Infected Ingrown Toenail?
You can go to your family doctor or an emergency clinic but you HAVE to get to a doctor. Theres no shortcuts here.
Making Chicken and Dumplings?
If youre referring to the frozen kind I dont see why not. Would probably be something like the southern rolled dumplings. Give it a go and report back!
Using Yeast for a Septic System?
No it doesnt. This is an old myth that needs to end now! There are certain bacteria for fats, proteins, feces, urine, etc and each works only on that which it is made to digest. Use the bacteria you buy specifically for septic tanks. Once every 3 months is...
Meatless "Meatloaf"
I imagine this recipe would be delicious, but...also, very expensive to make. Nuts are not cheap and pine nuts are very expensive and difficult to find east of the Mississippi. For those of us who come here to find frugal recipes, this would not be one of them...
Put Timer on Water Heater
When I began doing this my electric bill dropped 20.00 that first month and Ive never looked back! Thats a savings of $240.00 a year!