Looking for Plastic Clothespins with Hooks?
I did a quick search in froogle and found this - http://housewares.hardwarestore.com/37-186-clothespins/clothespin-hangn-dry--673429.aspx If that link wont work, try this one: http://housewares.hardwarestore.com/37-186-clothespins.aspx Hopes this helps.
Removing Well Water Build Up From Hair
After shampooing, do not use conditioner. Instead, rinse your hair with regular white vinegar. Dont worry, after your hair dries, it wont smell of the vinegar. It may take a day or two of washing your hair then rinsing with the vinegar, but the well water WILL...
Free Tetris Game at 007ArcadeGames.com
(b)(i)* * McAfee VirusScan caught this file as I tried to download it - I was told it was Downloader Trojan!! * *(/b)(/i)
Looking For 2 Litre Bottle Birdhouse?
I did a google search and found this -- http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/tools/ndblinds/twoliter.htm Here is the direct link for the google search: http://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&lr=&newwindow=1&q=bird+feeder+liter Hope this helps! :) Have fun...
Grocery Shopping List Tips
Also - because my family comes and goes (and eats) at all hours of the day and night, I have them put the empty container of whatever needs to be replaced on the kitchen table for me. In the morning, while doing my picking up, I write down the items that were...