Link: Bad Food For Dogs
Another good site for that info and more:
Inexpensive Ideas For Wrapping Large Present?
We keep many types of garbage bags on hand, so in addition to the ones I recycle from shopping, we use the right size, type, weight, etc. The largest and strongest bags I have are the contractor bags and they are incredibly thick and heavy. I would put that...
Saving Labels from Beer Bottles?
He wants to reuse the bottles, not the labels. He collects beer bottle labels. Thanks for the otherwise great suggestions!
Good Dog For Apartment Living?
The best dogs Ive ever owned are Boston Terriers. Try for a rescued adult, so the hyper puppyness is all gone. They are totally unique and loveable and will adore you more than you can imagine. You will love coming home to him or her! And 25 hours is a very...
Make a Bathroom Vanity from an Old...
I would imagine she shortened the drawers so the plumbing would fit, or only uses the ones not affected by the plumbing, like the top left and bottom drawers. This is absolutely gorgeous! Great job!!!
Return Junk Mail To Sender
Folks, while all this sending mail back to the companies might make you feel good at the time, you need to know that using their postage reply envelopes for anything other than a legitimate business purpose is a postal crime. Would you really like to be subjected...
Helping Others with the Costs of a New Dog
Gotta go with the general consensus here. Adopting pets is the best way to get one, but springing an unknown on to a family isnt good for the dog or the family. They must choose one another. Our latest adoptee is a Boston Terrier and she was purchased for her...