Rotten Egg Smell in House?
I do believe I have heard that natural gas has an ingredient added that smells like rotten eggs. This is added because natural gas has no smell. You may want to call the gas company and ask them about the smell and see what they say. Mary in Camden, MI
Storing Food in a Winterized House?
I would not leave the food, it will draw rodents. I grew up in Westland 2 blocks behind the Dunkin Donuts on Ford & Wildwood. Boy, that area sure has changed a lot since I was a kid and thats why we have since moved to Hillsdale county. Mary in Camden, MI
Pay Your Child Support
I agree that any parent that is not living in the home with the child should make child support a priority above everything but it does not always mean the child(ren) will have respect as an adult. My hubby did what he was suppose to do and more and one of...