12th Birthday Sleepover Ideas?
Let them make their own mini pizzas for supper/dinner. You make the pizza dough from a boxed pizza dough. Pat into a cookie sheet pan (18 x 13) and make another one. Divide them by making an impression halfway laterally and horizontally making 4 small pizzas...
DIY Moat to Keep Ants Out of Hummingbird Feeder
What a great idea and one I can use! I bought something similar at a store which cost $8. It fell apart after one year of use. I can make this for zip! I will probably use E6000 glue instead of a glue stick since it might melt in this Texas heat (over 100 degrees...
Preventing a Dog from Marking in the House?
Thanks! I will give it a try. He is so sweet and loves attention. I really want to adopt him, but my entire house has my 12 yr old GS that I lost in April scent throughout the house.
Preventing a Dog from Marking in the House?
Actually my GS never peed in this house. He was 3 years old when we bought this new house. No animal has ever gone to the bathroom in it. The Shelter Lady that brought this new dog over for a visit said he would mark his scent if he could smell that another...
Preventing a Dog from Marking in the House?
This is an idea I will try. This new 3 yr. old is neutered but I know even neutered animals want to mark their territory. I can cover up some furniture and watch him as he walks through the house with the spritz in my hand to spray an area he seems to be going...
Preventing a Dog from Marking in the House?
Thanks to everyone for all the sage advice. They are bringing Dillon over to me tomorrow. She bought some Natures Miracle in a spray bottle to give me. Someone here mentioned that product too. I think it will just take time and patience for him to know he is...
Preventing a Dog from Marking in the House?
Update: Dillon came over yesterday and we are settling in. He did not pee anywhere this second (and I hope final trip) to my home. He is crate trained, so I put him in his crate for the night. This morning he was so glad to see me! I am thinking Dillon will...
Bambi (Border Collie Cross)
Benetta - you have such a beautiful dog! And, sounds like a lot of personality too! Congratulations!
Argiope ~ The Writing Spider
Here in Texas they are called Fence Spiders or Garden Spiders. I had one this summer that made a beautiful zigzig web and she was there for a couple of months. I named her Charlotte. Sure enough, she made her sack of eggs. A couple of days later we had our...
Savoury Cheese and Vegetable Tart
This string of comments was THREE YEARS ago, so my question probably wont be seen by attosa, but for others reading this....do you think you could use Philly Cream Cheese? Just wondering. Thanks to whoever sees this.
Corn and Sweet Basil Savory Bread
Well, since this came from another country, I cannot tell what the measurements are in cups, teaspoons, etc. Also, some of the ingredients are not familiar to me - such as Organic Gluten Free Pizza & Pastry Multimix and hot English mustard powder. However, I...
Over the Door Medical Supply Holder
May Our Lord watch over you as you go through this sad time in your life. A lot of prayers are going up for you.
Inverted Dish to Keep Salads Crisp
I saw one on Etsy with this yellow tulip pattern; however, the bowl has a straight edge. It does not curve out so you can not place an inverted plate on top of the salad. The plate would get stuck. :- (
My Orphaned Garden Friend
I loved reading about your orphaned garden friend. It is such a happy, uplifting story. It scared me to read that you missed seeing the bunny for several days, but then he came back. Whew. If anything ever happens to him/her, please dont post it in here.
Big Family on The Farm
This testimonial is awesome and stirred my heart. I would like to communicate with them personally, if possible. I am an old lady and on a fixed income, but I believe I can help these folks even further if I can know how to contact them. Plan B would be to...
Hershey's Kiss Roses
I made these a couple of years ago. They are beautiful. I put green glass stones in the bottom of a clear vase. It really set them off!
Bird Seed to Prevent Slipping on Ice
I found out this winter that kitty litter was a bad idea. What a mess! The next time it sleets around here, I will try the bird seed. Thanks!
Almond Joy Cake
She suggested canned chocolate frosting. I prefer to make my own chocolate frosting with powdered sugar, powdered cocoa, vanilla, and a dab of milk. Much better than store bought. You can Google a recipe for this frosting I make.
Test Seeds For Viability
I had no trouble planting my seeds straight from the package in the ground and they came up just fine. The vine grew and flowers were forming - almost open. They would have opened the next morning; however, we had a freeze that night and I lost them... sniff...
Mini English Muffin Loaves
One packet of yeast is 1/4 oz. That is 11 ml in the metric system. Hope this helps.
Krispy Kreme Monster Doughnuts
I made these last year at our annual Halloween Party for the kiddos, and they loved them! Even the grown kiddos got a kick out of them!
Boric Acid For Controlling Ants In Garden And Kitchen
In conjunction with the question about is Boric Acid harmful to pets - ehow.com states: If ingested or inhaled, boric acid can decrease the acid balance in a pets body, causing cardiovascular, respiratory or renal distress and possibly failure. Symptoms of...
Organizing System For Procrastinators
Living alone, none of these problems apply to me since I dont leave trash laying around, have a dirty clothes hamper that I use....etc. My Procrastination Problem is doing things I DO need to do, like write that thank you note, water my plants, go to the grocery...
Keeping Clothing Dye from Running in the Washer?
Plain table salt works too. I never measured it; just poured some in the washer and use the rinse cycle. When finished spinning, fill washer up (small load) again for rinse cycle. See if the color is gone. If not, do it again with more salt that next time. I...
Keeping Clothing Dye from Running in the Washer?
Thanks for the website to check what to do to keep dyes from running in the washing machine. I will check it out.
The Lessons of Less
I wholeheartedly agree with C. Crowdis as she stated: I am all for using the arts & creativity however we dont always strictly get to do what we want to do. Everyone has the responsibility to take care of themselves & their families. I think as long as you...
Spider Ring Ice Cubes
Great idea. I am going to go one step further. Instead of filling the ice trays with water, I am going to fill them with my fruit drink that I serve in my punch bowl and let them flow in the punch. I did this last year by filling a rubber glove with water and...
March 14th Is Pi Day
Before I retired from where I worked, we used to have a pie competition on Pi Day for our group. Most of the 15 of us would bring a pie and enter it in the contest. No one knew whose pie was baked by who because we put them in the Board Room behind closed doors...
Using Expired Yogurt?
If you turned it upside down in the fridge, would that make mold form on the top and then when you took it out of the fridge to eat that would be on the bottom of the container?
Using Salt to Clean Artificial Flowers
I learned this trick years ago at a candle party and was doubtful it would work. I sure was glad it proved me wrong! I think its great that this trick is being shared again.
Inexpensive Stepping Stones
Can you use your puppys paw print in this cement mixture? Assuming you can as long as you wash off his paw thoroughly. As he ages, I want to continue to make them as his paw gets bigger. I think it would make a great stepping stone display. Whatcha think? Anybody...
Nine Tips to a Great Night's Sleep
My doctor told me to have a SMALL glass of wine before retiring as it is good for your heart. It also helps to mellow you out to drift away to sleep. But remember....a SMALL glass! Works for me.
Simple Ways to Manage Energy Costs
I turn off my hot water heater at the breaker unless I need it. Plus, after turning it off, there is still enough hot water in there for me to shower. For those of you that work, turn it off before you leave for work and turn it back on when you return. It...
Boo to You! An Adult Halloween Party
Im sure everyone just loves this stuff, and I guess I am a panty-weight, but the names of those appetizers were so disgusting to me that I could not get past the titles of each... well, the ones I read. I had to quit reading. Im more the Mummy Wrap Hot Dogs...
Suet Birdseed Wreath
Another fun project for the kiddos is to take pine cones and smear them with peanut butter. Roll them in bird seed and let them dry. Tie a red ribbon around the top and hang in the trees for the birds. When my grandchildren were little, I let them make these...
Keeping Greeting Cards Handy
I do the same thing....give the same card to several people. But you need to write down a list of names who you gave them to. If you dont, you may send someone the same card twice!
Fruit Tree Bird Net Frame
In looking at the netting you used, it looks like it is a black nylon netting. I purchased some of that years ago to put around my small trees to keep my dogs away from them until the trees got big enough not to die from being peed on. But, unfortunately, geckos...
Moist Poor Man's Cake?
I bake all the time too, but I am only 77 years old, not 98 years old! And my house is not immaculately clean. But, I take my hat off to your aunt. I hope I am still cooking when I am 98 years old like I do now (have sourdough bread in the oven now) and she...
Jelly Making Prices Seem High?
The problem with using no fruit pectin and letting it cook down is that you only get about half as much jam to put up.