Celebrating a Child's Birthday When You Have No Money?
Trinity, First, two is a great age. I have read (and done this myself) that the number of guests should be the age of the child plus one. Believe me, it works! Maybe you could do a picnic at a playground. Two year olds want to be active and their attention...
Musty Smell In Front Load Washer?
I know exactly how you feel. I bought a Maytag Neptune and spent a thousand dollars on it 10 years ago. I had the same problem and followed all the instructions given to me by the appliance serviceman. I saw an ad on TV for a Tide product which is made just...
Use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to Remove Paint Transfer
I use Mr. Clean Magic Erasers all the time. Never thought to use it on car scuffs. Cant wait to use this tip. Thanx from Nema.