New Cleaning Use For An Old Toothbrush
I have always used old tooth brushes for cleaning but never thought to bend the handles. Thanks for the tip.
Harvesting Radishes?
Hello JosieAnn. Radishes are harvest ed according to size. Te best way to tell if they are the size you want is to uncover the top shoulders of the radish. I like mine to be about the size of a walnut. If they are left too long they become hallow in side. I...
Shucking Corn On The Cob?
Hello Susan. I dont believe that when shucking corn you can remove all the silks at one step. But you can get the most by dividing the top of the shucks in half gathering the majority of the silk and pulling down ward. Ofter that I take a toothbrush and brush...
Getting Rid of All Vegetation?
Find some old carpeting and cover the area you want to get rid of the grass and weeds in. t will keep the light out and that will kill any thing that grows. It will take some time though.
Puppy Keeps Crying and Can't Sleep?
He is probably cold and lonesome. Try giving him a soft cuddly toy and something that makes a soft noise like a ticking clock.
Basic History from Historical Movies
I love history. It is a real shame that our schools dont do a better job of teaching it in a more interesting way.
My Frugal Life: Going Home Again
My grandmother raised chickens for food n the 30s and My dad would always tease the roosters when he was growing up.
Removing Sticky Label Residue on Plastic Jars?
Hello Richard. I have used a product called googone. But I have found that any oil will do the job.Just rub the oil on the spot where the label was. Keep rubbing and soon the label residue will be gone the just wash with soap and hot water.
Removing Sticky Label Residue on Plastic Jars?
Hello Richard. I have used a product called googone. But I have found that any oil will do the job.Just rub the oil on the spot where the label was. Keep rubbing and soon the label residue will be gone the just wash with soap and hot water.
How Do I Get Rid of Ants in the Kitchen?
I hate ants. I have gotten rid of them using baking soda sprinkled around the edges and on the mounds if you can find them.
My Cat is Pooping Outside of the Box!
Our kitty was more than a year old and would poop in front of her litter box if there was any poop left in the box for even one day. She was very picky about it being clean. Since I was home all the time it was up to me to make sure that her litter box was...
Crocheting Small Puffy Scrubbers?
We got some larger one at a farmers market. I have seen these and love them but would like to know what kind of thread or yarn is used in them and where to get it.
Lizard Repellents?
Unless the lizard is nn your house I would let them alone. They are good bug eater.
Dog Pooping in My Bed?
Dear Amy you might look at something that might have up set your dog. We had a cat that always used the litter box until my son got married his new wife didnt like the cat and threw things at her. The cat then started peeing on the rug in her bathroom. But...
Why Did My Cornbread Turn Out Dry?
Thank You AntiBim. I remember adding mayonnaise to chocolate cake to keep them moist and adding it to corn bread makes a lot of sense. Thank you so much.
Crystallized and Hard Honey?
Pure honey will keep for ever so dont even consider tossing it out. Honey can be softened by placing the container in hot water. since it is such a large container I would only soften a small amount at a time.
Bunny Is Eating Shredded Paper in Litterbox?
You should also give your bunny some wood to chew on. If you dont his teeth will keep growing and give him problems.
Getting Rid of Refrigerator Odors?
Does you fridge have a drip tray? You might try moving the fridge and see if something is under it.
Ideas for Organizing Storage on Closet Shelves?
As Missy MM suggested use cardboard boxes and cover them. I see some electric cords hanging there to. If you fold them up you can store them in toilet paper tube that you can decorate too. Put labels on the boxes and tubes to make it easier to identify the...
Can I Reuse Cat Litter Containers for Food Storage?
I would not use a cat litter bucket for food storage unless it had the numbers 2,4,5 to indicate it was safe for food. Other wise it may leach toxins and other harm full chemicals into the food.
Splotches (Cat)
We had a cat that looked just like your tortoise shell cat. She would flick her tail when she was annoyed about something.
What Plant is Also Known as Sheep Shar or Shire?
In the early 1900 my grand mother talked about eating what she called lambs quarters because it came up before the gardens were ready to eat. It was their way of getting fresh vegetables because it grew faster. This may be what your talking about. I looked...
Freezing Uncooked Oatmeal?
I always freeze my oatmeal and any other grain product. It kills eggs of those bugs that are found in all grains. Storing the grains and flour products in the freezer if you dont expect to use it all with in the dates suggested will make it stay fresh longer...
Removing Corn Silk?
When you first shuck the corn you take and divide the silks and the shucks in half at the same time. Then pull down ward. That should take care of most of the silks.
Use Tinted Car Window Film For Home
This is a great idea. I put this window treatment up on my big patio windows about 4 years ago and left it year round. I also close the blinds during the hot part of the day. This has made a big difference in the electric bill. I dont have to worry about any...
Getting White Clothes White Again
I got this recipe from Heloise many years go and have used it often over he years. it really does work.
Whitening a Football Jumper?
Some years ago Heleoise published a recipe for getting gray out of socks I have used it to whiten white uniforms. My measurements are not exact but they work. To a gallon of hot water add about a cup of dish washer powder and a splash of bleach. Let it stand...
What Are the Brown Bumps on My Tiger Lily Stem?
Those things are probably the seeds. If you let them drop they will make new plants. as far as the ants go try some cinnamon. I understand that ants dont like it.
Getting Rid of Meal Bugs in Flour?
Hello Diedra. The eggs for these bugs are already in the flour when you buy it. The secret is to keep them from hatching. Next time you buy flour put it in the freezer for a few days and that will kill the eggs. also make sue you store your flour and other...
Cleaning Sticky Residue from a Mirror?
Any kind of cooking oil will resolve the tape residue. I put some on a cotton ball or paper towel and rub it around and soon the gooey tape residue comes loose then wash as usual.
What is This Plant?
It looks like trumpet vine. The humming birds here like it. It grows along the road side and is an aggressive plant. You have to prune it often or it will take over. So think twice before planting it in your yard.
Removing Gum from Hair
Actually any oil will also remove the gum. Its the oil in the peanutbutter that loosens the gum.
Swing Bottle to Remove Contents
I just store my bottles upside down in the fridges. Stand it up in a cup.
Celery For Heartburn
If your friend has heartburn that much she should have it checked by her Dr. It can lead to cancer of the esophagus over time.
Removing Label Residue On Bottles?
I always use a little cooking oil It works great for gum in the hair too. Just put a dab on the the label and keep rubbing until it is gone.
Tips for Stretching Butter?
I like to use extra virgin olive oil instead of canola or other vegetable oils. Extra virgin olive oil is much healthier and helps with heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer, and asthma. I just use about 1/2 cup of olive oil with 1 pound of...
Cleaning A Pet Hair Clean-Up Brush
I just tried your idea and it really works. I thought when the brush was full I would have to throw it away. I give you a big thank you for coming up with a way to reuse it.
Homemade Purified Water for Facials?
You can make purified water by bring your water to a boil in a clean container. Bring the water to a boil then let it cool when it has cooled store it in a very clean container.
Cat Toy from Ponytail Holders
Our kitty loves to chase the large crunchies. She tosses them in the air and hides them under rugs then carries them around the house. She wont play with other toys except the pull tabs from the 1/2 gallon juice cartons too.
Getting Rid of Flour Beetles
Any time I bring home any grain based products, I always put them in the freezer for a few days and this kills those pesky little eggs. I never have any problems with those bugs hatching. It is the warmth of the cupboards that causes them to hatch.
Removing Burnt Spaghetti Sauce From Pan?
The best thing that works for me when I burn anything in my stainless steel pans is to put water and plenty of baking soda in the pan and heat to a boil. turn off the heat and let the pan sit for several hours. This will remove burnt on food very easily with...
Walnut Shells Filled With Surprises
I like that idea. it is very interesting and Im going to try it. Thanks for sharing.
Working at Home?
Those so called jobs stuffing envelopes are scams. They get you to invest in lists to send the stuffing envelope job to other people. You are required to makes copies of the letter you get and mail it to others wanting work at home jobs. You should never pay...
Add Pumpkin Pie Spice to Coffee Grounds
I like this idea. My granddaughter is always trying new coffee and likes this one. As you said it will save on her pocket book.
Buying Bulk Spices
This is a great way to save and it also gives you a chance to try new herbs or spice you might not have because of the expense.
Crafty Uses for Game Pieces?
My son made a purse for my granddaughter with the game board from. You could do something like that and glue the pieces on the board or make some jewelry.
Halloween: Smarty Pants Costume
What a neat idea for a cute Halloween costume. one could do this with different kinds of candies too, like Babe Ruth
What is Cake Flour?
You can make your own cake flour by sifting 3/4 cup bleached all purpose flour and 2 tablespoons of corn starch.
Use Adjustable Chair for Low Work
This looks like a great idea for those of us who cant get down on the floor too.
Uses for Old Coffee Cups?
If the cup is good sized plant some violets or other plant and give them as gifts.
Turn Off the Lights Kids (or it Will Cost You)
I did this with my grand kids. Only they were younger and charged them a dime. One week they didnt get an allowance. Soon they were turning off the lights all the time. Now we make sure that any electronic equipment not being used is also unplugged.
Store Dry Goods in Refrigerator or Freezer
I just freeze my staples a couple of days and that will kill those weevil.
Mash and Freeze Sale Potatoes
This is a great idea. Ive been doing this for some time now. You can also slice them and have ready to fry potatoes.
Use Parchment Paper for Easy Cooking
This is a great idea because im always looking for easy cleanup. I may try to freeze some dishes in the parchment too.
Should I Choose Brown or White Eggs?
White shelled eggs are produced by hens with white feathers and ear lobes. Brown shelled eggs are produced by hens with red feathers and red ear lobes. There is no difference in taste or nutrition between white and brown eggs unless they are free range. The...
Measuring Shortening (Crisco)
Back in the day when we had to take some home ec, we were taught all kinds of tricks, It work as well for any very thick substance like peanut butter too.
Be Careful Not To Damage Spiderwebs
We have one hanging around the front door right now. I think he has moved from the back yard garden to the front door. It looks just like the one you have pictured. I like to see these spiders. They are wonderful at keeping flies and other bugs away from the...
Sparrows Damaging Burning Bushes?
You might try putting one of those toy snakes on the top of the bush to scar the sparrows away.
Black Bugs in Rice Products?
I have also found these little bugs in my dry bean, so these days I freeze every kind of pasta bean and rice and flour at least over night when i first bring them home. Then I dont have any problems with the grains or beans or rice being stored in the cupboard...
Buying Bulk Spices?
We have two health food stores in our area that sell groceries and other health items. They have a very good assortment of herbs and spices and thats where I get most of mine. They are so much cheaper than the grocery store
Vegan Cupcake Recipe?
Ground Flaxseed can be used to replace eggs in baking It is 1 table spoon flaxseed to 3 tablespoons of water mix it together until smooth. This will replace one egg.
Gluing Decorative Stones to a Shirt?
Aleens has a glue called jewel it that is great for gluing hard-to-hold jewels and embellishments permanently. It hold through washing and is flexible. you can get it at Joanns fabric and craft store for $2.79. I have also seen it at Walmart in the craft department...
Does Your Age Affect Your SS Disability Benefits?
No age does not affect your SS disability. I was on SSI disability before going on to the the retirement SS. You can apply for the retirement or stay on you disability.
The Eco-Scoop On Dog Poop
I have a problem with flush it. It has been found that there is a lot of residue from medications that are flushed either because they are on good any more or are from body waste. These are showing up in our drinking water because they cant be filtered out...
Moving a Stove?
If you have a gas line it is best not to move it at all because you might cause the gas line to be weakened at the connecting seal. I was told this be a gas man years ago. Best to remove the bottom drawer.
Sugar is Too Moist?
I have always kept a soda cracker in my sugar jar to absorb any moisture. It works very good for me. I live in a humid state. I also keep rice in my salt shaker to keep it dry. I learned this many years ago working in a cafe.
Planting Potatoes?
I found this article using old tires for several gardening plants. It gives instruction for several uses including planting potatoes.
Cat Scratching Woodwork?
I have put some vasoline in the areas of walls and wood where my kitty wants to use as a scratching post. It has worked very well for me. She didnt like the feel of it. When she stopped scratching I just washed it of.
Wandering Jew Plant As Medicine
WOW, My grandmother always had this plant in her home. And we never had any idea that it would help with hands pains. she suffered for a lot of years with arthritis and didnt need to if we had only known about this plant Thanks for sharing.
Using Pencil in Address Books
I have been doing this for years. Over 20 to be exact. My Address book also has my 21 year old granddaughters foot prints just after she was born. The nurse took my address book into the nursery and put her foot prints in it for me when they were doing them...
Recipes for "Canned" Cream Soups?
I found these recipes already posted on thriftyfun
Freezing Scalloped Potatoes?
Sure you can freeze them. I freeze potatoes all the time. With scalloped potatoes; cook them until they are almost done then let them cool before putting them in the freezer.
Homemade Ketchup Came Out Watery?
Dont add any thing. Simmer it until you get the thickness that you want.
Sharpening Hedge Shears?
Yes you can sharpen your hedge shears. Using a file you sharpen one side of each blade. I have also sharpened my loppers.
Are Eggs Shells Bad for a Garbage Disposal?
I have had a garbage disposal for years. The only time I ever had any trouble with it was when I put a large number of egg shells and potato peeling in it. The membrain was the problem with the egg shell not the shells them selves. The membrains just arent...
Paper Mache Pumpkin?
When I was a kid in school we made paper mache maps.with the mountians and all. We cut up newspaper really small. Then we added liquid starch. You could maybe form this around a balloon then b=give it the ridges that pumpkins have. some recipes call for white...
Emergency Pie Pan
I wish I had thought about doing this last Thursday. My granddaughter wanted to make a couple of blueberry pieas and we only had one pie pan.
Uses for Lavender?
Did you know that you can make a tea with lavender? I have made lavender rice too. they have a very subtle flavor. Lavender is a ver soothing aroma. Recipes are here
Runza: The Original Hot Pocket
My family used to make these when I was growing up. My aunt was married to a man of Russian decent and she learned to make them from her. We called them cabbage burgers. There are several Runza drive through s in Nebraska, Colorado and Kansas and Iowa.
Can You Paint Latex Paint over Enamel?
Since enamel is a very smooth paint you have to rough it up first by sanding it.
Green Stuff Appearing In Ice Cubes?
It just might be time to get that hose replaced. it sounds like some kind of mold from setting water. I dont know if mold can get inside a hose like that but that is what I would do. You might be able to do it your self.
Looking For Powdered Egg Replacement Recipe?
Flax seed is a very good way to get omega-3 into your diet so as those above me have said that is what I use. Grind the seeds in a coffee grinder then add the water.