Freezing Food Without a Vacuum Sealer
This is a neat trick, it does work, and while not new it is good to send it around again for those who dont know about it.
Ditch Cable with a Digital Antenna
Do you all live in Canada or USA? Does it work in Canada? Im thinking it might be good for camping. Unless youre hemmed in by big trees. Your thoughts anybody?
Storing Light Bulbs?
I keep a few on hand in their original packaging in a small extra drawer in a night stand. I cant see the need to stockpile so many as Ive been reading here.
Learning Frugality
A wise lady. With age comes wisdom. I spent many years accumulating things. At a certain age we downsized and retired and I gave away mostly all those things. Who needs a china cabinet full of dishes that are never used but still need to be washed. Now I spend...
Buy Meat in Bulk and Divide
Excellent. I used to separate, will now use your method. Wish I had thought of it years ago.
Name Ideas for Cleaning Business?
I would just go with Tidy and Shiny. I like the sound of it. Best of luck to you.
Keeping Mice Out of the Kitchen Drawers?
I use dryer sheets in every drawer and closet in our travel trailer, no mice.
Scouring Pots and Pans
I have to say that I was skeptical at first, but this really does work and I do it all the time now.
Soda Can Tab to Double Wardrobe Space
I just tried this and it worked excellent. Thank you Monique, I hope you win the contest for this great tip.
Making a Thread Catcher?
I tape a piece of quilt batting or poly stuffing to a corner of my sewing table. Thread sticks to it and its not hard to clean off at the end of the day.
Bicycle Name Plate
Please consider the safety factor of having your childs name available in public. If a stranger calls the childs name will the child think this is a safe person to talk to?
Getting Rid of Washing Machine Odor?
For me switching to powdered HE detergent got rid of the smell in my new front loading washer. And no more liquid fabric softener either. A repairman told me the liquids are petroleum based and they cling to the outer plastic drum causing smells. It is hard...
Freezing Leftover Turkey In Gravy
I have discovered that gravy freezes just fine. Never tried before.
Musty Smell In Front Load Washer?
Switch to powdered HE detergent. All the liquids are petroleum based and stick to the plastic hoses and gaskets and other parts. Hint given to me by a repairman. Worked for me. Use only a tablespoon for an average load. Dont use liquid fabric softener either...
Smelly Front Load Washer?
I had the musty smell whether I closed the door or left it open. I was about to throw the machine away even though it was only two years old. A repairman told me to stop using liquid detergent, use only powdered, and no liquid fabric softener. The liquids are...
Darling Miss Emma (Great Dane/Lab)
Wonderful. Great pics. Emma is a charmer. Hope she wins! By the way, if she is that fast (my dog tried and tried, never caught one) you might want to think about agility training. It takes a dog who learns quickly and is fast. I enjoy it so much and so does...
Use a Job Jar for Chores
I have always said everybody living in a house should take responsibility and do their part to keep it clean. Gone are the days of Mother staying at home full time and doing everything for everybody. When you teach your children this they will graduate from...
Hutch (Husky/Wolf Mix)
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story; read it twice. Caesar would be proud of you. You have restored my faith in humanity. I also train dogs and Ive been through the jumping bean on steroids. You have gone above and beyond the call of duty and your heart...
Remedy for Smelly Front Load Washer?
If you are using liquid HE detergent switch to powdered HE. Search until you find some. And stop using liquid fabric softener also. That did it for me. A repairman said those liquids are petroleum based and leave residue on the plastic pipes. I had tried everything...
Removing Burnt On Food
I have been doing this for years and it works perfectly every time. At first I was skeptical, but if you have never done it and are wondering, go ahead and try it, you will see how easy the clean up is.
What Internet Home Page Do You Use?
I use a blank page. I use internet explorer for a browser and every time I want to search the web I have no desire to read all the news and other stuff on all the home pages. Besides that it takes time to load all those graphics. You can set blank page by going...
Homemade Dog Treats for Pets with Allergies?
Stinky, and they love it. Cut in small pieces, freeze in small amounts you can use up in a short time. Forget this one if your dog is allergic to any of the ingredients. I dont put that much garlic in usually, and often leave the parmesan right out if I have...
Adult Child in a Toxic Relationship is Very Demanding of Time?
I think Joslin had the best reply. To add my two cents worth I will say it has been my experience that people do not make a change until they are desperate. She might wish things were different but she is doing nothing to make that happen. As an educated woman...
Label Tops of Electric Plugs
All electrical receptacles are installed with the larger slot on the left. So, simply look at the plug and plug it in with the larger prong on the left. If you have a plug receptacle that is opposite it is incorrect and should not have passed inspection.
My Frugal Life: Find Out How Great You Are
The story you have just told is worth more than a visit to a psychiatrist. If only people would not be so cruel. I believe they do not set out intentionally to hurt our feelings, sometimes they honestly think theyre helping us. You have to get your head above...
Cat Kibble as Dog Training Treats
You are right about the convenience. However, cat kibble contains more fat than dog kibble. All cat food does. That is why dogs like it better. So that is why I do not use it, if you use a lot of training treats you might end up with an overweight and unhealthy...
How Do I Teach My Dog to Come When Called?
Carrie I sure do know how you feel since I was in the same boat not long ago. The biggest mistake I made was chasing her. It was her favorite game in her previous home, the whole family chased her when she escaped. It was the only fun and exercise she had. Theyre...
Use Placemats in Refrigerator
I did this and I love it. I even cut some to fit the wide shelves in the door, that part is now easier to clean.
One Size Doesn't Always Fit All
I, too, enjoyed your post. Although the internet is a wonderful thing it sadly brings us all kinds of people who cant mind their own business. You gotta drive your own bus.
How Do I Keep the Shower Curtain From Blowing in and Sticking to Me?
The heavy duty ones dont blow in. They cost more but are worth every penny because they eliminate that daily annoyance. Worked for me.
Cleaning Dog Poop Stains Off a Rug?
I never used this on poop but it works for set in mud stains: Mix equal parts of salt and baking soda, then put enough vinegar in to make a paste. Cover the stain with this paste, even scrub in gently to coat fibers, let dry. Vacuum. It took me four applications...
Warning About Dryer Sheets And Pets
Well said Pixiedust, I have been harping on this subject for years. Regulatory agencies say the amount in the container is safe yes, but consider that youve been using it over and over for many years, it adds up. Almost everything in our homes, from cleaning...
Dog is Afraid of Baths?
Good advice from the previous post. I also recommend teach your dog to tug. Its a natural instinct and hell catch on quickly. Our rescue did not know how to tug, but now its her main play activity. It is encouraged in agility training because it builds front...
Shopping for White Mini Lights?
I live in New Brunswick and buy them at Dollarama. Usually only at Christmas time.
Removing Skunk Smell from Couch?
I live in Canada and I too have used Natures Miracle. Large bottle $13.95 available at pet stores. It worked wonders on the dog, she was able to sleep on our bed the same night. I did not have to use it on furniture but it says on the bottle you can. I have...
Cleaning a Painted Door?
Murphys Oil Soap. It is liquid, and designed specifically to be gentle on wood furniture. It is what I use to clean my varnished oak cupboards as well as my hardwood kitchen chairs. Follow directions on the bottle, and repeat until you get a nice clean finish...
Left-Right Game Story
I love your story. We play this game every year at the family Christmas party and Ive made them up too.
Musty Smell In Front Load Washer?
Again I say switch to powdered HE Detergent and do not use liquid fabric softener. These are made with petroleum products and also contain animal fats. Use only a tablespoon of powder and put it right in the drawer where you were putting your liquid. You may...
Store Food Waste in Freezer Until Garbage Day
I do that too! To remind me each garbage day I put a clothespin on my garbage bag under my sink and one on the bag in freezer.
Are There Home Remedies for Migraines?
As a 30 year sufferer I can tell you there are no foolproof home remedies. If you can identify the trigger you can avoid those things. Nervous tension and stress are huge contributors in some cases. I tend to believe they are hereditary also. There simply is...
Keeping a Mirror From Streaking?
For mirrors and windows I use a liquid product (here in Canada) called Hertel. Its in the cleaners aisle of grocery stores. Put a small amount in a container of water, squeeze out your cloth and wash mirror. Use paper towel or lint free cloth to dry. Never...
Feeding a Dog Ice Cream?
Thanks folks for all the great feedback. To Julia: Our doggie always gets the treat of soft ice cream when we go to Dairy Queen, they offer a dog biscuit but we buy her an ice cream lol. I had a cat who could not tolerate dairy products, it caused bowel problems...
Grammar Tip: "Affect" vs "Effect"
Heres the one that irks me the most: to and too. Remember by thinking go to O in each. But TOO has the extra O, so tooooo many Os means toooo much of something.
Dirt Stains on Rug?
Mix equal amounts of salt and baking soda then add a bit of vinegar to make a quite stiff paste. Lay on stain and leave it to dry. Vacuum up. I removed really bad plant mud stains from an ivory carpet with this method, it took three applications to bring the...
Mold Problem With Front Loading Washing Machine?
Never mind Affresh, bleach, cleaning drains etc because nothing will change until you stop using liquid detergent, even worse is liquid fabric softener; in some of these machines the plastic parts get coated with petroleum products from these. As soon as you...
Advice For Returning LG Front Loading Washing Machine?
Quit using liquid detergent, use powdered only, and no liquid fabric softener. We had the same problem, I was ready to throw it out. I now use store brand H.E. powder and the smell went away. The big box of powdered detergent lasts months and months, do not...
Advice for Quitting Smoking?
Thats what I am doing, now down to half pack a day instead of whole pack. And I like the idea of just saying you dont want one right now but you still know you can. Cold turkey wasnt for me, my nerves got so edgy nobody could live with me. For some of us a...
Tried and True Ways To Save
I, too, enjoyed reading this. Youre a woman after my own heart. I have always been frugal and have used many of your suggestions for years. Now in our retirement with much less disposable income it isnt as hard as for some folks who havent a clue how much waste...
Packing Kids For Multi Day Trips
While I applaud your organizational skills I believe that matching clothing is so not important when he is away with a group of guys. Neither is flossing! By now I am sure you have taught him to wear clean underwear and socks each morning. One trip to the shower...
My Frugal Bathroom
I do almost the exact same things as you do. Especially the thin, worn towels for hair. And the cleaning with vinegar. Its nice to hear Im not the only one. Enjoyed reading.
Use T-Shirts as Car Seat Covers
I have been using T shirts on the front seats for two years. Just tuck the sleeves inside out. These are fantastic, theyre snug but easy to whip off to wash. Back seat I used a stretchy fitted bed sheet which clings to the seat fabric, never moves. Again, easy...
Use T-Shirts as Car Seat Covers
Me too! We are frugal people. The stretchy sheet on the back seat is a gem, and I put a layer of heavy towel or piece of old blanket under it... mud yknow.
Use Waxed Paper to Prevent Skin on Stored Paint
Always wanted to try this, but wondered what kind of mess it would be to remove the waxed paper. Thanks for answering that.
Hide Emergency Cash in a Lipstick Container
I made a snap in lacy pocket for my bra. Emergency money always at hand. Especially good when traveling, if you lose or have your wallet stolen.
Homemade Dog Treats
Buy some cheap liver. Boil for 20 minutes. Dry it out in the oven on low for another 20 minutes. Cool, cut in small or medium size bites. Freezes well. If used for training treats cut very small.
Solve Cat Problems with a Positive Attitude!
As a cat lover I must say this is one of the best articles Ive read. Please folks, try to understand your pet.
Clipping Keys To Your Purse
I, too, have done this for years. Never have to wonder where the keys are. Guess I didnt invent the idea after all, lol.
Cranberry Sauce for Diabetics
Correct, full of sugar.... read your labels folks. If youre a diabetic like me you severely limit your cranberry sauce intake.
Don't Wrap Santa's Gifts
Me too, Santa did not wrap our childrens gifts. They were assembled and sat under the tree. We had a French door on the living room and locked it one year, the kids could see in but could not get in. There were squeals and howls. We blamed it on Santa making...