Making Curtains Longer
I dont know the difference between the length of the curtains and the glass door. Id suggest hanging the curtains so the bottoms are where you like them, and then add a cornice or valance to the top, covering the gap. I had my husband make me a cornice box...
Freezing Onions?
Ive never heard that frozen onions cause cancer. Ive purchased frozen chopped onions at the grocery store, and havent given it a second thought. Im pretty sure Ive purchased frozen stir fry mixes containing onion, and I think Ive seen frozen onion rings. That...
Peeling a Banana?
I consider the stem (the end where it is attached to the bunch) the top. When they are hanging from the tree, that spot is higher up than the other end. Were you wanting to know about peeling bananas? The title says Peeling a Banana, but your question doesnt...
Tinted Glasses Too Dark?
Did you get them from an optometrist, opthalmologist, or optical shop (were they made-to-order), or did you buy over-the-counter sunglasses? If they were tinted for you, you can take them back and have them remove some of the color. If they are Transitions...
Getting Rid of an Intelligent Mouse?
Our dumb mice are limited to the garage (they better be -- we have three cats in the house!). Snap traps have worked for us. But your mice sound more clever. Have you tried sticky traps? The powder Tapestry Lady mentioned sounds like an excellent idea, too...
Residue from Cast Iron Pot in Stew?
Ive never heard of cast iron going bad. I would scrub the inside like crazy (Id start with a green Scotch Brite, and move on to steel wool if necessary), then season it. Thats what I had to do with a wonderful old rusty pan I picked up at an antique shop. I...
Remedy for Dry, Flaky, Mature Skin?
You might want to try a a moisturizing scrub. Not all scrubs leave that nice smooth, dewey feeling. Im going to give you links to two of my favorites. The first is from Yes to Carrots. It does not foam up like soap. Ive noticed that they have recently redesigned...
Caring for a Cat With Jaw Cancer?
I dont really have any advice beyond what has already been given. I just want to tell you Im so very sorry that you and your kitty are having to go through this. The dog I got in 2nd grade, who was still with me when I got married 15 years later, got cancer...
Replacement Bubble for an Eight Cup Yosemite Percolator?
Many years ago (probably over 20) my parents used some sort of small jar as a replacement on their old percolator. I feel like it was a baby food jar. It looked strange, but the mouth of the jar was a good fit. I think they used the coffee pot for several years...
Difficulties Recycling Glass?
Our curbside recycling is done by Waste Management, and they still accept glass. This is in central Oklahoma.
Possible Bed Bugs?
I was thinking about fleas, too. Weve had them twice in the last 15 years, and both time they chewed me up, but left my husband alone. I would tell him I thought we had fleas, and hed poo-poo me. Finally, after catching one and showing him hed be convinced...
Shopping for Inexpensive Beads and Clasps?
Depending on the kind of clasp you want, if you have a few simple hand tools and some wire, you can make your own. I make jewelry, and I prefer handmade findings. Generally, they will end up costing less than buying clasps. If you dont have any tools and you...
Enlarging the Screen Display on a Laptop?
Are you using Windows 7? If so, in the upper right-hand corner (beneath where you minimize, maximize, and close the window) there are a few symbols: a house, a star, and a sprocket. Click the sprocket. The third option is Zoom. If you hover your pointer over...
Causes of Itchy Scalp Other Than Dandruff?
My scalp is very sensitive. If I use the wrong shampoo, I know within a couple hours that its going to cause a problem (not only itching, but I also get flaking). My mom loves Dove shampoo and conditioner, but I absolutely cannot use it. Itll take weeks to...
Using a Zodiac Flea Bomb?
I am not familiar with Zodiac brand. Did the product not come with thorough instructions? I havent had to use a fogger/bomb for several years, but I remember the packaging having complete instructions. If you dont have instructions, go check their website. Maybe...
Best Dry Cat Food?
We have fed our cats Blue Buffalo for several years. My oldest cat was getting flakey skin on his back, and this seems to help. They have a sensitive stomach variety, and thats my first choice. They dont always have that in stock, so if I cant find the sensitive...
Package Ordered from Internet Site Never Received?
How did you pay for all of this, Tony? Go back and check your statements, and there should be some sort of information for the company. When I order things online, I normally receive an order confirmation in my e-mail. And many places also send a shipping confirmation...
Placing Hot Pans on Glass Tops Stoves?
I dont have a glass top, so I have no idea. But did you read through the owners manual? Im not trying to be smart, but it seems like your concern is very legitimate, and if there is risk of damage from placing a hot pan on a cool burner, they should mention...
Getting Kids Up and Ready for School?
For us, using an alarm (rather than me waking her) seems to help a little. She cant argue with the alarm. We try to remember to lay her clothes out the night before. And, when shes been really uncooperative and didnt get herself completely ready, Ive let her...
Keeping Carpets Clean with a Toddler?
Similar to the rigid chair mat, you can get an inexpensive tablecloth (Im thinking about the kind that are flannel on one side and plastic on the other) and lay it down under the seating area. You can shake it out, and toss it in the wash if you need to. Honestly...
Decorating a Garage for a Wedding Ceremony and Reception?
If you know that rain is in the forecast, this must be happening pretty soon! I was thinking about somethink like what EGGZ suggested. You could also find some miniature Christmas lights and gently tack them along the tops of the walls. Just be sure not to...
Removing Ink from a Plastic Doll's Face?
A lady working at an American Girl store said that we could try using the tiniest bit of benzoyl peroxide acne treatment to help remove or lighten dark stains. Also, when they clean the dolls in the store, they use a little baking soda on a wash cloth that...
Getting Another Dog After Losing One to Parvo?
First, Im sorry for your loss. I assume you were taking them to the vet, because you said they had IVs. Why not give their vet a call and ask them about this? They probably know what needs to be done, and for how long, to make your property safe again. And...
Package Sent Via USPS to Amazon Not Received?
Have you used the tracking number to check the status? And did you insure the package?
Making Pulled Turkey BBQ?
Ive never tried it with turkey, Jim. Ive done beef & pork in the slow cooker with great results. I must tell you, though, I dont cook the meat in BBQ sauce. Since the sauce is so full of sugar, it will get a burnt taste. I put in liquid (usually water) about...
Getting a Hotel Refund?
Did she pay with her credit card? Did you guys leave and stay in a different hotel? Ive only had to pull this card once, and I was completely infuriated with the experience when I had to use it. But if you pay for something with your credit card, and the service...
Craft Ideas for Used Medicine or Pill Bottles?
I saw something in one of my magazines once a couple years ago. I believe it was ReadyMade, but could have been Martha Stewart, too. They gathered a whole bunch of the bottles, and attached them together to make a red wreath. You know where the labels are stuck...
Getting Rid of Flies in the House Naturally?
Maybe some fly tape will help you. The kind I got came it a little tube. You pry off one end (cardboard), and the tape is attached. As you pull, it unfurls the sticky tape. You use the thumb tack that was already in the end of the tube, and attach it to your...
Rights of Inheritance for Minor Children?
jeannette1940, when I first read nicolelewes post, I assumed that it was written by the father. Now, reading the username, it seems feminine to me. But it is possible that nicolelewe is female, and she and the girls mom were partners. When my daughter was in...
What is Killing Our Cats?
How old were the cats? Should they have had more good years in them? My parents moved to the country maybe 12 or 13 years ago. Over the years, several things have killed their cats. We suspect poisons of one kind or another for most of them. One was attacked...
Housewarming Invitation Etiquette?
I agree with aloham58. Any etiquette guides Ive ever read say that it is never proper to ask for a gift or include registry information with an invitation. I think aloham58s wording works well. It is likely some people will call you (or another close friend...
Using Tea Tree Oil to Kill Lice?
I dont know if tea tree oil will kill lice. My daughter got it last year (I still shudder thinking about it). I think I caught it very early. The first night I treated her with the store bought stuff (Nix or Rid). I didnt trust my husband when I asked him to...
Bamboo VS Hardwood Flooring?
My parents had bamboo flooring installed last summer. Im almost sure it was solid (not laminate). I grew up with hardwood floors. Their new bamboo floors are not as hard as I remember our floors being when I was a kid. They scratch/dent more easily than I recall...
Getting Rid of Dandelions and Hedges Without Herbicides?
I concur with frugalsunnie. Manually is a sure-fire way to get rid of them without any chemicals. When we moved into our house there were massive shrubs lining the walk up to the house. It felt like walking down a dark tunnel. I didnt like the looks, plus it...
Scenery: Kid Goats (Somerset, UK)
I chuckled when I saw this! :-) I usually think of cats curling up and snuggling in weird places. Im glad you shared this with us!
Presenting a Gift of Money?
You could make a money tree. If you do a Google search for Money Tree How To you will find instructions. My mom used to make them when the office would give a group gift of money for someone. You can do some origami with the bills, or attach with ribbons or...
Craft Project: Homemade Puffy Paint
This is very interesting. I think I might try making this for my daughter sometime -- thanks for sharing!
Buying Metal Funnels for Making a Tin Man?
If you still cannot find a metal funnel, maybe you can use metallic spray paint. I dont know how youd need to treat the plastic, but I suspect there is a way to do it. Cute project, by the way!
Organizing a Small Bedroom?
We use L-brackets and wooden boards to make shelving at the top of the walls. These would be for things that arent needed frequently, because theyre too high to reach without a stool. Make them whatever height and depth is most useful to you. I think it looks...
Understanding the Papers for an Uncontested Divorce?
I suggest you contact an attorney in your area. I suspect they can give you better advice than us. If you do a search of past discussions on divorce, Ive seen recommendations for legal advice if short on funds. Best of luck!
Zik the Zinosaur
I love these! Handmade, creative items from the heart are the best. :-) I hope the gifts are very well-received. Sounds like youre one cool grandma!
Helping a Child Accept a New Baby Sister?
The dad sounds like a real pig. I kind of hope your daughter doesnt have any more kids with him (I know its not a nice thing to say, but he doesnt sound like a good father). I think you just have to be the best positive influence you can. I agree that you can...
Break Up Ramen Noodles
Im half-Japanese, and grew up with ramen. To me (and my family) its crazy to eat ramen with a spoon. I use chop sticks, and there is no twirling involved. :-) My daughter is learning, but I make sure she has a fork, in case shes having too much trouble. Once...
When Should Girls Start Shaving Their Legs?
I dont there is one answer that fits everyone. This is highly personal to each individual. Itll depend on her comfort level, and hopefully her parents will support her (assuming she still lives at home). Some females choose not to ever shave anything.
Removing Cat Pee Odor from Carpet?
I dont know if rubbing alcohol will help at all. Id be wary of pouring/spraying it onto my carpet. You should go pick up an enzymatic cleaner the next time youre at the store. Ive gotten some at Petsmart and Wal-Mart, but have seen it at other stores, too. Head...
Parade Float for a Veterinary Practice?
Perhaps you could somehow incorporate the idea of K9s? I used to adopt deployed soldiers, and I know they had dogs with them.
Using Borax and Boric Acid Around Children?
Julie, I think you should be asking your daughters pediatrician or specialist about this. Surely they can give you better advice than us. I imagine they have a nurse who will speak to you. If the nurse cannot answer your question, s/he will check with the doctor...
Dog Has Diarrhea After Swimming in the Ocean?
I did a Google search. So easy to do. I typed in diarrhea salt water, and this was one of the results: If you need more information, you can do a search, too. And if your dog doesnt improve...
Allergy Friendly Punch Recipe?
Were you going to be serving *just* punch? I was thinking you could make a couple different punches, or as someone else suggested, just offer an assortment of non-punch drinks. You could have some sodas, tea, some juice, etc. Anyone who is allergic should know...
Shopping for Queen Size Pillow Cases?
Instead of buying pre-packaged sets, buy the flat sheet, fitted sheet, and pillowcases separately. It can cost more this way, but you will get what you want and not have extra pillowcases that you dont need.
Planting Lawn Alternatives?
Someone in our neighborhood xeriscaped their yard. Lots of rocks and drought-tolerant plants. I believe their yard was also wildlife habitat certified (although I might be getting the name wrong). I dont think they ever have to mow (I dont think there is any...
Puppy Keeps Crying and Can't Sleep?
I agree with deebomb. I remember reading that, along with a ticking clock, a hot water bottle wrapped in a blanket can be soothing -- like sleeping with mama and littermates.
Making Nails Stronger?
I used Sally Hansen Nail Growth Miracle for a while. I dont know if it would be available in Macedonia. Here is a link, so you can see what it looks like:
Gluing Fabric to Paper?
I like 3M Scotch Quick Dry Tacky Adhesive.
Gluing Fabric to Paper?
I couldnt figure out how to add a second picture to my other post. Here is another card I made using the same glue. It had lots of layered flowers, and just an itty bitty dot of the glue did a great job.
Finding a Job After Being a Stay at Home Mom?
So whats your question? Or did you just need to get that off your chest?
Choosing a Baby Name?
I suspect theyre going to just have to work it out and find a way to overcome this impasse. I had a boy name I loved, but couldnt come up with any girl names. I bought books and looked up meanings, and thought of things that I enjoy or mean a lot to me. I enjoy...
Dog Has Red Spot on Paw?
You could call his vets office. They will have his records to refer back to for the best personalized care, and sometimes can offer advice over the phone. If it sounds serious enough, they will recommend a visit. I hope your dog is feeling better soon!
Turning Off the Water Heater to Save Money?
I dont know if it would cause harm to the water heater, but I wonder if youre really going to save much money. They say if you set your thermostat too high/low (depending on the time of year) while youre away at work, the system will have to work harder to...
Cat Does Not Like to Sit and Be Petted?
I think its just personality. Just like some people enjoy hugging and dont mind sitting/standing close to others, and some people really prefer to keep their personal space to themselves. I have three cats. The oldest one loves getting his lovin! Anytime, anywhere...
Top Load Washer Smells Moldy?
I got a new top loading HE washer machine in November. It came with a sample of Affresh. Its a big tablet that you put into the empty machine, and you run the washer on a particular setting (mine has a special setting for the cleaner, but the instructions say...
Clearing Up a Long Neglected Yard?
You say you cannot open the gate. Can you get into the back yard through the house? Ideally a door, but even a window if you have to? Will you be doing this by yourself, or will you have another grown up to help you? Im surprised you (or your sister) havent...
Spitfire (Red Shorthair Tabby)
I chuckled. :-) We took in a stray kitten a couple years ago (already had two grown cats). He would guard his food, too. Hed take a piece of something good to the corner, chew and growl all at the same time. Silly kitty, we gave him the food! Im glad to hear...
Fusing Glass Beads to a Wine Bottle Without a Kiln?
I agree with thriftyvicki that to truly fuse them, youd need a kiln. An adhesive Id recommend is E6000. Thats some stout stuff! If you do a quick internet search, you should be able to find images so you know what youre looking for. It should be readily available...
Fleas on Dog and Cats After Treating?
Have you tried diatomaceous earth? There have been many posts about it in the past. Under a microscope you can see that it has sharp edges which pierce the exoskeleton of the insects. That causes them to dehydrate and die, but its safe for us and our cats & dogs...
Removing Litter Box for Indoor Outdoor Kittens?
Why do you want to get rid of the litter box? If theyre spending the night inside, it seems you wouldnt want to risk not having a box around. Having to hold it until they get an opportunity to go outside isnt good for them.
Removing Tangles from Doll Hair?
My daughter has a couple American Girl dolls. That hair is something else! I dont remember the hair on my dolls as a child getting this tangled. One thing they recommend is using a metal wig brush. Ive fixed the messes my daughter has created. I keep a spray...
Getting Rid of Gnats with Pets in the House?
Ive had to fog my house twice since we got cats (indoor only cats). We just put our cats into their carriers and took them out with us. We rode around, picked up some food, and did some yard work. They stayed in the yard with us (in their carriers) after we...
What is Living Down the Hole in My Garden?
Do you know your big neighbor-men? Maybe drag one to your back yard and show him the hole and see if he has any ideas. I dont know if this falls under their umbrella of knowledge, but maybe someone at your county extension office can give you some information...
Crust on Bread Machine Bread Always Too Crispy?
I dont have a bread machine, but my parents do. Does yours have a darkness setting? For some recipes my parents adjust the darkness setting on their machine. Maybe that would change the crispiness of the crust, too.
What is This Flower? (Asiatic Dayflower)
I had a terrible problem with these for several years. Theyd spring up everywhere (many thousands!) in my flower beds in the back yard. I finally got it under control, but still see one every now and then. Ive heard them called Wandering Jew also. Ive been...
Worms in the Rice and Moths in the Cupboard?
We went through this maybe 20 years ago when I was still living with my parents. Mom and I cleaned out everything, went to buy new staples (flour, sugar, etc.) and were very careful when refilling her containers. We saw a moth in the flour that we just purchased...
Keeping White Appliances Clean and Looking New?
I just wipe mine down regularly. The fridge doesnt need it as frequently as the oven. Depending on what Ive been cooking, I might need to wipe the top of the oven every day or every other day. I spritz it with my Caldrea multipurpose cleaner (environmentally...
Getting Rid of Calluses on My Feet?
I was just reading about pedicures in a magazine I received yesterday (Martha Stewart). It said to soften by using a foot file or pumice. Avoid callus shavers or graters; they can tear skin or take too much of it off, and they can make calluses grow back faster...
Proper Techniques for Brushing Your Teeth?
Here is a link to what the American Dental Association says:
Removing Welding Burn Marks on Stainless Steel Pipe Joint?
I was wondering if maybe steel wool would work. Ive never welded before, but Ive soldered with a torch. Steel wool and emery paper work well on other metals.
Easy to Manage Hair Styles for Young Girls?
Do you live in the UK? You used the word mum instead of mom, so I was wondering. Here in the US we have places like Supercuts and Great Clips that cost less than other salons, but they would probably be better than taking your girls to a barber shop for men...
Organizing and Storing Tiny Lego Pieces?
We have many large sets of Legos, too. We have them in a *large* storage bin. I tried keeping different sets separated in gallon size Ziplock bags, but my daughter was dumping them out and mixing them up. If your son wont do what my daughter did, you could...
100th Birthday Gift Ideas?
We just had a 100th birthday celebration in February (and, unfortunately, she passed away and we buried her last Monday . . . ). I make cards. So I used my paper punches (I have several different designs and sizes) and made 100 paper flowers to decorate the...
Cooking Brown Rice in a Rice Cooker?
The instruction book for my rice cooker gives the proportions of water to rice for the various varieties of rice. I usually cook short grain sushi rice, so I can use the provided rice measuring cup and the water level lines in the bowl. But when I cook brown...
Gift Ideas for Girl's 14th Birthday?
This is going to depend on the girl. Does she like accessories? Claires Boutique has lots of costume jewelry/accessories. He could get her a gift card and she could pick out what she likes. Does she like makeup or nail polish? Maybe a gift card to Ulta or one...
Cat Started Spraying Again After a Move?
If he has been neutered, he cannot be neutered again. The testicles are removed. Once theyre gone, theyre gone. There is nothing to remove again. Smokey is probably stressed out from the move. Do you know if any animals lived there before you moved in? Perhaps...
Millie (Cocker Spaniel)
Millie is a very pretty girl! She reminds me of my Freckles. We had him for 15 years. I still miss my friend, but I keep good memories close to my heart. Thanks for sharing her with us!
Natural Remedy for Anxiety?
Read up on magnesium deficiency. Most Americans dont get enough magnesium in their diet, and one of the symptoms can be anxiety. I was waking up in the middle of the night with a panicked feeling. I started reading up, looking for a non-prescription remedy...
Suggestions for Getting Along With Relatives?
Gosh, Trudy, I seem to remember youve had several posts about difficult relatives in the past year or so. Im sorry to hear that youre still having such troubles with them (assuming that theyre still the problem & that this is an ongoing issue). I think youve...
What is This Flower? (Nasturtium)
Looks like nasturtium to me:
Removing Scratches from Glasses?
Rachael, Im not familiar with Wal-Mart optical shops (dont have them in my state), but since it has been only a month, I suggest you call them and check about what kind of warranty/replacement policy they have. Before I became a mommy I worked for an optometrist...
Kitchen Paint Color Advice: Adding Brown to Tan Walls?
You could sponge, rag roll, or do something similar. They have rollers with special texture in them so you can get different effects, also. If you dont know how to do these things, do a search online and you should find plenty of information. You could probably...
Choosing a High School Graduation Gift?
I received an invitation to a good friends daughters high school graduation last year. I just got her a Target gift card, figuring she could find some way to use it. If she was getting a job, maybe she could get some clothes. If she was going to live in a dorm...
Softening Hard Honey in the Jar?
Ive placed my container of solidified honey into very hot water. Every now and then I stir the honey, and I replace the water as it cools. It takes a little time, but it works.
Accidentally Used Herbicide Instead of Fertilizer on Lawn?
Yikes! I dont think anything can be done, besides hoping that your herbicide isnt too effective. Why dont you look up your local county extension office and give them a call? It should be easy to find online.
Looking for Vegetarian Bean Soup Recipes?
Ive posted a link to this recipe before -- its wonderful! It has no meat, and no added salt. Very flexible and forgiving. Ive used canned beans or dried beans (adjusting cooking time). Ive used veggies fresh from the garden, and Ive added other veggies that...
Infant and Toddler Remedies for Colds and Coughs?
Vineeta, have you checked with your childs pediatrician? I can call my daughters pediatricians office and speak to a nurse and get advice. Sometimes theyll check with the doctor and call me back, and if it sounds serious theyll get me an appointment. But many...