Building Materials Store Near Cadiz, Kentucky?
Dan, Go to Princeton, KY there is a place there. Anyone can tell you where the location is. Even Eddyville, KY has a place too. If these stores arent what you want. Get On I-24 in come to Paducah, KY. We have a Lowes Store. You arent that far from Paducah. Shonda
Horse Chestnut Tree Dying?
I have saw trees that have cement put in the place where the tree was dying. Could try this. Shonda
Pineapple Dream Pie
Prepare the pudding, then add a small can of diced pineapple please drain well before you mix with the pudding in cool whip. I have also adding cherries to this. Shonda
Fried Green Tomatoes
You can have these all year long, just can the green tomatoes as you would can green beans. Sliced the green tomatoes in put in canning jar. Taste is so good in the winter. Shonda
Cooking Spray as Alternative to WD40
Using this spray will in time become gummy in your locks. Just use Wd40. Shonda
Ringing in the Ears?
I to have the ringing in my ears. What I have notice is, I get the ringing when I take any med that contains Aspirin, or outside when the wind is over 10 miles per hour. Just watch when you take any med in see what happens, or what you where doing when the...
Freezer Cucumber Recipe?
Thanks to each one who share a recipe.I chose the one from Steph, that was more to what I had eaten.These cucumbers are so good, in yes they do have a small crisp to them. God Bless Shonda
Angel Tomato
I know we have Angels around us. Also I collect Angels, but to see in a tomato, tells us God is everyhere.
Sweet Potato Plant
I keep a vine in my kitchen window all year. I used an over size coffee cup, just make sure to keep the water at least half full. A vine is so pretty in the winter.
Freezing Bagels?
I have a long drive to the supermarket.I buy bread, etc. to freeze. I have ate breads that have been frozen up to two months. Just take out of freezer 30 mins pior to using. Hope this helps.