Dog is Biting Her Feet?
Something is probably bothering her feet in order for her to be doing that. Take her to the vet.
Expired Eagle Brand Cream?
I wouldnt use it, being two years old, it probably wont taste as fresh as it should.
Clear Sequins Have Turned Yellow?
If they are on your dress, then their might not be much hope. Its just probably aged. I guess you could dry bleaching it.
Christmas Gift Ideas for Cowboy Boyfriend?
Get him something from a local western horse and tack shop. Im guessing he rides horses? maybe if you wanted to be creative get a horse shoe and paint it and write something on it perhaps? that is if hes a real cowboy that rides horses. their are guys that...
Putting a Photo on a Ceramic Mug?
Usually any photo pharmacy including walmart etc, have items that you can order with your photo on them... and the photo never comes off.
7th Golden Birthday Ideas?
I have never heard of a golden birthday until I started coming to this site! Well, what are her interests? You can do many things with little girl parties. Dress up party, Princess party, sleepover party...etc.
Christmas Present Ideas for Boyfriend?
What are his hobbies? I would get him a gift card! boys are harder to buy for than girls.
Gift Ideas for Mom's Birthday?
I would go to somewhere like Sears, or JC Penny. Ask a sales clerk for help or assistance picking out an outfit. I know lots of people in retail and they honestly like being asked to do so. They say its a lot of fun picking out clothes for others, rather than...
Discontinued Wallpaper: Super Fresco by Graham...
Does menards have a website? I would check there or ebay.
Smoke Detector Won't Stop Beeping?
The alarm system is probably wired through the house, and your other alarms may be going off.
Making Money from Used Books?
My daughter has the hardest time selling her college books back every semester, and I spend over 100 dollars for them too. Its ridiculous at her school. Thats what came to mind when I thought of your question, but have you tried eBAY?
7 Month Old Kitten Coughing?
If you took it to the vet, then I wouldnt worry too much. Maybe its just a fluke shes going through. Something her body is going through as shes growing. If shes doing doing it in a week, I would go back to a different vet.
Paint Color Advice for Kitchen With Green Floor and White Cabinets?
I would go with a beige color with warm fall colors.
Ideas for Meaningful Gift Bags for Wedding Guests?
Gender neutral, eh, Im not sure. what gifts were in the one you received?
Keeping Carpet Clean?
Yeah, shoes to be taken off at the door. Be careful of pets. Have throw rugs down where heavily walked areas are. Vacuum, of course, and be careful with kids. We all know what they are capable of spilling!
Flies Biting Dog's Ears and Back?
There is a special kind of spray you can get Im sure. I know their is a fly spray that is used for horses. Itll probably work for dogs too.