Making a 1/2 Pie for a Half Birthday
Very cute idea for the children. How special they must feel. 1/2 pie should appeal to many of us. Now to find a 1/2 pie recipe. LOL G.G. Vi
Mama Bear Porridge
I like adding a spoonful of crunchy peanut butter. Also Craisins or dried cherries if I dont have seedless raisins. GG Vi
Easy Crockpot Mashed Potatoes
Already made the Crock Pot Candy and will do the two pot roasts (from Schwans already has gravy) with carrots, green beans and celery in the 2 crocks too. The potatoes I use are from the Schwans frozen food truck. Called mashed potato nuggets or something like...
My Serenity Garden
Nature, Time and God heals broken hearts. Ginny, Your garden will go on helping you cope, I see it all the time. Blessings to you and your granddaughter.
Top Denture Causing Pain?
Do NOT delay, Go back to the dentist you got them from. They will fix them, and they should not charge you. If they do, seek advice from a lawyer. GG Vi
12th Birthday Sleepover Game Ideas?
Our great granddaughter will be 12 in Dec. and her grandma is having a day spa party for her. Since your 12 year old isnt girly, how about a craft party? There are tons of craft ideas that are available on the internet. With Christmas coming so fast, they could...
Social Security Survivor Benefits?
If this warrior hero was married to the childs mother, They are both eligible for survivors benefits, unless things have changed. Check also with the V.A. office near by. His service is much appreciated as well as the familys sacrifice. Prayers offered for...
Teriyaki Chicken and Pineapple Stir Fry
My, my! This looks good enough to eat. Have to try it soon. GG Vi
Reuse Gift Wrapping Paper
An old, old trick is to use the small torn pieces of colored tissue paper and crayons that have been shredded ( shaved with a knife) Layed on a sheet of waxed paper and covered with another and warm ironed to seal. These days you can use all kinds of crafty...
Tribute to Mary Jo
This story would be a good start on the book that didnt get written. You should give it a try. GG Vi
Pineapple Angel Food Cake
Just make sure it is a Betty Crocker angel food cake mix. It has to be the cake mix that has ONE package in the box. ( Mistake I made the first time;-) GG Vi P.S. This is really good with flaked, toasted coconut and toasted chopped pecans on top of the cool...
Super Easy Cinnamon Sugar Biscuits
Soon as the Santa Ana winds die down Im making these. Thanks for the reminder. I add just a shake of allspice too. GG Vi
Grandma's Peach Ice Cream
FYI- Egg Beaters/Egg Scrabblers are safe/raw,made to use in home made ice cream. I was told this by the manufacturers. We have used them many times since. Also for butter cream frostings that call for egg yolks. GG VI
What Are These Bugs?
Thanks Shirley, Yes ,you were right, my bugs looked just like your picture. yuck! And I did get rid of them. GG Vi
Be Prepared For Lean Times
Many great ideas and some I also use. We have a small pantry but it is well stocked as it the freezer. We also buy batteries at Costco for the flameless candles and flashlights along with T.P. and PT and cleaning supplies. These are kept away from food items...
Buying a Possum Trap?
DH made one like this. Take the lid off an empty garbage can ( 30/33 Gal) Place a few sheets of newspaper over the top and tape it down. Place a plank /board on a slant to the top of the can. Put a small paper plate with a spoonful or two of canned cat food...
Donating Used Computers?
Donate to Habitant for Humanity ReStore, or a local charity, list on Put a free ad in the newspaper. But please do as redhatterb suggested and destroy the hard drive first. GG Vi
What is This Plant?
Thanks, Catherine was right. I found out enough about this annual plant online that I will start saving seeds for next year for the Path Garden. ThriftyFriends are so smart. GG Vi
Product Review: Amore Tomato Paste
Deeli, I will be on the lookout for this product as I too have wasted more than I use of the canned stuff. Thanks for a great money saving tip. Hugs, GG Vi
Turmeric Spiced Roasted Red Onions
You are always full of interesting information and recipes. ;-) GG Vi
Homemade Hummingbird Nectar?
4 cups water to 1 cup sugar is correct. No need to add red food coloring. Some birders say that if it isnt good for humans,why should we give it to birds? I agree. The bird feeders usually have a red base anyway. We have 4 feeders 3 in our yard and one just...
Getting Rid of Ants in the Garden?
Try dry corn meal. Just sprinkle it around the area. I used it around my lemon tree and they up and left. You might have to respread the corn meal at some point. GG Vi
Fluffy Clouds (Strongsville, OH)
I hope you werent driving Shannon. Two hands on the wheel! LOL GG Vi
Motley (Australian Cattle Dog)
You got lucky. Motley is a sweetie, Plus Dallas has excepted him. Sometimes the mighty little dogs are not fond of the new kid on the block. Thumbs up for a nice story with a happy ending. Good for you, rescues are great pets. GG Vi
Getting Rid of White Flies?
From jerry Baker-Master Gardener 1 cup sour milk ( just set out for 24 hours or add a teaspoon vinegar to it ) 2 tablespoons sifted flour 1 quart warm water Mix and spray, using a light mist. Good luck, GG Vi
Ants in the Kitchen?
I have very good results by just using dry corn meal around where they are coming in. We have a pantry in the garage that I spread corn meal on the shelves and they do not bother coming in any more. I even used a little corn meal muffin mix once and it worked...
Salt For Getting Rid of Weeds
Just be very careful not to get it on plants you want to keep. It was a mistake I made trying to kill snails and got to close to the flowers and it killed them too. By the way, boiling water in a tea kettle and pouring it on weeds kills them also. GG Vi
Freezing Zest in Wax Paper
Thanks friends, The COLD Eskimo is a baking soda holder from a dear friend. GG Vi
Delectable Biscuits
Guess Ill see if my old hands can make these. They sound wonderful. Thanks for sharing . GG Vi
Activities for Middle Aged Man in Nursing Facility?
Wood carving, soap carving, oil, water color, pasteles, painting in so many mediums now ( art classes? ) and may I suggest one more thing? Long ago I used to save used greeting cards, get well and thinking of you and Christmas mostly. I used colored poster...
Saving Money on School Supplies and Clothing
When you are young parents it takes a long time to figure out that Schools have champagne budgets with beer incomes. Waste is number one on my hate list. I dont know what happened, but when I was in grammar school, They supplied all of us, at the beginning...
Whole Wheat Pancake Mix
We dont make pancakes that often so I will make up a batch of this one and store it in the pantry or frig. Thanks for this recipe, whole wheat is recommended by our Dr. Where would we find Wheylow gold? GG Vi
Shake 'n Bake Copycat Recipe?
I use corn meal with a small amount of flour ( or corn muffin mix ) a pinch of salt and pepper and a couple of shakes of paprika. You can add other spices like Italian Seasoning, garlic /onion powder or any you like.Give it a try. GG Vi
Recycling Linens As Fabric
I made a slip dust cover for the double seated lawn swing we had out of two old flowered sheets once. Your table runner is a lot prettier. Thanks for sharing. GG Vi
Wildlife: Mr. And Mrs. Cardinal (Summerhill, PA)
Wish we had red birds here. LOL Thanks for sharing. GG Vi
Frugal Ways to Clean and Pack Your Camper
If I were to go camping it would be this way or not at all. Once I went camping at the beach. I slept in the car while DH and kids slept on the ground. In the day light I made the kids wash after playing, before eating, breakfast / lunch etc. They didnt want...
Important Information If You Receive Federal Benefit Paper Checks
You posted a great one here Deeli. I can only hope people will heed the warning. GG Vi
Starting Seeds
You have a head start with lots of seeds going already. Hope you send in pictures of the crops youll have. GG Vi ;-)
Newspaper Pots For Seedlings
Thanks for the step by step pictures. I need to make a bunch for the Spring give away in The Path Garden. GG Vi
Dallas (Pomeranian) and Sadie (Australian...
I LOL at Sadies asleep grin. And Dallas is cute as a button (when have you last seen a cute button?). We know how much fun and comfort they are for you. I cant imagine life without a fur baby to love. Enjoy them both and always take time to cuddle up. GG Vi
Getting Rid of Ants Without Chemicals
You can get rid of ants by spreading corn meal around also. GG Vi
Making Fruit Kabobs
So pretty and good for the kids too. Im printing this out for GGdaughter so she and her best friend can make them together. (8 year olds ) Thanks for including the picture. GG Vi
Value of Encyclopedias?
Cant even give them away it seems. We had some and the Library/thrift stores wouldnt take them. You could try Freecycle or Craigslist in the free section. Good luck. GG Vi
Removing Hanger Shoulder Bumps on Sweater?
You might take them to a dry cleaners and see if they will just steam the bumps out for you. I had some shear curtains once that I just couldnt iron out the wrinkles. I took them to a local cleaners and just had them pressed.. Good Luck. GG Vi
Selling Used Books?
You should go through each book to see if money was left in any of them. Happens more than youd think. Also I have heard of people finding important letters or even a Deed to property in one. Encyclopedia sets, no matter the age are worthless.( Our Library...
Instant French Onion Soup
Deeli, I saved this in Doc. so I could try it. With having odd eating times this will save me from having to open a can some days.Thanks Pal. LUV, Vi
Removing a White Water Mark on Furniture?
Try a dab of Mayo, rub in with a soft cloth and buff with a dry cloth. It did a great job on my old sewing machine. GG Vi
Killing Grass in a Rock Walkway?
Take your tea kettle full of boiling water to the weeds. Cheaper and works on most. GG Vi
Using Bisquick After Expiration Date?
How far out of date is it? I have used Bisquick by adding a small amount of baking powder to it and it was fine. As long as it was bug free and not rancid smelling it should be OK. You could test it by making a small batch of pancakes or biscuits and see if...
Removing Cigarette Smell from a Fabric Purse?
If the other suggestions are not enough, try wadding up dry newspaper, fill the purse and let it sit for a week. I have also heard that fresh coffee grounds might also work. I would try folding the coffee grounds in a sheet of newspaper and close it with a...
Using a Crockpot Liner in the Oven?
Not sure.. You can go online .... email the MFG. and ask them. I wouldnt reheat in it. My booklet says not to. You can use it to plant cuttings in it , just dont over water. Also put water proof tape in a grid pattern on top and use that to hold cuttings from...
Using a Crockpot Liner in the Oven?
Not sure about that. But you can use the liner to store leftovers in the fridge. I wouldnt reheat in it. My booklet says not to. You can use it to plant cuttings in it, just dont over water. Also put water proof tape in a grid pattern on top and use that to...
"Twas the Day After Christmas"
Absolutely love it. You should copyright it fast, if you havent already. GG Vi
Shopping for Comfortable Clothes for Female Nursing Home Patient?
My dear friends mom was in a nursing home in CO. And her daughter lived here in Ca. So she had to travel some to make sure she was well cared for. It wasnt long before the new TV was gone and even her burial clothes were stolen.And she lost almost all her clothes...
Easy Bundt Cake
Thanks for this tip. I did the strawberry and German Chocolate cakes and they were both a hit!. When I made the German Chocolate cake with Coconut-Pecan frosting, I also added' 2 Tbsp. of cocoa powder and 1 tsp. vanilla to the batter.' It is going to be in...
How We Keep the Santa Magic Alive
Lovely, I hope everyone has a joyful Christmas. This made my day. Ill be passing it along to our daughter for her granddaughter. And to our oldest grandson and wife for their 3 sons. Long live Santa, hell be coming to our house for as long as were here. His...
Christmas Gift Idea for New Boyfriend?
Ill tell you what people say, If you have to ask, you are to young. Underwear is not an appropriate gift for a new OR old boyfriend from a Young Lady. A nice after shave lotion, gloves/scarf or make him a nice dinner. GG Vi
Slow Cooker As Air Freshener
Deeli, Dear. I hope you get a whole bunch of thumbs up for this one. An added hint, buy your dried spices from the Mexican aisle at the market. You can get bigger bags cheaper at the 99¢ store too. And dont forget the peppermint, spearmint, wintergreen etc...
Christmas Gifts For Seniors
RE: Christmas Gifts For Seniors I would have given you two thumbs up if I could. All are good suggestions. And should give people something to think about. Merry Christmas to Everyone. GG Vi