Homemade Adult Wipes
I make my own babywipes for my grandkids. I use the same ingredients except for the aloe vera. I love the scent and how much money I have saved by making my own. I use them also for clean-ups after meals. Great for cleaning little dirty faces and hands as well...
Adding Volume to Thin, Fine Hair?
I have tried everything to add volume to my hair (which is very thin). The only solution was to tease underneath my hair very close to the roots..No one can notice because I comb the top layer over the hair that is teased..Works for me.....
Song Ideas for a Photo Slide Show?
Special Times by: Celine Dion What A Wonderful World By: Louis Armstrong I used these two songs to for a slide show (Birthday) and everyone loved it..Especially Special Times..
Suggestions for Easy-to-Use Cell Phone?
Pantech Breeze(TM) cell phone at AT&T has larger buttons & simple to use. The Jitter Bug is also very simple to use and doesnt have all the extra features.
Finding Jeans That Fit?
I also have a flat butt. I wear jeans with flap pockets on the rear. I heard about this on a talk show one afternoon and thought I would try it. It really works. The pockets made my fanny look fuller. Now I only buy rear flap pocket (Low waist) jeans. Hope...
Chatterbug Phone Service Reviews?
Do you mean the jitterbug phone? The jitterbug phone is supposed to be simple & easy to use. Large buttons,without all the extras added. Try the link below for more info. http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/review_jitterbug/
Making Baby Shower Table Decorations?
A diaper cake is a beatuiful centerpeice for the table.They are easy to make. You can search on- line for instructions..The first one I made turned out beautiful.
Am I Charging Enough for a Cleaning Job?
I live in Alabama also. I never charge by the hour. I charge a flat rate depending on the size of the house and what my duties will include.
Removing Mold And Mildew On Polyester Shower Curtain?
I mix bleach (very little) & water in a spray bottle. I spray the shower curtain without removing it from the rod...Wait a few minutes and the mildew is gone.(rinse well). For plastic shower curtain only
Rubber Stoppers for Refilling Ink Cartridges?
I never use the rubber stoppers. Ive been refilling for years now. I also use tape to cover the holes. Never had any problems. No leaks and tape is easier to remove. Good luck.
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser For The Kitchen
Great for removing crayon marks. I no longer use scrubing pads or sponges..Mr.Clean Erasers replaces them all.
Saving Money on Baby Clothes
buy baby clothes at the end of the season..My Son is expecting a Daughter in June...By the time the baby is 3-6 months old it will be needing warmer clothes..I got alot of new baby clothes (winter) at 50% & 70% off.(b)(/b)
Short Hair Cut for a Female?
Try this website http://www.instyle.com/instyle/makeover/ Upload your own photo and try on hairstyles. also try this site for more free on-line makeover sites http://www.sandimari.com/VirtualSalon.htm
Fabric for Gift Wrapping
I also wrap baby shower gifts in baby recieving blankets. I use baby diaper pins to hold fabric in place when wrapped....
Looking For Free Calendar Templates Online?
There are lots of free printable calendars online. I just search for free printable calendars If you dont want to use your email because of all the junk mail you will recieve after signing up..just create another account such as: Yahoo or Hotmail to use when...
Home Hair Highlighting Kits?
Go to a beauty supply store ( I buy at Sallys) and get the highlighting cap & needle. I use Quick White to lighten and 40 volume developer. Then I apply a toner. The home kits dont lighten my hair enough. But to be on the safe side ask the person that is working...
Homemade Crib Bumper Pads?
I purchased everything I needed to make my Grandsons homemade bumper pads at Walmart. All you need is foam padding (it comes in a long roll in the material department) and about 3 yards of material. Roll out the foam flat and measure the lenght of the crib...
Handy Stitch Handheld Sewing Machine Reviews?
I purchased one about 3 years ago. I had to return it because the bobbin kept popping out. It wasnt at all what I thought. I decided not to replace it with another one.
Making Pillows?
I use fleece material. cut both sides about 2 inches larger. Cut 2 inche slits about 1 inch wide all the way around the edges on both sides, tie the ends together from both sides in knots. when you tie all the way around leave one end open and place pillow...
Is 12 Old Enough to Go Places Alone?
Unless an adult is with her she should not go out alone..To many things could happen..When my Daughter was that age I went with her and her friends to movies or anywhere else they wanted to go.
Calendar With Birthdays as Gift for Newlyweds
They are lovely gifts.I have been printing them out for my family as gifts for years..I also add colorful clipart such as balloons for birthdays & wedding bells for anniversaries on the date.
Caution About Ribbon Auto Magnets
My Sister-In-Law had left her ribbon magnet on for months. When she did remove it,,It looked like the magnet had removed some of the paint from her car.
Becoming a Mystery Shopper?
I also am interested, I looked up alot of secret shoppers online and found that they all require a fee to join. None of which accepted personal checks or money orders. It was credit cards only. I had emailed several sercet shopper ads wanting to know why they...
Dealing With an Unexpected Job Loss?
Dont be to proud to ask for help. A few years ago I was laid off from a very good paying job, I was a single mother with 2 kids (no childsupport). I went from $500.00 a week to $150.00 (unemployment).It wasnt easy.But I learned that there were things I could...
Uses for Wire Hangers?
Donate them to Nursing & Retirement homes. Most residents are in need of hangers. I have a relative that works in the laundry department and is always in need of hangers for the residents clothes...
Can you refreeze bread?
I buy extra bread when its on sale and store them in the freezer. It doesnt take long for the bread to thaw.
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers Reviews
Works great...It removed all the crayon marks on my walls..I found a really nice plastic toy box at a yard sale last week that had crayon marks all over. After using the magic eraser to remove the marks ,,it now looks like new....
Making a Bassinet Cover?
I got a bassinet at a yard sale at a great price. It didnt have a cover so I made one myself. I brought some material & elastic..I hemmed both ends of the skirt & used elastic around the top edges. To sucure it in place I added a few strips of velcro along...
Sweat Smell on Bedding?
I had the same problem with my bedding...The only detergent that removed the smell is Arm & Hammer with Fabric Softener..Now my sheets smell clean & fresh..
Heating Pad for Animals
Very good idea. I have raised many orphanded and abandoned kittens. And yes..the heating pads do get hot. I will try using the glass bottle filled with warm water the next time I have newborn kittens. Thanks.
Daughter-In-Law Won't Accept Used Items?
I also got my kids things at yard sales & thrift shops as they were growing up. They were glad to get them as I was a single mother barely making ends met. Now I have remarried and my step-son will not wear things from yard sales.Even if they are brand new...
Prepaid Wireless Reviews?
tracfones have to be re-activated if a phone card isnt purchased about every 3 months...Thats the way the policy was when I had one two years ago...It was cheaper for me to get a plan with a wireless service,,The cheapest phone card I could find was $21.00...
Waxing Your Own Eyebrows?
I get the wax that can be melted in the microwave for about a minute, Its quick and less messy. I purchased it at the beauty supply store.
Uses for Empty Babywipe Containers?
I use them to cover my electric outlets used for plugging my appliances, My grandson tried to reach the plugs that is used for the refrigarater. I covered the outlet with the empty container, I put 2 screws on the top and bottom of container to attatch it to...
Highlighting Black Hair?
I would advise you to let a professional do it. I tried to save money by doing my own hair color & highlights at home . I ended up going to the salon when my hair turned green after applying color to my highlighted hair. Now I let the experts color my hair...
Uses for Newspaper?
I make my own puppy pads with newspapers.I lay the newspapers on unfolded trash bags to prevent leakage. I tape the edges of the newspapers with strips of masking tape to the edges of the trash bag. When soiled I just roll up the pad and toss in the trash..I...
Thrift Store Shopping Tips?
I enjoy shopping a thrifts shops. Monday is a good day to shop there. Most people who had yards sales during the weekend will bring whats left over to the thrift store on monday.