Getting Rid of Pop Ups?
visit and download free mozilla firefox and stop using ie to use the web. Also download otherprograms you see a need for. Internet explorer causes all those pop ups. I have been using mozilla for 4 years...
Watch Out For Aspartame
Watch out for Splenda too. It is not made from sugar but chlorine. I have had several patients who are allergic to chlorine have the same reaction to Splenda. Splenda ( sucralose) is not in everything and you wont even see a Splenda symbol on the package but...
Sour Smelling Towels?
I have had great success with adding 1 cup vinegar to the rinse cycle. Or 1 capful of odor ban. This smell is caused by leaving the washer lid down when not in use. And is also caused bu the buildup of fillers and perfumes from tide and bounce. The vinegar...
Perspiration Problems?
sweating in normal and shouldnt be stopped. It has the same constituents as urine and must get out or it hinders the body. Also any aluminum based antipersperants are dangerous as previously mentioned and cause alzhiemers. If the sweat is very excessive many...
Flies and Mosquitoes Have Taken Over Our Yard?
Try sprinkling diatomaetous earth allover your yard. This will take care of everything. Also you must have some smell that is attracting the flies. If you have pets clean up their mess.
Pain Aid for a Toothache?
Until you see the dentist get clove oil from I guarantee it will make you pain free it is what dentists use. It also numbs any kind of pain. anywhere on the body
Ants on Plants and Trees
simply mix borax and honey and a drop or 2 of orange essential oil. mix this all together and drop around the yard where ants are seen. You may have to reapeat once a month.
Giving a Cat a Bath?
I bathe mine all the time. They get used to it after 3-4 times. You can also use allercat c available at pet shops and fabreeze allergy reducer spray. The most important thing in cat allergies is diet. The pet page on has all...
How Can I Tell If My Cat Is Spraying?
Use the blacklight and use woolite brand carpet oxyspray. Nothing works better. Have the cat fixed or get rid of the dog no matter what you do the cat will keep spraying. Has the puppy gone anywhere in the house. The only hope you have is to find every single...
Benefits of Fish Oil Vitamins
Just a quick note. Fish oil is not a vitamin! Also most fish oil capsules are loaded with mercury which causes autism, nerve disorders, and dimentia. Make sure your brand is molecularly distilled to remove all toxins. There is a great tasting one cheap at www...
Homemade Laundry Soap with Ivory Soap
safe the hassle and get a laundry ball! I bought one at for 35 $ ( i think its on the supplements page) and I have been using it five years now. I have used no other detergant. So I spent 35 for 5 years of laundry. The vinegar...