Fiberglass Tub Has Yellowed?
Fill tub with hottest water, add dishwasher detergent - half a box (or a lot of it), OR add oxyclean, stir, let sit for a long time, maybe an hour or till the water cools. Do this over and over if needed. It will whiten more also, after draining. It works! I...
Shop at ALDI's for Grocery Savings
Aldis is wonderful, fabulous and fine--also they have excellent other items sometimes from tvs to toys. Bells and whistles not needed...Anything they have is always wonderful and bargains galore plus a clean store, superior quality everything, plus! friendly...
Go Through Coupons Before Entering the Store
forget the coupons and shop at Aldis you will never regret it and, you will save a lot of time
What Does Salt Do to Cells?
Depends on the salt, and, everything and all else consumed - I use pink salt - the minerals are in it - any kind of pure white salt is refined and the good things are removed -
Christmas Crafts Using Baby Food Jars?
for a gift: fasten the jar lids to a board, with screws or glue that would hold them, fasten the board to some kind of shelving or where you want it, screw the jars back on the lids and use them for any kind of storage of small items and you can see what is...
Panty Liner for Removing Nail Polish
Also you can use WD40 just like you would use goof off for removing stuff.