Aisha At Two (European Shorthair "Moggie")
I DO actually have this exact picture as my desktop wallpaper :o) I recently took another great picture of her with an elfs hat on and used it to make this years Christmas cards. The indignate looking little soul would only put up with that humiliation for...
Cat Poops Under The Bed?
Is the litterbox in a quiet undisturbed place? Cats like privacy too and if the litterbox is in a little too busy place, this could put it off from using it. Uncleanliness is also often the first sign of disease. If the cat for example has worms or a urinary...
Keeping My Dog Warm at Night?
How about a pet sleeping bag? You can make it yourself and keep the cost down. You can use old wire hangers to make the opening, but be sure to wrap or insulate them first to avoid any danger. Its kind og hard to explain, so Ive uploaded a picture you can download...
Keeping My Dog Warm at Night?
Heres a new fresh download link for the picture of the sleeping bag
Keeping My Dog Warm at Night?
Oh Im so sorry, but I dont have the picture anymore. I found something online though that looks a lot like it. Check out the little picture at the top too, to see what I mean about reinforcing the opening, if you need it to stay more open. http://www.trixieandpeanut...
Knowing When a Website Was Last Updated?
Copy/paste this line of javascript into the address bar and click Go or Enter. There youll have the time and date! javascript:alert(document.lastModified) Or...and this is the easiest way: Use a bookmarklet! Bookmarklets are the coolest thing since sliced bread...
Internet Explorer Becoming Corrupt When I Update It?
To run a check on the files and see if one or more is corrupted, use the System File Checker included with Windows XP. Click [Start] [Run] and type sfc /scannow in the [Open] box. (Note that there is a space between sfc and /scannow) If corrupted files are...
Grass and Weeds Growing Between Bricks
Just pour a little bit of boiling water directly on the weeds...
Kiki (Labrador Retriever)
She almost looks like shes been playing with lipstick or perhaps a huge cotton candy, with that cute pink nose ;o) She looks incredibly shiny and well-cared for. Shes a beautiful dog...
Keeping Mayonnaise Fresh
I agree. Cardboard is a porous material and with the moisture too, it could encourage the growth of micro-organisms or mould.
Teeter (Cat)
Hi NellieMary! Youre absolutely right! Teeter and Aisha are indeed spitting images of each other! They are truly copy-cats! :o) Arent we two just the luckiest people to have such beautiful, loving and sweet little kitty-kids. Little Aisha sends a purr and lick...
Removing Paint from a Christmas Stocking?
I have had great success removing different paint stains from clothing using glycerine, even oil-based paints come out this way. Soak the stain in glycerine and put it in a plastic bag for a day to keep it from drying out and to give the glycerine time to soften...
Dried Cement on a Tarmac Driveway?
My boyfriend works as a cement truck driver, so I asked his advice on this. He said that they use hydrochloric acid to dissolve the dried up cement that builds up on the trucks. Hes not sure how the tarmac would react to the hydrochloric acid though, so he...
My dog, Maggie
At my house, Im lucky if the cats let ME on the couch! :o) The cats own everything and we just sort of live around them. As my hubby jokingly says to new visitors: The cats live here, you dont! If you dont want hair on your clothes, then dont use the furniture...
A Critique of ThriftyFun?
Im pretty much a newbie to the site and the newsletter and I have nothing much to say other than thumbs up to Susan and the whole ThriftyFun crew. (Maggie too!) Youre right, there ARE a lot of other sites like this out there, but the atmosphere here is different...