Pit Bull Chewing Problem?
My Pit does the same thing! She has already demolished 4 kings, but I would try the strongest kong they have!
What Breed is My Dog?
She looks like a Blue nose pit. But it also looks like it has some red nose in it, by the shape of the face. I have a red nose with just about the same shape. So I would say yes, she is a pit. Beautiful too!
What Breed is My Dog?
I would also look into maybe Staffordshire Terrier. Part of the pit family, just comes from a different region.
Diesel (Bluenose Pit Bull)
All these post make me feel bad! I have a 1 year old red nose and she was originally from a breeder, parents are both show dogs, and we got her when she was 3 months from a lady who kept her locked up in a cage. She is the sweetest thing! Your baby there is...
Domino (Pit Bull)
I have a female chocolate red nose, she has a little bit of white on her chest and neck. Just as pretty as yours tho! And she is a bed hog!
Toby (English Setter) and Dusty (Beagle)
I have a beagle mix and a red nose pit, The beagle thinks she is the big dog and the pit thinks she is the small one! My beagle mix will pull the pit across the room when playing. This pic is so cute, I have a few like that too!
Momma-Dog, Penelope, Bobble-head Lou, and Ginger (Dogs)
Now that is the cutes thing I have seen all day! My beagle mix and my pit bull love to lay with each other like that!
Drop Sites for Unwanted Coupons?
Laundry mats are a great place to drop them off for others. I always look threw the coupons when I am at my laundry mat!