Dog Smells Even After a Bath?
I had the problem answer but just as I was about to send it the site timed out. Your dog has sebhorea and you must get a special shampoo or pills which ever your vet recomends after a blood test.
Treating a Dog's Skin Allergy?
Are you sure it is an alergy and not Sebhoria? I have 2 Springers and thought they had allergys to. Took them to my vet and discovered they had sebhoria. some dogs have hypothyroidism which causes it and others catch it from other animals. Humans can also get...
My Dog Will Only Eat Chicken?
My son and his wife had a Chihuahua, that lived to the age of 20 years, and chicken is all that dog ever ate.
What Breed is My Dog?
It really looks like a pitbull. Dont let that bother you. My son had a pitbull and she was the sweetest dog I had ever seen. Her only problem was if a cat came into the yard and she caught it it was bye bye kitty. She played with the little grandkids and was...
Painting with a Foam Roller?
I used to work in the paint department of a home building store. I sold and tinted paints of all kinds. When I paint I use nothing but Dutch Boy. ACO hardware in my area sells it. It is so creamy and goes on great. I also paint all tho it has been a while. I...