Crafts Using Washcloths?
Get a bar of soap and gather it up, or wrap it up so that you have 2 ears. You will hold them with either a ribbon or a rubber band. You will use the base/soap for the face. You can use wiggly eyes. and a cotton puff for the nose. You can also make a reindeer...
Cleaning a Leather Chair?
First I would use soap and water. Then I would use Pledge wipes, they can be used on Leather. This should do the trick.
Breed Information: Greyhound
I have had Greyhounds for the last 12 years and they are the only breed of dog for my family. I have 4 children ranging in age from4 years to 18 years. They are extremely gentle. They do love to play and will play but when you are done they are. I homeschool...
How long does it take for a Weeping Cherry to bloom?
I bought a weeping cherry tree last fall. It was problably 3 or 4 years old. Mine bloomed this spring and I believe it bloomed last year while it was in its pot. I live in Northeastern PA. Zone 5
Simple Pasta Salad?
Whenever I make pasta salad Im never sure how its going to turn out. Sometimes I use pasta tomatoes, onions and cucumbers. Other times I use pasta, maybe some tomatoes, olives, onions. It just depends on what Im in the mood for. The only thing I consitently...
Fruit Punch Stain on Clothing?
You might want to try an ammonia solution, which is 1 tablespoon ammonia with 1/2 cup of water. If that doesnt work try a vinegar solution,mix 1/3 cup of vinegar and 2/3 cup of water. I think these will help. I also think you should set the item outside in...
Mascara Stains on Sheets?
Blot with rubbing alcohol. If that doesnt work try an ammonia solution, which is 1 tablespoon of ammonia to 1/2 cup of water. I would let it soak for a while and then rinse it with warm water. Good luck. :}
Caring for a White Leather Sofa?
I have a leather sofa, its brown. I have 4 children ages 4-18 years and a Greyhound. And I absolutely love it. When it gets dirty I just wash it down with soap and water. I also use Pledge wipes and wipe it down every now and then.
Grape Juice Stains on a Tablecloth?
First try an ammonia solution, which is 1 tablespoon of household ammonia with 1/2 cup of water,and then try a vinegar solution, which is 1/3 cup of white vinegar and 2/3 cup of water. If you do the vinegar solution hang the tablecloth out in the sun. Good...
Birthday Gift for a 96 Year Old?
How about gift certificates for a free dinner, or a homemade pie, a free house cleaning, yard work. Use your imagination and think of something if you did that person would not have to do.
Growing Sanvitalia (Creeping Zinnia)
I think these flowers are so.....beautiful. I love Zinnias and because these look similar to them I think they would be an asset to my garden. There is only one problem, I cant find creeping zinnia plants or seeds anywhere on the web. Do you have any idea where...
Aphids on a Grape Vine?
I know of one sure way of getting rid of Aphids. It is to buy Lady Bugs. Look into it, there are a number of places that sell Lady Bugs. I have bought plants from a company called Michigan Bulb I think they might sell them. Good Luck Hope I helped
Cleaning a Computer Monitor?
I agree with using the Alcohol. I, also, make my own except I mix 3/4 Ammonia to 1/4 Alcohol.
Aphids on a Grape Vine?
I was the one who wrote about using Lady Bugs to get rid of Aphids. Is this true? When I had problems with Aphids on my Pine tree I was told by environmentalist this was the best way.
Making a Footbag or Hacky Sack?
There is an awsome book called, The Ultimate Book of Kid Concotions in it there is something called a Squishy Ball. You need a medium-sized ballon, 1/2 cup of rice or salt, and a funnel. Place the ballon over the end of the funnel. Pour 1/2 cup of rice or salt...