Hybrid Tea Roses Not Producing Roses?
I am by no means a rose expert, but try checking the pH of the soil around it. That can affect the plants ability to grow and flower, it can even affect the color of the leaves. Is it by a driveway of a vent out of your house? That could be changing the pH...
Fast Growing Trees
How about another willow? All softwoods, including willows, grow relatively quickly. Youre not going to have a replacement for that 30 year tree in a matter of months, but its going to grow faster than say, a pine.
Attaching Seashells to Plywood?
I dont really know what you mean by preparing the plywood. Of course you want to make sure its clean and free of debris and dust, which can be done with a damp cloth. As for attaching the seashells, Ive found that hot glue is by far the most versitile and reliable...
Can Wine Corks be Used for Outdoor Crafts?
Because corks are porous, they can be a mold issue. Just make sure the water isnt standing on the corks for too long, or you could put a coat or two of polyrathane (the stuff found by the paints and stains at your local Home Depot of Lowes) on it. That will...
Oil Stains on Unsealed Wood?
You can just sand it out with an electric sander (which is rentable). Make sure you ask the person at the renting place exactly how to use it, dont be afraid to ask all the questions you need!