Scissors and Ruler in One
Now this is one of the best ideas Ive seen in years. Seriously!
The Animals Speak
While the author meant to do a kind thing for the baby doves, its not true that the mother and father would have abandoned them. If she had called a wildlife rehabber (of which I was one for many years), she would have been advised to put the babies back in...
Washer Stopped Running and Won't Start?
Some washing machines have a safety switch that will turn the machine off automatically if its too unbalanced or something else is wrong - usually during spin cycle. You can reset it. Feel along the front, bottom edge, of your washing machine for a small open...
Repurposing Frisbees
I use Frisbees as dog food dishes and to put under the cat food dish. Like the other gal, I use also use them to put under potted plans. I also use them under anything that might have a tendency to drip, like under the water distiller, or pitchers of cold beverages...