Toilet Ring Cleaning Technique
I do something similar, but use less toxic chemicals (and less steps). I simply pour plain white vinegar into my toilet. About a cup will do. I swish it around a bit with the brush and let it sit for 1/2 hour. Then all I have to do is swish it once more and...
Drape Christmas Lights Around Each Branch
Ive done this method for about 35 years. It works best with Noble Fir (my favorite) or Frasier Fir, as their branches are very sturdy and nicely spaced to accommodate lights and ornaments for displaying. Works equally well with artificial trees. Great technique...
Removing Soap Scum from Tiles?
CLR is poison. Just check the label. You have to wear gloves while using that stuff! Id go with just plain vinegar. Put it in a spray bottle, spray it on, let it soak in, spray again, wait for half an hour, then scrub with a stiff brush (plastic or natural...
Boosting My Energy Level?
Youre allowing your body to work on a sugar-rush. Leave the candies alone. Sugar is poison to a persons body. Did you know that cancer cells (which we all have, btw) thrive on sugar? I suggest you take vitamin B-12 for energy instead. If you need something...
Costume Ideas for a "Celebrity Couples" Themed Dance?
Bonnie and Clyde would be great costumes to wear and fun, too!
Decorating Motorcycles for "Toys in Toyland" Christmas Parade?
The way I decorate my Harley for toy runs is really simple. I get garland (the fake green tree-type, not the shiny plastic type), and wrap it around my handlebars. If its too long, I get wire cutters and snip the excess off. Then I get a battery-operated light...
Add Sawdust Before Charcoal Grilling
Beware of this, however: Do not use plywood sawdust. It has adhesives gluing that plywood together that should not be used for food prep! (or in animal bedding). Also: treated lumber is TOXIC. DO NOT USE any sawdust UNLESS its PURE WOOD: Oak, Pecan, Mesquite...
Other Uses for Mouthwash?
If youre using the Original Listerine (amber in color), put some in a spray bottle. Spray yourself when going outside, especially on your skin. Mosquitos will leave you alone! Again this has to be the original Listerine, not the flavored ones.
Garden: Toilet Paper Seed Strips
Seems to me itd have to be some sort of water-based glue. When watered, it would soften and break down. Something like Elmers, perhaps?
Making Doll House Miniatures from Recycled Materials?
Most of the posts have been for FABRIC material. For wood materials (for the making of mini-furniture, go to your local cabinet maker. My boyfriend is a cabinet maker specializing in custom work, and has to throw out scraps of wood all the time. These leftovers...
Having a Murder Mystery Party?
You go girl! This sounds like its going to be an awesome Halloween Party! Wish I were there! I agree with the use lights suggestion. Candles, although very nice and authentic, can be very dangerous. Use those new LED look-alike candles being sold everywhere...
WD-40 and Razor Blade to Clean Shower Doors
To prevent all this hard work for yourself in the future, keep a spray bottle filled with regular vinegar and water in the shower. (I use 2/3 parts vinegar to 1 part water). After your shower, simply spray the doors, the shower walls, your faucets...everything...
Copper Pans Turned Blue After Cleaning?
Vinegar and salt...great idea. You might also try to cover the bottoms with ketchup. Let it sit for a couple of hours, then rinse. Mine come out beautiful!
Using EVOO To Remove Chicken Pox Scars?
Gabriella, Go out and get a bar of Cocoa Butter. Keep applying this to your scars. In time, theyll go away. I did this to a very serious burn I had on my thigh and you cant even tell anymore. Cocoa Butter is also natural, inexpensive and available in any pharmacy...
Making Dog Treats Using Cheerios?
If these are the plain Cheerios (i.e., not sugar-coated, or honey-flavored), just mix the cereal along with his regular food. Easy, simple, and hell thank you! It seems this cereal is beneficial to many included. My pond koi and goldfish love...