My Frugal Ways
I completely agree with Shadow0336 but also believe the girls should go to Home Depot, etc. for classes and the boys should attend the cooking classes as well! I have both a girl and boy and really want them to grow up into fine spouses and be fully prepared...
Small Business Ideas That Save Money
Great ideas Jennifer. I also pick up Targets 75% stationary such as wedding invitations, etc. They quality of paper is beautiful. I also pick up extremely discounted scrapbooking supplies. Ive used the paper to wrap presents as well. There is nothing like beautiful...
Buy a Counterfeit Detection Pen for Garage Sales
Pens can be bought through Amazon and now they are having a buy one get one free. $9.25 or so plus shipping. Id advised buying additional pens so they are all handy. This is perhaps the best tip Ive read in recent memory. Im on my sons PTA and will now try...
Mexican-Style Deviled Eggs
Sounds great! What about cilantro? I was also thinking about using taco mix seasoning. Will try soon.