Ready Bacon Anytime
Great tip! I have been doing this for years. I hate smelling up my house with the smell of bacon so I do a couple pounds at a time and then freeze. Great to take out and add to meals.
Awesome Cleaner from the Dollar Store
Discovered this on a cleaning site. Love it, it works amazing on soap scum too. I had a clear bathmat that I couldnt get the cloudiness out of - sprayed this on let it set a few minutes and scrubbed lightly with a brush it came out crystal clear just like when...
Smaller Bottles for Laundry Products Make Doing Laundry Easier
I do this with my dishwasher powdered detergent also. The box is heavy for me(I have arthritis in my hands) and I end up pouring too much in, with a smaller container it makes it a lot easier for me to lift and to control how much I use.
Grocery Bags For Stuffing Stored Items
Great idea! Unfortunately many stores no longer give out plastic bags. Here in my section of CA you have to bring your own or pay 10 cents for a bag. I used to use them all the time for packing cookies I would send my daughters and they in turn used the bags...
Use Dense Styrofoam In Plant Containers
Love this idea. I use the peanuts but didnt realize they were not good for drainage and yes such a pain when I want to repot. I will have to check around and see if I can find some of this.
Fried Green Tomatoes (Gluten Free)
Oh my it has been ages since I have had Fried Green Tomatoes. My mom use to dip them in beaten eggs then bread crumbs and fry them in bacon grease. We made a meal on them in the summer.
Make Dog Food at Home
Oh what very lucky little babies you have! I make homemade dog treats for my daughters dogs. I never thought of making their food although I know the one seems to be allergic to rice - wonder if I could substitute oats?
Make Dog Food at Home
Oh, meant to ask how much does this make? Sounds like it makes a lot. Do you just take out every night from the freezer what you need for the next day?
Never Fail Pie Crust
I often use an oil one pan crust but I am intrigued by this one with the egg and vinegar. I will have to try it! Thanks for posting.
Easily Remove Coffee Stains From Mugs
Although I always clean out my tea mugs I read once that in some places people consider all those stains as seasoning the mug like you do a cast iron skillet!
Making a Photo Christmas Wish List
I think this is such an awesome idea! I do not have a camera that takes pictures but pretty much everything you can find online and send them a picture of it or print it out.
Water Down Many Products
I also cut open toothpaste and lotion tubes - you would be amazed at what is left in there you arent able to squeeze out. Same with squeeze bottles of ketchup, mustard, etc.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Restless Leg Syndrome
I didnt know that apple cider came in tablets! I will have to check it out. I take apple cider vinegar with apple juice. I fill a small 8 oz cup with 3 tablespoons of vinegar and then the rest of the way with apple juice. Keep in mind that raw apple cider that...
Using Drawers to Organize Pantry
Love this idea! although it wouldnt work in my pantry I am going to use the idea in my linen closet.
Use Staple Remover to Add Keys to Ring
I too saw this on Pinterest and had one of those hit me on the forehead Why didnt I think of that! moments. I have tried it several times and works like a charm!
Using "Nail Magic" for Natural Nails
I would be interested in knowing which product you used also. I once got my nails done for a wedding over 3 years ago and my natural nails now still wont grow.
Dusting a Popcorn Ceiling
Word of caution when cleaning popcorn ceilings wear protective glasses. We lived in a house for 25 years with popcorn ceilings. When first cleaning them I ended up at the doctors with a speck of popcorn in my eye. It couldnt be seen without the doctors equipment...
Removing Labels from Plastic Containers
Peanut butter works great too! Any kind of oil really I think.
Finding a User's Manual for Dishwasher?
Lots of manuals can be found free online. I have found manuals for a washing machine I bought 2nd hand, for the thermostat in our new home and a pasta maker. If you have the model number just Google it and hopefully you can find one.
Removing Red Hair Dye?
I was told to use Prell shampoo when I had my hair dyed and it was too red. IT took some of the redness out.
Cut Lotion Bottle To Use All
Great tip! I have been doing this for ages. My husband thought I was nuts till he saw how much was left in a bottle or tube. I also do it for squeeze bottles of mustard, BBQ sauce, etc. Just be careful when cutting the bottles since some can be tough to cut...
Use New Perfume Bottle for Other Liquids
Love this idea! I would like to carry one in my purse of mouthwash - much cheaper than the breath sprays you buy. Ill have to see if I can find some!
Tiny Red Dot Bugs?
Sounds like maybe chiggers. If you Google how to get rid of chiggers you will find several helpful sites. Good luck!
Keeping the Monsters Away with Vanilla Spray
She never said it was her original idea what she said was day I filled a spray bottle up with water and added a little vanilla.... I also raised kids in the 80s and had very little time to read magazines. I think it is a very cute idea.
Attach Pull Tab To Driver's License
Awesome idea! I am always struggling to get my drivers license out of that stupid slot! Holding up the line trying harder and harder to get it out. I am going to try this for sure!
Replace Lights On Christmas Wire Deer
I didnt think of this till I had given one of mine away. I was so disheartened as I love the lit deer and had finally gotten a pair, then one wouldnt work anymore and I got rid of it. When the second one went and I couldnt find them in the store anymore (the...
Why Store Plastic Bags?
Many people use the plastic bags for used kitty litter and for when taking their dogs for walks. I send my out of town daughter care packages often and I use plastic bags for packing instead of tissue paper, newspaper or what ever. She then uses the bags when...
Praying Mantis
Nice close up picture! I was in my garden a few months ago when I came across a little baby one. Of course leaving him undisturbed I took a picture of him and then went about my gardening forgetting all about him. Imagine my surprise when gardening in the same...
Plantar Wart Coming Back?
I have gotten rid of a wart with duct tape and apple cider vinegar after the doctor supposedly froze it off. Take a small piece of cotton ball soak in the vinegar, place over wart and tape down with duct tape. I have also used just the duct tape and it worked...
Combining a Baby Shower and Wedding Reception?
I just goggled combined baby shower and wedding receptions and got quite a few sites so you may want to try that. From what I read though they suggest in cases like this to have the baby shower after the baby is born. I would suggest with such little money...
Cleaning Shower Curtain Liners
I throw mine in the washer on gentle with a few hand towels and a little bleach. Stick in the dryer on air for just maybe 5 minutes and then hang back up. Look brand new!
Pruning Back a Clematis?
Not sure if you are asking if cutting them down will harm them or cutting them down early. Not everyone does but cutting them down will not harm them at all. I have one I cut down every fall and it comes up more beautiful every summer. As far as if it is too...
Pruning Back a Clematis?
Just found this it may help you some.
Template for Making Wanted Dead or Alive Posters?
If you put template for dead or alive poster in your search you will find several ~ at least I did.
Keeping Rabbits Out of the Garden?
As the woman at the garden shop told me not much stops them but a fence. I have heard marigolds will deter them ~ they ate mine. I was also told bone meal, or coyote urine will work but has to be replenished when it rains or when your sprinklers go on as is...
How Can I Make a Fabric Covered Cardboard Picture Frame?
Google making a frame of cardboard and fabric there are all sorts of sites on how to do this.
Buy Used Books Instead Of New
A great place is I found this when looking for books on my daughters college reading list.
Hide Your Child's Easter Basket
Aw, this brought back memories ~ as a kid my parents always hid our baskets and my husband and I in turn hid our girls baskets when they were little. Since we knew where they were hid we always had the camera ready for some priceless pictures of finding their...
Reusing Tins
When I use to live in snow country I used an empty large popcorn tin for holding ice melt. The can had a pretty winter scene and I didnt have to look at the ugly bag. I also use one to store my very precious Christmas angel tree top. I was afraid of it getting...
White Flowering Plant for a Cat Memorial?
You may want to check out this website
How Can I Organize My Reusable Plastic Bags?
If I understand your question you are looking for storage for baggies (food storage bags) not grocery bags? My husband eats a bagel every morning for breakfast so I always go to the local deli and order 3 dozen at a time. I put 3-4 in a bag, then double bag...
Squeezing the Last Out of a Tube
For toothpaste I just use the handle of my toothbrush! For other things I tend to cut them open it is amazing what is left inside! I will take the top half that has been cut off and place it over the bottom to keep the lotion or whatever from drying out. For...
Divide Paper Towels in Half
I just might try this! I have discovered lately after always buying the cheapest brand that they arent always that economical. The last time I was shopping they were out of the cheap ones so I bought one roll of a more expensive kind and have since found that...
Removing Stickers from Plastic?
Soak in the hottest water possible that is safe for the plastic and it will peel off. For the residue either use peanut butter rubbed in and rinsed off or sometimes I use the sticky side of packing tape going over it the sticky tape will pull the glue up. Also...
Oster Kitchen Center Pasta Maker Manual?
This is about the best I can do for you It is not a manual but they may be able to help you. I didnt have the model number they needed. If you havent already...
Watch For Conflicting Medical Information
Unfortunately there are nurses like that around. My friend has been telling me of the nightmare she has been having with one of the nurses in her doctors office who is not very gentle and asking questions only the doctor should be asking. She told the doctor...
Going Public After Cosmetic Surgery (For...
Just have to add my two cents and say awesome! I too live in an area with HOA which wouldnt allow this but maybe my patio wall in the back. :) Wish you lived near me Id hire you!
Make Your Own Toilet Seat Protectors
Did I miss a step here? When using the tissue paper are you cutting a hole before folding up? I am a big one on germs also and have found that you can also buy toilet seat covers in little packets like Kleenex where you find the travel size products. I always...
Scenery: Winter Wonderland
Gorgeous picture. I always love to see the trees covered in snow I think it is just breathtaking.
Frugal Hair Rinse
Will it leave my hair smelling like vinegar? and can you use it on colored hair without it stripping the color?
Cosmetic Surgery For Walls
I just love this idea! I wish I had some walls in my laundry room that I could do this too! I think you did an awesome job ~ love the clothesline, the dog, the cats, the plants the whole thing! Just great!!
Gift Bags for Seniors
I think this is a wonderful idea but dont forget sometimes seniors get overwhelmed with generous people at Christmas time and get forgotten the rest of the year. How about having some done ahead of time to pass out on birthdays(Maybe find out ahead of time...
Avoid Getting Distracted by Interesting Websites
What I do is similar as that I have a bookmark option so I save it there and go back later when I have more time.
Reuse Dryer Sheets In Different Ways
Some great ideas here I never would have thought of. I like the idea of putting them in dresser drawers before using them in the dryer. Maybe its just me but I tried dusting with them once but seemed to think they were too linty.
Donate Care Packages For Christmas
In regards to the shoe boxes. At one time I was in charge of the mission group at our church and each Christmas we would fill shoe boxes for a local womans shelter. Anyway I started early and asked dept stores and shoe stores to save them for me. They were...
Wrap Gifts in Old Shirts
Sorry I dont get it. What is the purpose of buying an old shirt to wrap a gift if you are cutting it up? Isnt just as cheap to buy wrapping paper? and how do you secure it? I dont mean to be mean I guess I just dont get it. :(
Relieving Tension Headaches?
I have suffered with headaches and migraines every since hitting puberty. Never had headaches when I was pregnant so I assumed it was all hormonal. Now after a hysterectomy I still suffer from headaches but a different kind. My chiropractor told me to take...
Furniture Dents in Carpet?
I think it depends on the carpet. I am a little OCD :) so when I was moving out of my last home I went around and removed all the dents from the rugs after all the furniture was out. I tried the ice cube method but it didnt work. I used the steam iron method...
Add Info To Your Photos
Yes please it is so important. When my mother in law died we found the bottom drawer of her large dresser stuffed with pictures. and 99% were not marked. It is a shame because my husband and daughter are both in to genealogy and my mother in law loved to take...
White Film On Dishes?
I never had problems till we moved and we have hard water now. My dishes and silverware were a mess. I started using Lemi shine. Works great. Found it the cheapest at Walmart.
Purchase Generic Over the Counter Medications
I think some can be interchangeable but I have found generic vitamins really upset my stomach where as the name brand did not. I was told that the main ingredients are the same but the fillers may be different and that is what was upsetting my stomach. Curious...
How to Detangle a Necklace
I found if you gentle rub the chain between your fingers it helps loosen the chain so you can detangle it.
What is this Plant?
I tried Google and came up with Lavatera rosea. You could google plants with pink flowers look at the images and that should help you.
Preparing Interior Glossy Finish Walls for Painting?
Thank you all for the advice I started first as I said above to sand and it did nothing I then bought TSP I think it is called not the cleaner but the deglosser, it was like using water. I bought the concentrate, sprayed it on full strength and it did nothing...
Alternate Uses for Dental Floss
Oh may I really thought that was a misprint about reusing used dental floss and you just meant you were thinking of different ways to use floss when using it for your teeth until I reread it and realized I had read it right the first time. Reusing dental floss...
Scenery: Casa Loma Gardens (Toronto, Canada)
Beautiful, brings back memories, we visited there while on our honeymoon over 30 years ago.
Make Your Own Panty Liners
This is not something I would do but I have a few comments on this one to Beckster944. The heel of a sock can get worn much earlier than the top or rest of a sock so there could still be plenty of good material to use. Second to Katie A., my mom used to tell...
Travel with Medications in Original Containers
Thanks for the info! I always put my meds in a daily container when traveling ~ never gave a thought to all the problems mentioned that could occur. MY husband is leaving on a trip tomorrow and you can be sure NOW I will make sure they are in their original...
Cleaning Windows That Are Difficult to Reach?
The people using the Windex outdoor window cleaner that you use with your hose ~ do you have hard water? I tried the Windex outdoor cleaner that was on a pole (which didnt reach my second story windows even with an extension pole) and it streaked worse than...
Decorative Cake Pan Stepping Stones
I love this idea but what kind of paint do you use so that you can leave them outside and possibly walk on them as stepping stones?
Place Line Dried Clothes In The Dryer To Soften Up
I think bryguy might have meant if the clothes are dried inside? There are several things I like to hang dry instead of putting in the dryer but my HOA wont allow clothes lines so I have a drying rack inside that I use.
How to Grow Dazzling Dahlias
My husband laughs at my lack of a green thumb although I am constantly trying since we moved to CA. Last year I planted Dahlias for the very first time and they were absolutely beautiful and so easy to grow. They are now one of my all time favorites.
Sunless Tanning Cream Stain on Carpet?
My daughter just recently got some sunless tanning cream all over my cream colored bath towels. I squirted the stains with dawn dish detergent, rubbed it in and then poured a little hydrogen peroxide on the stains and then washed as usual. All the stains came...
Use Seasonal Napkins in CD Cases for Coasters
Cute idea but the only problem I see is since the case is plastic it wont absorb any sweat coming from the beverage container placed on it.
Keep Paint Samples to Coordinate Home Purchases
This is a great idea! I am in the process of painting all the rooms in the house and that is a great idea for when I go to look for linens and such! Thnks for sharing
Use Dawn Dish Soap as a Stain Remover
Just had to write and say that Dawn works wonders! I have been trying to get urine stains out of the area rug around my toilet for over 2 years now ~ Clorox, Shout, RIT stain remover, vinegar, nothing worked. I thought today I would try one more time when I...
Sterilize Toothbrushes in the Dish Washer
You put them in with dirty dishes? Hmm I dont like the sound of that at all, sorry. I would rather put them in boiling water or even the microwave(although I have never tried that) to kill germs.
Automatic Refills at Walgreens
I dont have a Walgreens real close to me but Target also will do auto refills and if your prescription has no more refills left they will call the doctors office for you. My mom uses Target in another state and i know she has been able to get a list of all...
Use Extra Earrings as Push Pins
Once when I was younger we were out of town for a wedding and my dad had forgotten his tie tack. Used one of my post pearl earrings. I dont know do guys still use tie tacks?
Lengthen Jeans With Contrasting Fabric
When I first read this I thought nope dont like the idea and then I looked at the picture. These are adorable!! What a great way to extend the life of her jeans.
Share Your Customer Service Experiences
I have often sent reviews to yelp - good and bad - and the companies do read these. We had a terrible experience with a moving company and I wrote a review on Yelp. The next day the manager called us asking how he could make amends. I had a wonderful experience...
Recycle Christmas Deer in the Garden
I love this idea! I wish I had a green thumb to do that. When the lights go out on my deer I just rewire them. Not hard to do at all. Just buy a set of lights with white wiring an use zip ties to keep them in place.
Stock Up On Sale Christmas Candy
I do the same when buying Halloween candy. I buy Hershey mini bars, chocolate kisses and peanut butter cups. I use all three in recipes. The bars get chopped for chocolate chip cookies or magic cookie bars. The kisses go on peanut butter blossom cookies and...
Downsize the Saved Magazines
I subscribe to one magazine that my daughter also really likes so instead of ruining the magazine by tearing out what i want what I started doing is when I find something I really want I scan it into my computer. I then give the whole magazine to my daughter...
Artificial Wreath and Garland Storage
This is a great idea. I have so many of those bags. I hold onto them but never know what to do with them.
Give the New Jammies the Night Before
We also had this tradition.They were allowed to open one gift Christmas Eve and is was always new, freshly washed, pjs :) Christmas morning pictures looked so nice and of course the picture Christmas eve with putting out the milk and cookies for Santa!