Music to Soothe Your Pets
My vet plays Enya, Shepard Moons. She says the cats like it. I have the same CD here at home. I said Id play it for my cats..... I still have to.
Homemade Cleaner for Cat Urine?
I mix 1/4 cup of baking soda, 16 oz. of hydrogen peroxide and a couple drops of a mild dishwashing soap. (I found this on the internet. It is called The Recipe.) After blotting up the excess urine, I saturate the urine spot with the recipe. If the spot is bigger...
Cats with Unbecoming Dominance Behavior?
I have had the same problem with my 3 unrelated cats.My vet has strongly suggested that I need to have one more litter box than I have cats. You have 4 litterboxes? You need 3 more. It has not helped their aggression problem, but it may help you. My vet, who...
Can Parvo Cause Brain Damage?
I believe so, but am not sure of exact effects. I say yes because my brother was once watching a neighbors dog who he said had had parvo and had suffered some cognitive damage. He was quite sweet, but quiet and not too expressive... somewhat dull witted.
Low Cost Veterinary Care?
I have often heard that the ASPCA is available for low cost pet health care. However, I have never tried it. I did see on an episode of Animal Cops on Animal Planet, that a woman received low-cost care for her dog from the ASPCA. She did not have to give him...
Getting a Cat to Stop Spraying?
He is a handsome cat! I have a vet who practices traditional and holistic medicine. She gives my male cat a tincture made with apple cider vinegar and the primary ingrediant to stop the spraying. I do not know what the ingrediant is. He sprays to mark his territory...
What Breed in My Dog?
Hes adorable!! Maybe a German Shorthair? He has the spotting on the legs and he looks like a hunting dog (square-ish head). German Shorthairs are hunting dogs.
Inexpensive Dog Clippers?
On Animal Cops, on the Animal Channel, the vets use the buzz clippers to cut long matted hair.
Keeping Pet Toys From Going Under Furniture
I was gonna say, theres no need to organize for me, lol, just look under the couch. I like the plexiglass idea.