Reviews of American Slip Meter?
Thanks danward! I just browsed their site, and it looks like its going to help a lot. It looks like the cheapest that Ive found as well.
Saving Money on Dishwasher Detergent?
I seem to save money buying the powdered versions than the liquid. Especially with laundry detergents also.
Trimming a Cat's Claws?
Im highly against declawing. It is very inhumane and extremely painful for the cats. Ive never trimmed my cats claws. just my dogs (at the vets). They have something called soft paws and they are something you slip over the cats claws. Its painless and you...
Can't Open Yahoo Mail Account?
I tried logging in to one of my yahoo email accounts for work yesterday and the same thing happened to me :/ I ha
Removing Stains on White Clothing?
An oxyclean bleach pen would work. Any one those special house hold stain removers would work. what kind of stain is it, and how long has it been sitting in the fabric? Whatever you do, when a stain first happens, dont run it under hot water! Use cold. The...
What Breed is My Puppy?
She looks like a mixture of a few different things, but it shouldnt matter. Just love her for who she is! =)
Removing Acrylic from Big Toe?
You need to go to the salon and let them handle it. Whatever is going on sounds painful and not good!
Making a Craft Stick House?
If you are talking about a small/simple craft, I would use Popsicle sticks, paint them, add other things with glue and then glue them together into a house or whatever you are making. Not sure if that is what youre talking about though.
Foods Safe For Dogs?
I wouldnt suggest table scraps in the first place for dogs, but if you must do so, the things you mentioned arent going to kill your dog. I wouldnt feed that stuff to small breeds though.
Resolving a Medical Bill When on Medicare?
Call the people that billed you, and tell them to contact your medicare. You shouldnt have to pay. Hope you get that straighten out. Medical bills are so frustrating.
Ideas for a Surprise Birthday Party?
Go with a nature theme, lots of colors etc., have cake, ice cream. You know the deal.
What is Edamame?
Its a type of bean. Kind of looks like a snap pea. They are delicious! You have to try them. My mouth is watering right now thinking about it. :)
Substituting Oil for Butter in a Box Cake Recipe?
Im sure youll be okay. It might turn out a little bit different, but who knows! I say give it a try.
Removing a Red Wine Stain on Clothing?
If it recently happened, use cold water to wash it out with soap. youre going to have to use some kind of tide pen or special wash to get it out if you just let it sit there.
Feeding Three Week Old Kitten?
Oh my gosh, thats horrible. I would take the kitten to the vet ASAP. Its not worth it for the cat to be suffering.