Moving Handles on Cabinets?
You could invest in small wooden medallions or whatever shapes these wood carvings come in. They are sold in most places that sell home remodeling things; usually is the woodwork sections and have flat surfaces on the back. Stain them to match your cupboard...
Removing Leather Dye from Socks?
Im not sure if the stain would be a protien type like baby doodoo, but years ago to keep the stains out of the cloth white diapers, I would let them soak in a mix of Purex and bleach. Always had nice white diapers no matter how bad they looked going in the...
Removing Odor From Suitcase?
Try Fabreez for fabric and letting it sit open outside in the sun, maybe keep dryer sheets inside them when storing will help too. You could also try scrubbing it out with lemon juice and letting it sit in the sun. I know what you are talking about with the...
Oil Stains on Carpet?
The product Quick and Brite is a miracle cleaner. Its safe enough to eat. You can get it at the link above. You rub it full strength into the stain and let it set for awhile. Then start blotting it out. I have used this on several oil, coffee spilled several...