Breakfast Items as Stocking Stuffer
Uh oh! I clicked on the thumbs down, to see if it would show me who voted against this idea, but instead it registered an opposing vote. No, I did not mean to vote against my own idea! The orange and nuts would be a good addition too.
Keeping a Christmas Journal to Plan for Next Year
I love classic artist Mary Engelbreits work and actually have somewhat of a collection of her figurines, household items and a few of the books she has authored.
Spaghetti Sauce Spice Mix As Frugal Gift
I love the Gooseberry Friends books. I have one hardcover one for holidays and several booklets I purchased at a discount resale store. And, like you, I have referred to at least one of them to share information here on ThriftyFun (attributed it to them, like...
Scenery: Spider Web
I read a newspaper article recently that said the space program is focusing on meteors now that might pose a danger to earth, if they landed here. Theyre seeking to cast a web like creation to catch them.
Shred And Reuse Newspaper
When I am sending gifts to a household I know has children, I keep the Sunday papers colored funnies to use for padding and wrapping. That way, they have something fun to read if they want when they open the package.
Live-in Grandmother No Longer Welcome in Daughter's Home?
I read about your dilemma and prayed for you. There was some conflict between my grandmother who helped raise me and my two sisters and my dad and stepmother who lived across the street in the house in which we had our legal residence. So I understand and have...
Recycling House Batteries?
In our town, we have two large item or hazardous item pickups per year from the garbage company. That is when they encourage the throw away of batteries.
Epsom Salts for Morning Muscle Cramps?
Have you tried a portable potty chair by the bedside? All bath salts are based from Epsom salts and I find them very soothing. I have early onset Arthritis in some parts of my body. Perhaps you should have a relaxing morning bath in Epsom salts, and an evening...
Butterscotch Brownie Mix
ThriftyFun edited this, leaving out the amount of butter or margarine sticks. Use one and a half (1 1/2) sticks. (b)Editors Note:(/b) This has been fixed. Thanks for letting us know.
Clever Holiday Card Greeting?
Run, run, run fast as you can! You cant catch me - Im the gingerbread man! I believe this is from an old childrens book called The Gingerbread Man. My husband quoted it in reference to a frisky cat we used to have.
Craft Project: Tin Decoupaged with Old...
We inherited some old black and white photos from one of my husbands deceased great aunts. The ones I chose were of the women posing in fashionable clothing at the time. Now I have an idea of how to use some of the photos, instead of just storing them away...
Prewrapped Silverware For Company
Heres another idea: You could decoupage napkin rings (wooden or plastic) with colored or printed napkins for the occasion. Then slip your utensils wrapped in a napkin through the ring.
Nemo (Ragdoll Tabby)
Cute Kitty! I have a ragdoll type tabby too, golden tan in color, with big amber eyes. There is an older golden tiger striped tabby male who acts as his adopted father in our house, grooming, wrestling and reprimanding him. This older one had a respiratory...
Chloe (Poodle)
We had a miniature poodle in college who didnt try to mate with stuffed animals. Instead, she tore them up! The pet was given to us by neighbors, and we, in turn gave her away, because we had a preschooler son she did not like. Your Chloe is cute!
Why Store Plastic Bags?
I use plastic bags to cover foods, instead of buying plastic wrap. I have instructions from our local newspaper about ironing layers of them to make a crafting square that feels like leather.
Keeping Squirrels Out of a Tree?
I read elsewhere here about sprinkling a garden with cinnamon and /or cayenne pepper to keep squirrels from eating or stealing flower bulbs. Maybe that would work in your tree?
Thanksgiving Mural Decoration
I use the same napkin and Modge Podge process to make wooden bangle bracelets, that look handpainted. Thanks for this.
Christmas Card Caption?
How about borrowing from the lyrics of the Santa Claus Is Coming To Town song? Something along the lines of You better not pout . . . Santa Claus is coming to town. You could feature the first words under the pouting picture, and the smiling picture over the...
Selling Antiques?
Find a local antiques store that offers consignments. You can sell them there, with the store retaining a percentage of your selling price. Or you could photograph individual items and have people bid on them via E-bay.
Reusing Laundry Detergent Caps?
I saw some photos here of people using them to contain small items in a drawer, such as paper clips, thumb tacks and rubber bands.
Smelly New Athletic Shoes?
I would go to a farm supply or hardware store to buy a product designed to eliminate urine smell. Then I would apply the product, and allow the shoes to dry outside in the sun, while I treated the inside of the house.
Parade Float Ideas: Theme is " All I want For Christmas"?
All I Want For Christmas is my two front teeth! You could focus on the dental services and have big poster board depictions of cartoon animals flashing their whitey teeth.
Refurbishing Candles?
Melt them down in a double boiler. Get two cooking pans, one smaller and one larger. Fill the larger about halfway with water and heat. Meanwhile, put your burned down or used candle wax in the smaller pan and set in the water of the larger pan. That makes...
Finding Free or Inexpensive Furniture?
If you find out when your locale is having large item garbage pickup, often you can just drive around a few days prior, and find things like that just sitting roadside, waiting for pickup.
Cheap Recipes?
Ramen noodles are inexpensive and the individual packages come with their own flavoring. I mix one package with half a can of green English peas for lunch. For dinner, I add meat and any vegetable that seems a good accompaniment. For chicken and rice, I boil...
Shopping at
I bought there once a few years ago. At that time, it was not. I used my credit card to pay at purchase time.
Selling a Doll Collection?
You could try selling them on consignment at a local antiques store. Or you could photograph them and have people bid on them at e-bay.
Selling Crafts Using Licensed Fabrics?
I believe the warning applies to the sale of the whole bolt or partial bolt of fabric, rather than a person using the fabric to produce something to sell. I dont think you need a license.
Using Coffee Cans to Make Candles?
Yes. One thing about hot wax, though, it tends to sink in the middle. So the best way would be to set the coffee can in a pan of water on the stove. Heat the water and the broken up wax will melt. You could add some bottom weight and stability to your wick...
Bedroom Paint Color Advice?
I would stay in the warm family of colors range. Perhaps peach, apricot or a copper color?
Getting Rid of Fleas?
Powdered Borax sprinkled all over your floors left on several days before vaccuming kills fleas but not their eggs. After vaccuming, if you still have the problem, repeat the process until the fleas are gone.
"The Grinch That Stole Christmas" Themed Parade Float Ideas?
Theme: How the Grinch Stole Christmas. . .and Gave It Back! You could use the disheveled Christmas tree idea from above and have the Whos singing carols around it. The Grinch could be there with an enlarged, perhaps glowing heart showing on the outside of his...
"Say No to Drugs" Theme Parade Float Ideas?
Remember that commercial about sunny side up eggs frying in a pan? The labeling words were Your Brain on Drugs. I saw something similar to this in a photo of a play where the kids were holding out what looked to be aluminum garbage can lids with three dimensional...
"Say No to Drugs" Theme Parade Float Ideas?
Giant frying pan with two sunnyside up eggs labeled Your Brain on Drugs with a recording of a sizzling/frying sound
Instruction Manual for Oster Breadmaker Model #4839?
Good luck! My husband bought a used bread machine from a coworker and I never could find out anything on Internet searches about it. Finally I found a cookbook called 300 best Bread Machine recipes that I was able to utilize with some of its functions.