Opening a Stuck Drawer?
Get an old fashioned bottle cap opener,useful for opening coke or beer bottles,place the hook of the opener under the drawer (hook up)gently pry along several places it will open do the lower drawer first . Never be without these openers great for opening vacuem...
Wasps in My Bedroom?
Grab the hair spray and spray it it cannot send a message at this point it will stiffen and drop to the floor and cannot bite you that will give you time to track thier entrance.I am allergic to thier venom and this works great
Too Much Basil in Spaghetti Sauce?
Make another batch and dont add basil; mix second batch with the first. Also if you have too much, freeze some for future use. It freezes very well. Enjoy
Ideas for Preventing Falls in the Shower?
Sorry about your fall. Where I live we have bars side and end of tub and that is a great help, but to make it even safer I place towel in the bathtub. When Im ready to get out I hang onto the bars, and with my feet scoot the towel to the end of the tub. Then...
Name Ideas for a House Cleaning and Dog Walking Business?
Call your business Brave and Eager House cleaning and dog walking
Removing Dark Nail Polish From a Duvet?
I cant tell you how to remove the stain but I can tell you what I did when I had the same stain on my duvet cover.I shopped around in the fabric stores untill I found a small applique larger than the stain( im my case it was a white duvet cover with lace border...
Home Remedies for Kidney Stones?
I had a kidney stone the size of a 50cent piece of course I had to have it removed, but there remained pieces I refused to have surgery again. I had a wonderful urologist and he understood,so he told me to drink all the lime juice I could. Not limeade, lime...
Home Remedy for Pomeranian Hairballs?
Brush as much as you can then find a dry cat food with hairball control it might work and she might like it. Good luck.
What Breed is My Dog?
Jenny the position your dog is lying in looks exactly like a doberman pup I had only Julius was black then we had the ears and tails cropped he was a pedigree his real name was julius ceaser of course . Mruland your dog looks somewhat stockier,perhaps in the...
Treating a Puppy With Parvo in a Home With Another Unvaccinated Puppy?
Sorry you have this problem. My daughter had a doberman and she gave birth,all of the pups came down with parvo.come to find out the mother was a carrier of parvo,too late to save the puppies,I dont understand much of this but later my daughter moved out of...
Paint Color Advice for Room With Blue Carpet?
I think a light beige on all walls and a cream color on one then you can accent the room with different shades of blue be sure to use some blues from the carpet some green plants I think once you apply the paint you will know exactly how to accent I have given...
Storing and Using Plastic Grocery Bags
I am so glad to read that someone else does this. It is the same principal as the electric litter boxes dispose of the waste. Only much cheaper I do hang a mask on a hook, and use it each time I clean the litter box to avoid the dust. Thank you.
Octagon Soap Wrapper Dishes?
Octagon is made by Colgate company, get in touch with them and they might be able to help
Getting Rid of Mildew Smell in Home?
Go to a rock shop and buy some lava rock, its very inexpensive. Put it around the problem area, it works.
Tips for Freezing Leftovers?
Place food in small ziplock sandwich bags make sure all air is out then place bags in large freezer ziplock bag again press down so you can release air and now the grand finale. Place large freezer bag in a large brown paper bag make it as flat as you can place...