Koneko (Grey Tabby)
Koneko sure is a beautiful girl! You have every right to be proud of what a lovely young cat she has grown into. My heart lights up when I think of the great life you have given her. :-)
Living on a Budget
I really liked your suggestions. I have been using some of these, but you had some hear Ive never thought of! Thank you :-)
Thoughtful Christmas Gift Ideas
I really like how you paired everything together. I would love getting this as well :-)
Vegan Mac and "Cheese"
Thank you. I am vegetarian and working on being fully vegan so I am always on the hunt for good vegan recipes. Thank you again ;-)
Loving a Chicken
Gosh, how very sweet! she really is a little beauty. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing, so endearing. Have a case of the warm fuzzies now and Im grinning ear to ear!! ;-D
How I Lost 125 Pounds on a Budget
Attosa, these are all great ideas! Have you thought about sharing this with Womans World magazine? If they show interest they may feature you on the cover and put your story and suggestions as a featured article. Plus youd be helping to inspire so many more...
Goldfinches Feasting On Poa Seed
I would have loved to have seen a video of all those goldfinches in your yard! Cute little dickens! Thank you for the landscaping info - wishing you the best in the never ending battle of the weeds-lol !
Egg Carton Rose Brooch
WOW Attosa, this is just lovely! You always have such great ideas and recipes, and i am so glad that you share them! Thank You!
Madelyn Snow (Australian Shepherd)
Love you BOTH! After reading this I have a case of the warm-fuzzies, and will likely remain smiling ear to ear the rest of the day! Wishing so many Blessings for you and Madelyn!!
Game Shows Imitate Life
Brilliant! Agree with every word! This should be required reading by every high school senior prior to graduation, and then made required reading AGAIN before graduating from college/university. Some would sweep this aside, but other intrepid students would...
Look Like a Million for $2.50
Stunned and Amazed! Thats how I feel after reading this! What an extraordinarily great piece of advice backed up by visuals. Hope you have an awesome time!
Litter Box Cover
Oh, what a clever idea, I love it! thank you for sharing this and the picture showing it -- this is something I will do for sure :-D
Teaching Your Cat to Walk on a Leash
Great article! My 1st cat, Kissy, I got as my 11th birthday present. We basically grew up together, and were closer than close. I swear, it was like he was more of a brother than a pet. I was blessed to have him with me till he was almost 21. But in his last...
Tinka (Domestic Shorthair)
Tinka is a Beauty! You brought a big smile to my face for sharing her with us! But wishes to you both :-)
German Shepherd Has a Recurring Yeast Infection?
Question: has the vet checked to see if your 4-footed baby is either diabetic or hypogycemic (prediabetic)? Its odd he would keep having reoccuring bouts of this if his sugar was balanced. Id also keep his mouth as clean as possible. While hes washing himself...
Nature in a Jar
I really like what you did there. I love the nature theme, but it would be a great idea to showcase any small collectables. Good job, too! thumbs up!
Homemade Cat Toys
Good Job Robyn! Not only is this very cost efficient, but you are only limited by your imagination (and of course the safety of you little ones!) Thank you so much for the great ideas - and you have my wheels turning too. Cant wait to try to make my kitties...
Teaching a Cat Not to Bite
Oh wow, great advice! My own little stinker that does that. Shes just young and playful and doesnt understand. And while Id never resort to physical pain to correct her behavior, I was trying to figure out how not to hurt her feelings either. Cats are so proud...
The Last Day at Grandma's House
you are a gifted writer, i was enthralled with every word, said when it ended. thank you for sharing this, and bringing back memories of my beloved Grandma Harley, if only for a few minutes. :-)
Playing Games with Peanut (Cat)
Oh, what a beautiful, intellegent little guy you have there! Youve got the wheels in my head spinning, trying to come up with some creative new enrichments I can share with MY 4-footed kids! Happy Holidays to you, Peanut, and the rest of your family! I hope...
Cats in Attic?
Try using Moth Balls. My cousin had a squirrel get inside her car and nibble on some of the wires. When she had it repaired, she mechanic advised she put some moth balls under the hood. He said if she didnt use, the same squirrel would come back and munch again...
Pet Uses for Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
Blessing to you too! We animal lovers must stick together! I volunteer at a low-cost spay/neuter clinic and love every minute of it! The have programs to find furr-ever homes for puppies and kittens, and Ive fostered myself. The goodbyes are bitter sweet! But...
Use Bandannas Instead of Washcloths
Yeah, Chris, I think you had a great idea about the bandana. For 1 thing, I just never thought the size of a reg washcloth was right. What Ive been using recently is a microfiber dust cloth (never used for dusting, just washing) its longer and rectangular so...
Cat Urine Stain on Clothing?
First of all, even if your top is white, dont bleach it! That will just set the stain. First go to a pet store that sells enzyme based urine remover. Put a small amount on the shirt and leave for 24hr to see that it wont damage or fade your top. If it doesnt...
Cat Has Discharge Coming from Eye?
Yes, God Bless you and your family. I work with a TNR (trap/neuter/release) group here in Tampa called A.C.T. (Animal Coalition) and they also supply discounted meds and services for feral cats, and there are many of these places around from state to state...
Use Chicken Feed as Kitty Litter
Id really like to try this! I have 19 of my own, and it seems the litter costs more than the food. Acctually, that would make sense since the litter they use for 2 things not 1 (lol). My concern is, with something food-based, would it draw in bugs? I live in...
A Substitute for Tofu?
Have you ever heard of Burmese Chickpea Tofu? its a thing and really good too -- here is a youtube link to recipe and demonstration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtteGCkPStg. Anything youd use tofu in you could use this. All with 0% soy! :-)
Caring for Bettas
Hi Robyn :-) I really enjoyed reading your article, and I learned quite a bit too. Thank you. I know youre little one has a great home with you, shes a very fortunate fishy!! :-D
Hand Raising Kittens
Im not currently hand-rearing kittens, but have before. I will be saving your article along with those that have replied to you - invaluable info! Im such an animal lover that I know Ill probably be doing it again, and I want to keep this. Really appreciate...