Squirrel Scare Tool
tried the slinky trick-DIDNT WORK. the squirrel has to be thin for the slinky to work. the ones by my house are too fat and the slinky stretches out and form a ladder for them, so quit that and quick.
Blue Iris (Upstate NY)
Would you consider selling some? I live in northern Minnesota and have pretty much the same snow and cold as you do, but have never seen blue Iris. Thanks
Shopping for Clear Jel?
Thanks everyone for your responses. I did Google the item and ended up ordering a bag. I have to wait almost 2 weeks for delivery. I have a niece checking places in Minneapolis. Hope she can find the clearjell there, too. I just hate waiting for 2 weeks before...
Garden: Prizewinning Elephant Garlic
Wanna sell some so I can plant a bit for myself? auntie73@frontiernet.net
Something is Eating My Tiger Lilies?
If the leaves are just stripped, its rabbits, If the whole top is chewed off its deer! I am in zone 3 and they are terrible the past 3 years. I used liquid fence, and it works,but must be reapplied after every rain. I put out scarecrows that hook up to hoses...
Garden: Hollyhocks
Sheila, I too would love to be able to get some of your lovely hollyhocks. I live in zone 3, what zone are you in. Please let me know how to get the seeds from you. Do you have any perennial geraniums? would you like some in trade?
Getting Worms Off Fresh Broccoli?
Fill sink with hot water, add 6 tablespoons salt, soak broccoli for 2-3 minutes. Worms will fall to bottom. Rinse and soak in cold water 2-3 minutes.
Granny Square Wheelchair Lapghan
Could you please send me the pattern for your lapghan. I make them to, but I make mine just for a lap- 32 Square. Would like to try your version of the granny square and add ties- never thought of that. Thanks
Tootsie Pop Turkey
There is NO template for the feathers that prints with the directions. Planned on using this at school.