Getting Rid of Spiders Without Pesticide?
At the beginning of fall, in the produce section of your grocery store, there is a product called a hedge apple. Not sure of the technical name for these but they are about the size of a baseball, color is a light green, and they are very hard. Put some of...
Cleaning the Outside of a Digital Camera?
You could also try some rubbing alcohol on a cloth and see if that would work. Let the camera dry good before using it again.
Shopping for 18 Inch Blinds?
My mom got hers at JCPennys. A little expensive but the only place she could find them.
Readers Digest Magazine Christmas Trees?
Here is a link that shows how to fold them: HTH Cathy
Readers Digest Magazine Christmas Trees?
Here is also a snowman and a Mr. and Mrs Santa: Have fun! Cathy
What is the Best Way to Clean Pet Hair from Wood Floors?
Living with dogs most of my life I found the best thing for hair pick up was a small sized shop vac! Make sure it has the flat floor attachment with it when you get one. Works great!
Dress Pattern for a Renuzit Air Freshener Doll?
Here are some links to check out with lots of different doll patterns that could be adapted to fit the doll.
Protecting a Vaccinated Dog from Parvo?
If your dog goes outside and you think the infected dog gets in your dogs space you can spray the area with bleach. You might also call a vet and ask them for some advice.
Knitted Newsboy Cap Pattern?
Here are a couple links I found. If you google knitted Newsboy Cap Pattern you get all kind of links.
Tesha (Schnauzer)
Really cute puppy, but she would look so much better in a purple and gold jersey ;^)
What Breed is My Dog?
Looks more like a lab mix to me. Black Labs usually have the white markings on their chests like yours does.
Knifty Knitter Patterns for Baby Items?
Here are some great videos on YouTube, he explains everything really great! Also check the ones on the right side of the page as he has lots of them there.
Making Brownies Without Eggs?
Here is one that I found online somewhere but have not tried it yet: 15 oz can of black beans Brownie Mix (any) Directions Open the can of black beans, rinse really well. Put the beans back in the can, add enough water to cover beans. Put in blender or food...
Can Vaccinated Puppies Still Die from Parvo?
Sorry to hear about your furbaby. I cant give you an answer to this problem but here is an addy for an online vet that you can send questions to:
Can Older Dogs Get Parvo?
I have to disagree with renee5774 because older dogs can get parvo. My Lab/Husky mix came down with parvo when she was 6 years old. We had just moved to TN from MN when she came down with it. The vet in TN told me that parvo was common in TN because it doesnt...
Recipes for Cancer Patient?
When my uncle was going through chemo the food that worked the best for him was fresh fruit. So maybe a fruit plate of fruit salad would work. He didnt do well with any thing that had dairy products in it as that upset his stomach more than it was.
Flea Killing Apples?
You can usually find these apples in the grocery store around the end of summer or first part of fall. They usually run less that a dollar each. They are almost a lime green color and usually in the produce section. The stores call them hedge apples.
Treating Fleas with WD-40?
Buy 4 lemons and cut into sections, do not peel lemons. Boil these in a medium size pan full of water. Boil for about 15 min. strain and put into spray bottle. Spray this mixture on your pet and it helps keep insects off them. I used it for flies and skeeters...
Don't Let Your Dog Chew on Corn Cobs
I agree with pabk on the rice. After my dog survived having parvo the vet put her on a special canned food diet that consisted of potatoes and rice. It is easy for them to digest and wont upset their stomachs.
Looking for Other Cojack Owners?
Go to and sign up. There are lots of different breed parents there.
Low-Rider Car Information?
Here are a couple of sites: Just put low rider cars into any search engine, like google, and you will get lots of sites to explore.
What Breed is My Dog?
It looks a lot like a dog my son use to have that was part Lab and part Greyhound. Best dog that you could ever have!
Dog Keeps Rubbing Against Furniture?
My dog does the same thing this time of the year. When the furnace goes on she gets very dry itchy skin. Add a spoon full of sunflower oil to his food. Takes a couple of weeks to get into their system but it does help! You can also get some medicated shampoo...
Cleaning Old Carpet Stains?
Go to the pet store and get Natures Miracle. It works fantastic on old or new stains of any kind.
Resizing a Cross Stitch Pattern?
If you take the number of stitches in a pattern (200X200) and divide each number by the count of your fabric you will get the size of your finished project. 200 divided by 18=11.1 X 11.1. Divide the 200 by 14 and you get a project that is 14X29 x 14.29. When...
Rabies Innoculation for Cats?
Some vets will have a yearly clinic for rabies shots that they give at a greatly reduced price. Contact the vets around you to see if they offer such a thing there. Also the Humane Society may be able to help you too.
Replacement Parts For George Foreman GR19BW?
Check this site: Also if you Google George Foreman GR19BW parts a lot of sites come up to check out. Hope this helps.
Does Anyone Have A Positive Parvo Story?
About 4 years ago my black lab husky mix came down with parvo. I called vet after vet and none would take her without payment up front. Finally I found one that would take her with only a hundred dollars down. He told me it didnt look good but he would try...
Help Finding Legitimate Survey Websites?
One Ive belonged to for years is My Points. I have gotten some Walmart gift cards, Target Gift cards etc for doing nothing but looking at emails.(b)(/b)
Joy Dish Soap for Dogs?
My vet said to mix the lemon Joy with baby shampoo. One part Joy to two parts baby shampoo. I tried this when my dogs got fleas a couple years ago and it worked like a charm. The baby shampoo cuts the harshness to their skin and doesnt dry it out like the plain...
Preventing Parvo?
If your Collie has not had her parvo shot take her to the vet right away!! I had the same thing happen and our vet gave the well pup her parvo shot and she was ok. The one that had parvo spent 6 days in intensive care but she made it threw. When she went home...
Frying Chicken Livers?
I read somewhere that if you poke them numerous times with a fork before frying that will help with the popping when frying them. I havent tried this yet myself but I too love chicken liver so if you try it let us know if it works.