Solar Powered Dog Collar?
chloelizabeth, Since you didnt ask let me tell you. They are my babies and I love them very much that is the whole reason for the lighted collar! We live in the middle of 200+ acres the nearest house is miles away, my pets do not leave our property. How do...
Monty (Dog)
Thank you! He is very precious and has fitted into the family perfectly. My other babies (Snoop 5 years old- cow pie dashhound, Quest& Mischief both boxers 6 months old (sisters) love him as well they are very protective of him. They all love to take pic. Hoping...
What Breed is My Dog?
Thanks for the info on the kit I will look into that. My uncle seems to think he looks like he maybe Manchester & I looked them up and he does look like them and he has the same personality as them. Anyone else think Manchester?
Tips for Those with Fibromyalgia
I am 37 years old and I too have fibromyalgia plus other medical issues. Ive had these issues for awhile. I can relate to everything yall are going through. My problem is when I tell people, & I dont tell too many, because I dont want the sympathy or someone...