My Experience Driving Uber
Why were you scared to death? Not to deny your feelings at all here, but maybe a bit apprehensive or somewhat hesitant or a little wary is probably more of an appropriate way to feel about doing this new experience of using Uber, but scared to death because...
Don't Eat Grapes in the Store
Theres a simple and easy way to deal with the sanitary issues surrounding sampling fruits and vegetables in the store and thats to STOP sampling the fruits and vegetables prior to purchase. Testing or sampling fruits or vegetables prior to buying them is technically...
Tahini-Free Hummus
What can be used as a suitable substitute if peanut butter is a big no-no due to severe food allergies?
Substituting Marshmallow Creme for Marshmallows?
Unfortunately I cannot indulge in peanut butter laced Rice Krispy Treats due to a severe peanut allergy. I hope yours are well-marked giving the peanut butter ingredient as a heads up because many people dont associate peanut butter with Rice Krispy Treats...