What to do with Leftover Yellow Cake?
Make individual Boston creme pies. Layer bars of cake with instant vanilla pudding (I use sugar free), and top with chocolate sauce.
5 Year Old Having Bowel Movement in Pants?
The ideas given are good! First, there is a REASON that this has started all of a sudden. Please let a doctor check things out, then quietly, make it her responsibility to clean everything needed. No fuss, no emotion, Dunk the clothes in the toilet...etc....Here...
When Should We Trim Our Japanese Maple?
Google prune Japanese maple [and most such questions] to find loads of info. What a pretty tree!
Keep Deer Out With Liquid Fence
http://davesgarden.com/products/gwd/c/3049/ Mixed reviews. Some like it, some dont.
Relieving Plugged Ears?
You said youve had colds lately. Try a decongestant from the drugstore and _gently_ hold your nose and blow to inflate your Eustachian tubes several times a day. And unless a doctor recommends it, it is not usually a good idea to remove natural earwax.
What breed is my dog?
Size?? Body/leg/tail shape?? I also thought some shepherd, and some hound with that short hair.
Cat Doesn't Use Cat Condo?
Place a [very] little bit of a dry treat on the level above where he will go. If taken , do it again, and then raise the level.
Antibacterial Cleaner for a Dog Kennel?
Dogs (and animals) are designed with a certain amount of natural resistance to germs. Dont be overly worried like the advertisers (who would like us to buy their products and sanitize everything in sight) want us to be. Daily pick-up of solid waste and changing...
Recipe Request for Fat Free Low Carb Oatmeal Cookies?
A google search for your request (Fat Free Low Carb Oatmeal Cookies) yielded lots of choices. Try it and see what you prefer. I liked this one: http://www.dlife.com/dLife/do/recipe/ShowRecipe?recipeId=10208
Cleaning a Laundry Line?
Run a hot soapy wash cloth over it and then a clean one to rinse. If the wash one is very dirty run it over a shorter distance, rinse, and re-do.
Teaching Kids About Finances
I have heard of some homeschool families who turned over (supervised) family finances to a (prepared) high schooler - for 6 months! Boy did that child have a wake-up call! And you can bet they made wise choices later.
Butter Stains On Leather Purse?
http://www.mrscleannw.com/tips/leather-stain.html Heres just one of the many hits I got from a google of cleaning grease off leather :
What Causes Ear Mites?
Discusses more of the causes and environmental treatment. http://home.howstuffworks.com/home-remedies-for-cats-ga5.htm Google answers sooooo many questions !!
Looking for Fast Diet Pill?
Your instincts are correct and the advice posted so far is excellent. If there was such a drug, it wouldnt be safe. No one should lose more than 1-1 1/2 pounds/week. This takes time, lifestyle changes, hard work, and persistence. Wear a comfortable, flattering...
Mashed Potatoes for 40 People?
googled recipes for a crowd mashed potatoes and came up with this: http://recipesforacrowd.com/vegetables?page=5
Cleaning an Artificial Christmas Tree?
If you have a good vacuum cleaner, use it with a light brushing.
Getting a Dog to Like Someone?
I agree with the good guy advice. Also, dont push...just being in the same room, non-threatening, even ignore the dog. Slow movements, quiet voice, etc. all to help the dog not fear the person. Treats, laid down as suggested, then maybe the dog will approach...
Pattern For Crochet Afghan Arrowhead?
http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=16254 like this one? says its from a Leisure Arts booklet on Mile-a -minute afghans
Crochet Pattern for Plastic Detergent Bottle?
http://www.crochetpatterncentral.com/directory/kitchen_misc.php several on this page
Carnival-Style Lemonade?
Real lemonade is very pale---I wouldnt be surprised if they added a tiny bit of yellow food coloring. Its amazing how we have come to expect things to look or taste modern instead of real.
Recipe For Bisquick Coffee Cake?
http://www.backofthebox.com/ Website for all sorts of back of the box recipes
Draining a Can of Tuna?
Not too much to it, but its a tad messy. I havent found an alternative to opening it and using the lid to press out the liquid into the sink or trash. I use a fork or knife to pry open the lid and flake it out with a fork. I wash my hands after--nice and clean...
Recipe For Boxed Cake Frosting?
try a google search for frosting recipes and frosting from scratch also--if it runs, its usually because the cake is still too warm Happy cake!
Preparing Sunflower Seeds?
Did you try a google search ? Most questions like this are fairly easy to answer once you explore a couple of the voluminous links youll find via google. Best wishes.
Freezing Imitation Crabmeat?
If something is safe to eat, it is safe to freeze , [assuming it is something that may be frozen in the first oplace] although the quality of an item may suffer.
Outdoor Games for Toddlers?
Here is just one place I found games: http://www.indianchild.com/outdoor_games.htm Google outdoor games preschoolers for MANY more...
Recipes You Can Freeze?
Good heavens, help us narrow down the topic a bit Are you thinking of main dishes/casseroles that can be made ahead? They are a great time saver.
How Much Should My Lab Weight?
It is not possible to simply state an ideal weight as there is a range for each breed, and some individuals are small or large for their breed. A vet could give you an idea of whether yours are a good weight as well as advice on a good feeding plan. Here is...
Substitute for Chicken and Beef Bouillon?
Ask for ideas or resources from a professional -- a registered dietian....local cooking school, community health clinics, community college...make homemade chicken or beef stock (endless recipes online free, just google) and freeze it in individual servings...
Substitute for Chicken and Beef Bouillon?
great entries in homemade frozen boullion cubes listed below in related links
Making Birth Announcements?
Handprints of baby and bigger siblings dipped in water-based paints and worded as if the sibling is announcing his/her older sib-ship...ie. Fred is happy to announce the arrival of his little sister Freida on ...
Blood Stain on a Dress?
Hydrogen peroxide is the nurses friend. Gets out blood stains wonderfully well.
Uses for Non-working Freezers?
CAUTION: All fridgies and freezers are potential deathtraps for children who sometimes crawl inside to hide or just out of curiosity. PLEASE remove the door now and leave it off. Use the case for shelves if you wish, but make it safe first.
Tips for Styling Long Hair?
My hair is down below my belt and quite straight. It looks good braided and put up in a fancy hand-painted laquered clip I have. Also buns, French twists and a hairdresser will have more for you. Worth it to pay to be shown how. I have had 2 dds weddings to...
Book About Popsicle Crafts?
Google craft sticks -- there are tons of info/patterns. PS: Id check with the officials involved to see if this is acceptable before investing in supplies. Our oldest son has worked in corrections -- LOTS of things can be misused. Sorry that this spoils things...
Retirement Dinner for a Teacher?
Gag gifts site here -- most use common household items [bubble gum, paper clip, etc.] They have poems and stuff with many of them. this site is like others I have seen online, but was the one I found. you will probably be able to find more. Best Wishes... http...
Baking Cupcakes on More Than One Rack?
You should not need to add time nor switch positions ( opening the door will reduce the heat and affect cooking results/times too). Does your oven yield different results on the upper and lower racks? Mine does (cheap landlord), it is also HOT! I need to reduce...
Lemon Pie Turned Out Watery?
What was watery, the filling or meringue weeping? I googled meringue weeps and got this for one - there were more. I always try a google search. AMAZING !! http://www.ochef.com/904.htm
Hawaiian Cream Pie?
There were many hits when I googled Hawaiian Cream Pie . Go ahead and see what looks good to you or goes along with what you have on hand. Enjoy!
Bedwetting Help?
Bedwetting is something that simply takes time to outgrow. We had one son who required GoodNites till age 12. Even then there was often bedding to wash. We used a zippered plastic mattress cover and bought inexpensive mattresses when necessary. Teach him to...
Do I Need a Coffee Table?
We never had one all the years the kids were smaller. I just figured it was only another obstacle or source of injury to them. The upholstered furniture was all we had in the living room. Youngest of 5 is 12 now. Got a very good used one from thrift store for...
Low Purine Diet for Someone With Gout?
http://www.pccnaturalmarkets.com/health/Diet/Low_Purine_Diet.htm This was the 1st hit when I googled low purine diet. There were MANY more. aardvark
Sewing a Bra Into a Wedding Dress?
Google is your FRIEND !! The 1st hit for sew bra into gown was this : http://sewing.about.com/library/sewnews/library/aatips4.htm
Iowa Vacation Ideas?
ALSO Kalona. There is a Mennonite dairy there with the worlds best cheese curds. Mild, so deeee-lish.
Avoiding Checkout Surprise
Keeping a running guestimate is great mental practice. Ive given the job to kids sometimes. I do it by rounding up for things over 50 cents up , less than, down.
Lilies Not Flowering?
try here: http://www.plant-care.com/drooping-peace-lily-spathiphyllum.html there were more sites when I googled peace lilly care or peace lily not flowering/yellow leaves Local nurseries are often good sources of info, even a GOOD florist who sells the type...
Depression Jelly Recipe?
I googled depression jelly and found 2 recipes, both made with just jello, tomatoes and sugar. Try google. Condolences on your loss, and please extend our sympathies to your Dad as well.
Making Liquid Soap From Dove Soap Bars?
I googled make liquid soap from bars and got (among others) http://frugalliving.about.com/cs/familytoiletries/qt/barliquidsoap.htm
Flavoring Dishes With Butter?
I personally like to use buttery flavored cooking spray. Ive heard it may be sprayed on popcorn or veggies for a buttery (but less fatty) flavor. There is also an olive oil spray. Wonder if a combo of them would get the result you seek. Guess experimenting...
Soaked Clothing in Oxiclean for Too Long?
RIT dye ?? What new color would you like? -- darker than the original, and one that will not blend with the original to make an icky color.
Remembering to Send Birthday Cards?
Post the calendar someplace you ALWAYS look at multiple times of the day --- dont laugh, the inside of the bathroom door (or other wall easily visible from in the room near the potty) is useful. Storing the cards near the spot is good too (need not be IN the...
Picking Up Change
Yup, our kids learned long ago to open the car doors [safely] and check the ground around the drive-thru.
Standing Up for What's Important
Also: Do right and risk the consequences. ------------------------------------------------------- All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Name Tag Ideas for Clothes?
They sell laundry markers that dont wash off. I like to mark (even just an initial will do it) on the tags instead of the clothes. There is usually a blank side or a place where it wont obscure the laundry instructions. Lots faster and easier than sewing or...
Adding Password Protection to a Computer?
Thanks to all. I now know how to *go to the start menu *go to user accounts *go to each account you wish protected *click on change a password and follow instructions. --------------------------------------------------------- *You must do this for ALL the accounts...
Adding Password Protection to a Computer?
oops............................. left out a step after start menu.... go next to control panel..... THEN to user accounts. Hope I didnt confuse anyone --- Im usually very confused when it comes to puters. :)
Sympathy Gift Ideas?
Call her at a time you know she is likely to be free and ask her if you may come over then and take her to get a light meal, dessert or even a shampoo and blow dry. Be there with her, let her talk and help her get out of the house and back into society. Sometimes...
Clotted Cream Recipe?
As usual , all I had to do was google it. The easiest, from a kwik look was here http://tinyurl.com/9feky
Cheese and Salsa Dip
I usually do easy, fat- or calorie-lowering modifications like using reduced fat Velveeta, and doubling the salsa proportions
Bakeless Bake Sale Ideas?
The whole idea of a bakeless bake sale was all new to me. I googled it and among many others got this http://www.fundraising-ideas.org/DIY/bakelessbakesale.htm Thanks for the idea.
Peruvian Recipes?
When in doubt -- Google ! For Peruvian recipes I got http://tinyurl.com/bhvkv Enjoy.
Reduced Fat Eggnog
I have always mixed roughly equal parts of eggnog and our usual milk (for us its non-fat). The kids and I have only known that kind and think the full strength stuff is toooooo much. Cheaper and less fat/calories.
Fudge the Fast Way!
Sounds good, but what kind of canned milk ??? Evaporated or condensed. They are DIFFERENT.
Which Type Freezer Should I Buy?
A chest freezer is more economical to run, and manual defrost also saves energy. HOWEVER --- I wouldnt wind up USING it very much unless it was an upright. For me, its a better deal to get the more expensive upright and actually USE it more easily.
My dog started messing in the house.
First, make sure there is no medical problem. Next, you must completely get rid of scent that may bring the dog back to same inside spot. Commercial products are worth it to save the $$ cost of carpet, etc. Last, consider crating the dog when you have to leave...
Indian Pudding Recipe and History
http://www.historycook.com/chap2.htm Mark Zanger wrote The American History Cookbook and gives history here.