What Is This Houseplant?
I believe this is a variety of dieffenbachia, also known as dumbcane or mother-in-laws tongue as it is a toxic plant that affects speech if it is ingested.
What Breed Is My Dog?
Dont know what she is mixed with. Could be Dachshund or one of the small terriers. A reputable breeder would not run ads for puppies for sale, put up a sign, or sit at Wal-Mart with a box of puppies. There will be a waiting list for puppies from a reputable...
Puppy Afraid of Construction Equipment?
The worst thing you can do is try to comfort the dog. Things like petting her and cooing Now, now, its okay are only going to reinforce her fear response. Why? Because she thinks you are praising her behavior. Best to act as normal as possible and ignore unwanted...
Puppy Afraid of Construction Equipment?
The worst thing you can do is try to comfort the dog. Things like petting her and cooing Now, now, its okay are only going to reinforce her fear response. Why? Because she thinks you are praising it. You can help her get used to loud noise by ignoring it or...
Mini Dachshund Has Bumps on Head?
Id say its an allergy. Maybe a grass allergy. My dog used to get them but grew out of it.
Firm Training For Your Pit Bull
A special trait of pit bulls is that they are always alert to whether or not everything is okay. Never, EVER swat, pat on the rear, tap on the nose, or otherwise hit a pit bull. They will not learn anything from it because there is no similar disciplinary action...
Help Training a 9 Week Old Pit Bull?
No no no. Never tap, swat, flick or otherwise strike a dog in order to train it -- ESPECIALLY a pit bull! You are creating an animal that doesnt trust you. And if he doesnt trust you, he wont see you as a leader. Dont be surprised one day if he asserts himself...