Wine Cork Self Portrait
WOW! You cant say that your not an artist cause I think this proves that you are! I think if you would have done this of a famous person( no offense) it could have sold for BIG BUCKS! AMAZING! I hope you have it framed under some glass to preserve it better...
Camping with Young Children?
I camp with my 2 young kids a lot and no matter how many toys we take them they usually end up playing in the dirt with a shovel and bucket! I also like to take glow bracelets to put on them at night so I can always see where they are at! Have fun!
Cookie Exchange For Angel Tree Packages
Id LOVE to do something like that but around here not many places will except handmade items!!! I hate that cause my son who is in headstart I can even make stuff for his class it has to be store bought for his birthday or any holiday parties!!! I couldnt wait...
Convert An Old Dresser Into A Bathroom Sink...
OMG my uncle took my old dresser that was a hand me down from my mom she had it when she was in her teens. Anyway it was in pretty bad condition and he did this and it was BEAUTIFUL! That is a great idea!
Novelty Christmas Gift Ideas
i had some one give me a little present one year it was a ziplock baggie that said... You have been nauty this year so here is the scoop all your getting for Christmas is snowmans poop but it had minni marshmollows inside!! it was really cute you can do that...
Permanent Marker on Blinds?
i see someone already suggested the mr.clean magic eraser they really are the best thing EVER!!also try fingernail polish remover!!
Easter Themed Fabric Crayon Rolls
I make these they are lots of fun and grab a cheap coloring book and it makes a great gift!
Easter Themed Fabric Crayon Rolls
i made lots of these they are fun easy and make great gifts i got a bunch of crayons when they were on sale!! great for church!!
Valentines Through The Years
creative and cute i wish my hubby would do that for me... what does the one on the papper plate say?
Holiday Closet
I wish I had a closet just to stor my decorations and stuff in!!! I need more storage space AAAAAHHHHH!!!
A Jar Filled with Memory Cards
WOW that is awsome!! but I dont have a good memory and the ones i do have (of my mothe) arent that good *sob* But i LOVE this idea it is to cute!
Little Stuffed Chair Ornaments
can anyone find this pattern..Ive looked with no luck!! please help!!