Soil Acidity and Alkalinity
That was one of the best hints Ive seen so far, and plan on trying it very soon. Have always been told to take a sample to the local ag office, but never did, but this might be just enough of a test to see whats going on in my gardens. Thanks
Caring for Rolly Pollies?
What are rolly pollies? And if eating rotting plant matter is good! I really dont think theyre something Id want. Ugh.
Garden: Yucca
Oh my my, That is a plant Ive been trying to kill for 20 years. It is very invasive here in the south, has the most dangerous needles on the tips of the leaves. Ive had my share of bloody incounters. If you know of a way to kill it I would love to know.
Save Bread Scraps for Holiday Dressing
What a wonderful idea. I had difficulty last year finding just bread cubes for my dressing, will try this this year, thank you.
Planting Spider Plant Babies
Oh my the very forgiving spider plant! I received one as a gift when my youngest son was born (41 yrs ago) I have moved several times since then taking it with me. It has its babies all over the country. I saw the mother plant in half, when it is root bound...
Use Vaseline on Birdfeeder to Keep Ants Away
I have been using vaseline on my birdfeeder for years and it works! I just put a glob on the shepards hook all the way around the metal several inches away from the feeder. Tada no ants.
Carry an Insulated Shopping Bag in Your Car
You can tell that Sandy is in the South. We have insulated bags in all our cars. They are so necessary and a life saver in the middle of our Ga summers!
Don't Use Plastic Net Bags for Wild Bird Feed
I am so glad I happened to see your note... Ive just saved two net bags from onions..and was going to make something for the birds to eat. Ill think of another use now.. Thank you, I enjoy the birds and dont want to injure one.
Natural Remedy for Hot Spots
Our dog used to get hot spots. Got spray from the vet, it seemed to hurt her. So I would also rub the spot with aloe with lidocaine (used for sunburn) and it it worked well. Your recipe looks good but isnt that a lot of alcohol?
Helping 95 Year Old Mother with Christmas Gifts
My mother started getting passes to the movies from family members. She loves the movies and the prices are so high today that are just what she needs. Shell be 90 this winter.
Prepare Your Swamp Cooler for Winter
O.K. I give up, what is a swamp cooler and why do I want it winterized?
Freezing Leftover Canned Mushrooms?
I have not frozen canned mushrooms, but I have fresh ones all the time. I like to buy the large box of fresh, after I have used what I want, I slice the what is left thin and fry until the liquid is gone, put in a zip lock bag & freeze. When I need some I just...