Permed Bleached Hair Dry and Brittle?
I sympathize with you because that has happened to me once but I didnt bleach my hair but had it permed because my hair is fine, thin and straight. The hair dresser used a perm product that was too strong for my hair type and the smell was awful. No matter...
Finding Free Furniture?
Check out Craigs List in your state and then narrow it down to your city. They have a section called Free which has everything for free that people do not want and is willing to give to you even furniture.
Paint Color Advice for a Small Bathroom?
I would paint the walls white because the tiles are already dark. If you paint it blue the bathroom would feel smaller and cramped. I would also change the tiles to white as well because the vanity is dark.
Making Popcorn the Old Fashioned Way?
Try using a cast iron pot because I have tried the other types of pots and it didnt pop all the kernels. Then put enough oil to coat the bottom of the pot. Pour enough popcorn kernels about 3/4 amount to fill the bottom of the pot and no more than that. Make...