Cat is Throwing Up Food?
Years ago I had a dog, she did the same thing. Most of the food was half and half, chewed. The vet said to raise the food up off the floor, they can only swallow fast at ground level. I will tell u this, it worked well. She had to take smaller amounts at a...
Recipes with Tender Meat?
If you want to cook, close to normal things. Pour a can of coke in the pan, with your meat. I thought, oh that will be nasty. You can not tell it is in there. Your meat will NOT be sweet. It also makes the darkest gravy, to. Just try it once with a roast in...
Building a Raised Vegetable Garden?
I use blocks holes turned up.I plant onions,garlic, herbs and flowers in the holes.I have had gardens, with diff. woods. The block will last, almost forever.Besides you can replace one, easy and cheap. Alot of times you can get them free, just look around.
Tips for Freezing Leftovers?
I use a vacuum. sealer (food saver). My sister just got one, and loves it. 3 of my friends use mine, all the time. I have had mine for about 7 years.
Removing Poop Odor from Garden?
Lime, it will not hurt, any thing or anyone. Gardeners put lime, in our gardens every year.
Favorite Potato Recipes?
I wrap mine in foil and bake. I peel them and cut up, into med. chunk and freeze. When I want fried potatoes for breakfast or dinner. Dump frozen in pan and cook until brown.
Cola as Cheap Steak Marinade
I have done this, and it works good. A lady at bi-lo told me this years ago,I ??ed it.U can not taste the sugar and makes your gravy so dark and rich looking.Makes the meat so tender.
Recipe Ideas for Potato Crisps?
Have U ever made potato chip cookies ? A older polish woman who lived next door use to make them, when I was a teen. We use to grab and run,so gooooood. U would not know chips, were in them.
Raised Beds Made With Rocks?
I have a small hand book, stone gardens. You are more than welcome to it. Let me know, I will mail it to you.
Storing Frozen Vegetables?
A old -old timmer, told me this one. He told me to put raw veggie in a double cheap,paper lunch bag.He said,just fold and freeze. He said the paper, will not let it get freeze burn.I have done everything, but corn on the cob.
Removing Old Blood Stains from Fabric?
409 takes out all blood stains. My sister told me this 30 yrs. ago, works!
Use Your Crockpot as an Oven
I do the same, here. I wrap my acorn squash, potatoes foil, so good.If you wrap them real tight, you can put diff. stuff in at the same time.
Getting Replacement DTV Converter Coupons?
I agree, use a friends name and address, that its all you need to do.
Reheating a Baked Potato?
I put mine in a cheap baggy, the kind with the flap. Put in the micowave for about 30 sec. ( flap side down ) I even cook potatoes this way if in a hurry, they stay moist and fluffy.
Stretching Ankle Boots?
In the army they would stand in a pail of water, with boots on. They would wear untill dry, perfect fit.I know this sounds bad but,my boyfriend said it was the only way.Their boot where new, stiff and hard.
Creating Quality Compost Through The Winter?
I use concret blocks, to form my compost bin.You can use wire cages, right in your garden.You can bury your waste,in the garden.Go to organic gardening. com, they have a newbie diss. group. You will love this site !!
Adhesive for Card Making?
How about mog pog, it dries clear. If you get it on a part you do not want it on, no biggie. In most of the times, you paint it on the front to seal it. Most people use it, to decoupage. You use it to put paper to paper, and paper to wood etc. Dries clear, good...
Recommendations for New Cookware?
I have a set of revereware, copper bottom. I got my first set a year before my son was born. My son will be 30. The only reason I had to buy another set was, they seem to disappear. They are not $$ either.Almost 30 yrs. later,I still have and use them. I only...
My Dog Died Suddenly?
I had mine for 12 yrs .For years she would cough until she gagged. I thought she was going to throw-up, then was fine. When she got older, she did this more and more. Over night it seems, she seem to get worse. Took her to the vet, he put her on meds, but no...
Ivory Vs. Zest Bar Soap?
All bar soap has talc powder in them so they, stay as a bar form.This is what causes the film, in your showers and tubs. See if what you use, comes in liquid form. Another thing, buy a Squeegie. Use soft side to rub a little and the rubber to remove. Five min...
Keeping Buns Warm in a Crockpot?
If you have use of a micowave, try this.Wet a paper bag put buns in, heat for 20 sec.You can use wet hand towels to,the same way. Good Luck
Hydrangea Flowers Have No Color?
You can change the color by, adding acid. I got this out of the, bhg magazine. It said you do not have to buy colored ones, to get color. It said to add acid type things, to change the color. It has worked for me.
Keeping Soup Noodles from Absorbing Broth?
Have you tried cooking in a pot separate.If you want them to have some flavor, add chicken bouillon to the water. This way they have soaked up most of what,they are going to.
Freezing Scalloped Potatoes?
I freeze mashed potatoes all the time.I put them in zip-lock baggie, mash flat and push air out. BX Barb ,if potatoes are not cooked all the way, might be your problem. OR air getting to them, thats why baggie. Try one of these, it might be it. To heat up use...
Making Compost With Pet Waste?
Any living thing that eats meat, their waste should not go in the compost pile! If really want to learn about compost, go to You do not have be organic to love this site!
Bugs In Compost Pile?
Check out organic Like I said before, You do not need to be total organic to love this site.
Can I prune old myrtle tree flowers?
I know this is not a real feed back. My boy friend (no longer here). He planted one and said, do not give it a hair cut. He tied a few branches together and said, do not cut! I want it to grow like a tree, not a bush. It is still a bush, 2-3 years later. I...
Skillet Alternative?
Is it the handle melting,you are worried about? Just wrape the handle in foil first.I saw this on many, shows.
Keeping Pickled Cucumbers and Okra Crunchy?
Always cool, your liquids first. After cooling, process anyway you want.I have never, used hot liquids over anything. You would be cooking it, before processing it. Canning or frig.type recipes.
Recipes Using Very Tart Tomatoes?
Next year see if they have the, same kind in low acid. If they do not plant 2-3 plants anyways, and try this. Add epson salts to the hole and cover with soil, plant like norm.Side dress with more epson salts and water.(after blooming).Epson salts adds sweetness...
Rolodex Style Recipe Holder?
I have a older one, that the cover rolls over the top .Is this what you are looking for?
Helpful Hints for Great Gravy
Did you know? It takes half the amount of cornstarch,as it does flour.You will taste less that paste flavor, with cornstarch. It take half the amount arrowroot as it does cornstarch, Arrowroot has no taste. Just asking,if anyone heard about arrowroot or uses...
Slugs In The Kitchen?
Put copper tape across the bottom of your doors, outside.They will NOT cross the copper. Hardware stores or Lowes will have some. Since it is a tape, just peel and stick.
Keeping Grass From Growing in a Flower...
Preem is good to prevent weed seeds from sprouting, will not kill weeds.To kill grass that is already there, use a heavey tarp. Place it on the ground and leave it there.If you leave it long enough it, will kill the roots and all. You can cut it any shape, you...
Other Uses for a Spice Rack?
My oldest sister years ago,collected mini bottles.(booze) She would not open them,said the seal could not be broken.I was never sure, about the seal thing.She hung them in the kitchen,it looked like that was where they belonged.She rented alittle house,with...