Organizations That Assist Low Income Families Get Free Furniture?
I would like to share this information with the folks looking for organizations that supply free mattresses. A few years ago, I was shopping for furniture, for our family room. I visited all big box furniture stores in Chicago (Value City, Ashleys, The Room...
Motivating Myself to Clean and Organize?
As others have advised, you should first checked with your doctor, to determine there is not a medical condition causing you fatigue. One thing that assists me, is to use a timer. I use the same type, teachers use, for testing purposes. I set it for 20 minutes...
Use Snow To Water Houseplants
Im really not trying to be sarcastic, but how are there nutrients in snow?
Reusing the Cardboard Backs from Children's Puzzles?
You could also, take another piece of cardboard, around the same size, or even a little larger, as long as the second piece over-lapses the puzzle frame. Then, have an adult cut the edges, of this second piece, with something like a Stanley or razor knife, so...
Cat Repellent Spray?
Petsmart carries a number of sprays that you can use. We have the same problem with a neighbors cat spraying outside our house. We use a brand called Indoor/Outdoor Pet Control. It seems to work pretty well. We just leave the can outside in our bushes and spray...
Hand Out Snack Bags to the Homeless
I have done similar things for many years. I keep a ready supply of umbrellas, gloves, hats, chap-sticks, hand lotion and $5.00 gift cards for fast food restaurants, in my car. I dont like to hand out anything like soap, shampoo or toothpaste, as some people...
Opening Presents One At A Time
Thats how we do Christmas in our family and you are right. It is just a wonderful way to share the gift giving, and have an all-inclusive conversation. However, we dont go in a circle. We start with the youngest child, continue with the next oldest and so on...