Perspiration Odor On Work Shirts?
After washing, hang the shirts out in the sun. It works best on wet shirts, but may work okay on dry shirts. Find a dry and a bit windy day, and leave them out all day turned inside out, with armpits getting sunlight. The shirts will be crisp and smell nice...
Cleaning a Sheepskin Rug?
I used sheepskin rugs with my son as a baby and still have them as rugs! You didnt say what the backing is, so my post is for sheepskins that have skin backing. Guess what, you can wash them in the wash machine! Wash on cold with Woolite. Hang to dry, I just...
Recipe for Non Custard Boston Cream Pie?
Make a yellow cake mix, use butter instead of oil or make a pound cake. Icing is cocoa, powdered sugar, vanilla and add BOILING water until thick but still runny, pour on cake.
Water Marks On Nubuck Shoes?
Im not clear if the problem is dirt, dark water stains, or white water marks. For dirt, try saddle soap, but be careful. For dark stains, try a bit of baking soda/water paste on a soft brush and gently brush the marks. For white water marks, use the soft brush...
Stretch Your Food Budget By Making Hearty Stews and Soups
One great way to make inexpensive stews is to get different curry pastes. A container of paste usually contains onions and various spices, depending on the cuisine. You can also get lemongrass paste. The pastes cost $0.50-2.00 at Asian food stores, some are...