Redecorating My Boyfriend's Bedroom?
They sell lots of removable wall papers or borders now. If you are going to paint, try the Ooops! racks at home improvement or box stores, before buying at full price. They always have paint that was not what the requestor expected that is marked down by either...
Paying a Cleaning Person?
It depends on where you live. Some parts of the country are a lot higher than others. It also depends on the age/ skill level of the person you are hiring. If you are looking for a bonded, insured cleaner you can expect to pay at least $20-30 per hour in the...
Small Pie Crusts?
I am confused. You previously posted that you want to market your pies commercially, but you dont even make your own crust? I would learn how pretty quickly if you really do want to sell them. You cannot sell products as your own if they have store bought crusts...
Internet Working Even Though I am Not Signed Up for Service?
I too get internet service in the boonies without having any paid service. I get a wi-fi signal. Click on your Windows icon in the bottom left corner of your screen and check the Connect to link. It will show you how you are connected. Be sure to go into the...
Buying a Used Sectional Couch?
I was going to suggest Freecycle, too. You can also try the classified ads of your local paper. Most list them online these days. Good luck.
Small, White Bug Bites?
Could be hives, too. If he is typically bare-footed and the hands and feet are exposed, he could be allergic to something that is in contact with the skin. Otherwise, maybe fleas. You do not have to have pets to have fleas in your home. They can be transmitted...
Removing the Inside of an Egg?
We used a simple safety pin un-bent and poked tiny holes in either side. Then we stuck a larger safety pin, un-bent inside to break the yoke. Bought an infant nasal aspirator at Walmart for $2 and used it to blow the contents out. That way there were no germs...