrub them, then put them in the sun to dry. Just be sure to...
Using Rabbit Litter as Compost and Mulch
I agree my rabbits manure is wonderful! I use it on my canna garden and they are so beautiful this year. The manure has a high nitrogen content, so research the plants you put it on first.
Removing Yellow Stains on Sink?
I have the same problem and I use baking soda with water vinegar made into a paste. Mix it, let it set for 10 min, and rub with a cloth. Works for me. Good Luck.
Feeding Baby Rabbits?
I recently was given a baby rabbit that had lost its mother. I fed the baby for 2 weeks with a bottle and cats milk. Then I started decreasing the feedings and putting pellets in the cage, and in a couple of days he was completely on solid foods. Good Luck...
Saving on Decorating for Your Wedding?
If you have friends that have bought their wedding decor, see if you can take a look and borrow pieces from them. I borrowed a few centerpieces and iron trellis and iron lamps. I wish you all the best. Congratulations
Does Microfiber Absorb Pet Odors?
I have a microfiber loveseat and couch. I got it in 04 and i have had no trouble with it at all. I have 4 dogs and while they are not allowed to sleep on it, I have had no problems with it wearing out or odors. Once a month I take a dishtowel and use vinegar...