What are the Most Cost Effective Leftover Food Storage Products?
Margarine tubs are going to be even cheaper than any bags you can buy. I buy the 1 kg tubs which are obviously bigger, but sometimes the smaller ones are handy too. Plus they stack easily in the freezer too. :)
Thrifty Homemade Dog Toys?
Cut up bits of an old pair of jeans into strips, and braid a few pieces to make rope toys..they last well as they are tough material.
Anchor Tea Bags With a Clothespin
Huh? Why dont you just pour boiling water into the cup with the tea bag? Trust me, we Brits love our tea and know these things!
Ground Cover for Shady Pet Play Yard?
I had the same problem, so I shingled the back garden. Just incase the translation isnt the same, that was 3 tonnes of pebbles! Works a treat and no muddy footprints!
Aloe Vera for Dry Hands?
I use baby oil when I shower to help my very dry skin. Before towelling off I rub in the oil, and it really helps a lot, though you do have to wash your towels more often.
Tips for Hang Drying Clothing
If you are expecting a frost overnight, leave your washing out on the line...the frost softens the fabric! For more delicate tops, put them on a clothes hangar and peg the hangar to the line. If you have a problem with pet hair, the wind is great! Just remember...
Gardening With Children?
You just have to grow giant sunflowers! Kids love them as they recognise them easily, and you can have a competition to see whos grows the tallest!
How Often Should I Water My Garden?
If you are growing veggies, you probably ought to be watering most days. Squash, melons and corn are all VERY thirsty plants, so those should be done everyday.
Recycled Windows to Build a Green House?
Try joining your local freecycle online, you can get everything on there!
Gardening: Wintering Plants
I do this too! It saves so much money! I have just moved my geraniums, chocolate cosmos and loads of others off my dining table and into a cloche in the garden to start hardening them off again. I also bought some ill looking plants cheap at the garden centre...
My Frugal Life: A Fan of ThriftyFun
Thats brilliant Dee! Any time I have a problem, whether it be stains or craft ideas, I come to Thrifty Fun, its great! Its excellent that such wonderful people are willing to share their experiences and what works and what doesnt!
Wood Floor Recommendations for a House With Dogs?
I have 5 medium size dogs, and I can highly recommend laminate, but unfortunately I live in the UK, so the brand would not be of any help to you.
Ideas for 80th Birthday Favors?
How about little potted plants? Sounds strange I know, but you could grow them from seed if you have time, and you can decorate cheap plastic pots with colour coordinated paper and ribbon. Its something they will keep for a long time, depending on the type...
What is This Plant? (Philodendron)
Cant think of the name, but over here in the UK, they are houseplants. Depends on where you are in the world I guess! I wouldnt water too much. Maybe once a week. Good luck!
Making Towels Soft?
Leave them outside overnight when there is a frost, and they are lovely and soft!
Houseplants Dried Up After Getting Too Cold?
I would have cut them down too, it will be easier for the plant to recover. If it has always been healthy where you have kept it, leave it there, and give it a feed every month or so. I am only saying what I would do, but I am not a pro. Good Luck!
Growing Lettuce Inside?
I dont see why not, as long as there is plenty of light it will be the same as growing them in a greenhouse.
Control Harness for Dog?
Do you mean for when you are walking the dog? I use a Halti with my collie as he pulls, the Gentle Leader is a similar product. Both companies sell harnesses with the same purpose in mind, but I havent tried those.
Protecting My Swimsuit From Chlorine?
I always rinse my suit out at the pool so its not sitting in my bag rotting away!