Air Mattresses Recommendations and Alternatives?
I recently bought the Coleman Queen Size Double-High Air Bed from WalMart. The internet add is more expensive than what I found in stores. The great thing about a double high is even if it deflates a little through the night your son will not wake up on the...
Displaying Cupcakes at a Party?
I like to display cupcakes or pastries on tiered pedestal serving plates. This gives your food/dessert table some height and a focal point. I bought a 3 tiered set from World Market for around $20. Also try Target and Wal-Mart. Susan Dallas, TX
Boyfriend's 30th Birthday Party?
You can always ask friends and family to pitch in. Try setting a menu and asking for volunteers to help with food, refreshments, and decorations. Dont be afraid to ask for help. See what his close friends think would make the evening special. As long as he...