Making Cherry Cake?
My mother & I used to make a cherry walnut chiffon cake & Mom taught me to toss the cherries in flour before folding into the batter. Just make sure you have lightly coated the entire surface of each cherry. That always worked for us so might be with a try...
Gluten Free Bread Recipe?
Udis now has a gluten-free bun on the market in various areas of the U.S. Red Robin has started using them & hear tell theyre listed now on their gluten-free menu in many locations. Udis or Rudis breads are pretty good. Look in the frozen food section where...
Preventing Email Spam?
Try setting up a separate yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc. account & use only that when giving out your e-mail addy on the net. I did that several years ago & check the account only about 2-3 times a week OR a little more if I know Ive recently used that account...
Helping a Child Become Vegetarian?
All the above ideas are great! Also trail mix is something our grandkids, kids & husband love. Easy to make & tailor to each persons preferences. Any dried fruit you like, your preference of any mix of unsalted nuts (we like to roast certain ones), coconut...
Low Fat Ice Cream Recipe?
Suggest you go to & type in low fat ice cream recipes. I found these 2 sites right immediately:
Lime Delight Jello Recipe?
Go to & type in Lime Delight Jello recipe & youll have a lot of links to check out. Hope you find the one thats just right! :)
Removing a Tight Ring?
Our local jeweler uses a spritz of Windex (or generic window cleaner) on the finger/ring. Doesnt hurt a thing & the ring comes right off! Has worked every time theyve used it for me. Good luck!
How Do I Make Brownies in Cupcake Liners?
Add an additional egg then just put in cupcake liners. Cant remember right off hand how long to bake but check the back of a brownie mix box for time. Also can Google brownie cupcakes if youre doing it from scratch. Enjoy!
Getting Dogs to Stop Marking Territory?
Check via Google for canine belly bands. A male who marks is just doing what instinct tells him to do so please dont punish them. You can find individuals as well as rescue organizations that sell male belly bands for less that $10 including shipping. I dont...
Homemade Dog Treats for Dog with Kidney Disease?
I googled & quickly found the following. Please remember to NOT use anything that has onion or garlic in it. Lkely is why they show making your own chicken broth is because dogs are NOT to have garlic or onion which is in most canned broths. www.peteducation...
Removing Embroidery Transfers From Fabric?
Not sure if it works but check out: Good luck!
Williams Sonoma Monkey Bread Recipe?
Go to google & type in gorilla bread recipe. I dont know about W&Ss recipe but Paula Deen has one that hear tell is quite yummy!
Beginners Pattern for a Large Afghan?
Strips of simple basketweave make a great afghan that has no wrong side. You can do it in any multiples you wish as well. They are warm as well & really make up lovely. :O) Enjoy!
Beginners Pattern for a Large Afghan?
Glad you like the pattern, MrsJim. It can be made on any size needles with any weight yarn. This pattern makes great scarves, too. Ive also made baby afghans with the pattern & everyone said they liked the warmth plus no wrong side made it very versatile. The...
Photos from HP Printer Have Blue Tint?
When mine does that, it means I need a new color ink cartridge. HP printers usually have a Toolbox selection in their settings where you can check the levels of both cartridges. Good luck.
Using Frozen Meatballs?
What about sharing with someone less fortunate that you? Perhaps a soup kitchen, a family who is out of work, elderly who cant cook for themselves, etc. Everyone comes out a winner!
Looking for a Safe Internal Flea Treatment?
PLEASE DO *NOT* give your dog garlic... it can kill them! Heres one of the may lists online to avoid for dogs: Ive tried brewers yeast in the past with really no success. Your best bet is to put Borax (found...