Cake Mix Inner Bags For Freezing Chicken
Yes, you could. Cereal bags are larger and even stronger than cake mix bags. And I use bags from Graham crackers and Ritz crackers and many more packaged foods. I even use bags from French bread for freezing home made cake (cut into bars.) They are not strong...
Searching For My Half-Sister?
Frances, I wish I had more to offer than has been suggested. I dont. I do have a suggestion, though. It might be a good thing if you joined Family Search. The membership is free. Your father and mother are listed there. So are your fathers parents. There is...
Rooting A Chinese Evergreen Stem
I would like to add here a little note I hope will be helpful, Concerning light requirements; If you have enough light for growing Dieffenbachia, You will have more than enough for the Aglaonema.
Olive Oil to Keep Gnats Out Of Your Face
Products with DEET are so expensive, Ive never bought any. If olive oil works for gnats, it might work for mosquitoes. Im going to get a small bottle from Dollar Tree and give it a try for both. Thanks
Bacon Topped Meatloaf
Ive made meatloaf only a couple of times and that was years ago. I want to try your recipe as it sounds so good. Since theres just me, Im wondering how well sliced portions would freeze. Have you tried that? Also Im wondering how it would be to precook the...
Keep Potatoes Fresher Longer
Thanks, Judy, I am having trouble keeping potatoes. I always take them out of the plastic bag and keep them in a cool, dark place in a colander but hadnt thought about putting them in paper bags. Ill give that a try. I do know for sure that potatoes treated...
Extending Dish Detergent with Peroxide
I agree with you for the most part as I have mentioned in other posts that peroxide loses its antiseptic properties when exposed to light, heat and contaminates. Your comment would best be answered by one degreed in chemistry and I am not. I will say this: the...
Protecting Your Sink Faucet
And if Nitrile purple isnt your color, you can go with basic latex white.
Rehashing Frugal Living After a Death
There are many who if in your shoes would be wallowing in self pity and complaining about their state of affairs. Your own personal strength and positive outlook are keeping you going. I cant be there so do me a favor, please....Pat yourself on the back for...
Sink Strainer Catch-All
And here are pictures of the lasagna tubs with drain holes in the upper tub. Makes a nice caddy for my free pot scrubber when not catching wet odds and ends. Youre welcome. Jess.
Keeping Bed Covers Straight?
Im not sure the Velcro would work unless it was fairly large pieces and I dont have a machine, period. I too was thinking that the grommets should be smaller than those used on a tarp. Im glad you can envision what Im trying to do here. Thank you for suggesting...
Keeping Bed Covers Straight?
I really wanted some input on the grommet idea. My covers are the right size and I want them free to move as I move. Its just that I want them to move all together as one and not get separated from each other. I cannot sleep tucked in in any way. I have accomplished...
Muffin Tin Meatloaf
Im not much of a meat loaf eater, but when I do, I tend to favor the edges which are a bit more crustier than the rest. Your tip for baking in muffin tins would produce much more crust than the original method. I shall try this with a recipe calling for ground...
Popsicle To Cool Down Drink
Novel...and I bet theres some nice combinations not thought of, yet. I like the openmindedness to try new things. How else would I have found cantaloupe (cubed) freezes well. Now, I can have it Christmas ans New Years.
Portable Mini Plant Terrarium
Its all very nice. I like the idea. But...I have to say The things you can do with copper wire are almost electrifying.
Making Use of Old Smartphone
I got a smart phone, then quickly got rid of it. I had no idea what they were like. Mine had Google OS on it. I could not escape Google. I am a privacy nut. If Google had its way, I would have lived Google. Google would have been a deep rooted permanent fixture...
Spray Starch Time Saver
Ive used flour in the days before spray starch was on the market. It worked pretty well. You did have to be careful about the iron setting. Not too hot lest you scorched the flour. I dont think sugar starch would go over too well here in the South. On a real...
Freezing Sweet Potatoes
Thanks, Jess, My intentions were to fill a freezer with these fully prepared items. Alas, Ive yet to buy a small freezer. But pulling some from my refrigerator freezer does give a sense of satisfaction. I like the convenience and the taste of food I prepared...
A Weed or Not a Weed?
I have had there growing on my property. I suppose whether they are a weed is determined by how you feel about them. I enjoyed having them there. I did know the name but have forgotten. I think they are a variety of Coreopsis.
Crockpot Baked Potatoes
Sounds great. And Ill wager you saved on your energy bill, too. Plus you wont be heating up the kitchen in the summer time when you want baked potatoes. LG, you are a caution!
Changing HVAC Filters
The experts recommend changing furnace filters every ninety days. I dont think this should be a hard and fast rule as there are times when filters can get dirtier faster, maybe during spring cleaning or some remodeling work. A visual inspection of the filters...
Beautiful Birds
I helped your picture along a bit because I really wanted to see the hummingbird in your hand. I know exactly what you are experiencing. I get a strange and wonderful feeling when Im holding a wild creature and they seem quite content, somehow sensing that...
What is This Farm Equipment?
I may well be wrong but I believe this is not complete, but just part of a hay press. Sorry, no idea of its value.
Ambrosia Recipes
As there are no hard and fast rules for making ambrosia and each recipe is a variation on a theme, Ill draw from each what I like best for formulating my own version. I would use canned mandarins only as a last resort. As long as a good naval or other orange...
Ambrosia Recipes
Interesting you caught that, Jess. My spelling came from verifying the makers of Crown Royal who apparently use both spellings. Had I been asked how to spell it, offhand I would have thought whiskey. You are sharp!
Ambrosia Recipes
This sounds like the perfect combination of ingredients. Some recipes dont list grapes. I cant imagine ambrosia without them.
Ambrosia Recipes
The Perfect Manhattan Stop. Youre pushing me over the edge. Heres the way it was. The recipes say any good whisky will do. Instead, I used Crown Royal, probably the smoothest you can buy. You can use dry vermouth or sweet vermouth. I used equal parts of each...
Ambrosia Recipes
I read this, Judy. Sounds so good. If I do make it, I will be sure to use fresh mandarins. The canned ones just dont get it. Thanks
Ambrosia Recipes
I do like the idea of using cherry juice. Back when I would have a nip or two, I used to make a delicious Manhattan. I always added a bit of cherry juice. Its been years. i may just try that again. Thanks!
Substitute For Pork Chop Fat
Thanks for all the suggestions. I will try to try them all. I wont cook a Boston Butt though til Im cooking for more than one. Sounds interesting. Ive never had this cut of pork.
White Flower
Is this a woody shrub? If so, Google Lil Kim Rose of Sharon - Hibiscus syriacus Im sure you have a Hibiscus Syriacus, or Common Hibiscus. But in your case, a hybrid. Read up on their care. You should be able to get it to bloom again. They are really easy to...
Make Your Own Box Fan Air Filter
I had this in mind but didnt follow through with it. So, I pinned an open weave material to the back of the fan. It works pretty well (for the larger airborne particles) and the material is washable but its a pain fitting the material to the fan. My original...
Etiquette Regarding Family Visits?
During my growing up years all of our guests were unexpected, and all of them were welcome. Neighbors were always dropping by, maybe to borrow a cup of sugar for a cake they had started and found out at the last minute they didnt have enough. Or in the cool...
What Breed Is My Pup?
Please tell me, why does it matter? Its a beautiful dog. I would take it in a skinny minute. Sometimes we pay too much attention to detail. And sometimes we misinterpret those details. I had a pure bred chihuahua. I would have loved her just as much had she...
Making Really Smooth Sweet Potato Purée?
I checked the ricer. The concept is perfect. The prices are good. Ive been forcing the potatoes through a sieve with a nylon spatula. Its hard work and takes forever. The ricer should give me lots of leverage. Now, if I can just find one with holes as small...
Making Really Smooth Sweet Potato Purée?
Ive never used a ricer so one never came to mind. It could well be just what I need. Ill check into it. Thanks.
French Onion Chicken
Sorry Sandi If your picture of the finished product had been a snake , it would have bitten me. It does look very good!
French Onion Chicken
Well, Sandy did an improvisation of a recipe found on the Internet. Then bryguy suggested several changes that would serve to improvise Sandys improvisation. What with Suum cuique and all that jazz, I couldnt resist my hand here; bearing in mind, my additions...
Sharing Expenses with a Live-in Boyfriend?
The man is entitled to receive payment for your share of the expenses. You should start making those payments and back payments as soon as you can. You should expect ongoing issues over money; issues that will lead to termination of the relationship. The fact...
DeKay's Snake
Harmless and cold blooded, the little fella might appreciate the gentle warmth of your hand. But you had rather not. Oh, the Human element.
Silence Is Golden
Those repeaters, 40 to a mile, contained Bell Diaphragm Receivers (I dont know why) much like the one you mentioned. I agree, I didnt hear voices from the wires. Thats where they seemed to originate. Until I am told differently by an expert lineman technician...
Silence Is Golden
I did some research on those telephone conversations leaking from telephone wires. Actually, there were gadgets called repeaters placed along the wires, 40 to a mile. They were to strengthen the signal on its journey. Maybe the voices I heard were coming from...
Identifying Small Black Insects?
There are about 9300 species of Click Beetles worldwide. I think you have one of those. I found pictures of a few species that look very similar to your photo. I have encountered click beetles, large and small, all my life. I have never known them to be a problem...
Frugality And A Question Of Morals
Thanks for all the replies. They were helpful and set me to thinking and to doing more research. If theres a fine print catch here, I cant find it. Still, I have decided not to cash the check. The company has had several complaints. My opinion is that that...
Yellow Cake from Scratch
Enjoy plain? Yes! We often gathered around the table and enjoyed a layer, still warm from the oven, with a tall glass of chilled milk. We called it sweet bread. For a more delicate cake, I sometimes leave out the egg yolks. I whip the whites into a stiff meringue...
Remedy for Brassy Hair Color When Dyed?
Could you tell us what color you are aiming for when you apply the color?
Choosing a Healthy Cooking Oil
I have been using coconut oil exclusively for some time now and dont think I would want to change when it comes to baked goods such as cakes. But your research has started me thinking. I detest avocados but I am going to take your word that the oil has a very...
Blue Beauty (Butterfly on Sedum Flower)
Lovelivewell, You did well. Actually, you did great! This is a keeper. Thanks
Strawberry Pot for Herbs
Looks nice. What with the herbs being aromatic, slugs might not be a problem. If you ever decide to try strawberries again you might want to try placing the pot in a large terra cotta saucer. with a layer of sharp sand or crushed egg shells added. Non toxic...
Buttermilk Muffins
They look so good. I can see by the recipe how they would almost have a cake like texture. I must try this. I like any breads with a buttermilk flavor. Thanks
Beware of Poison Ivy and Poison Oak
Im glad Im not allergic to any of these plants. For those who are, a good rule to follow is the old saying: Leaved by three, leave it be.
Mood Lighting for Depression
I like that, Jackie. The light doesnt scream at you. It gently draws your attention. Nice.
Oh, I wish you could, too. I never knew anyone other than my family to toast biscuits. First, we split them in half. Takes me back 70 years. Sometimes we added a pat of butter before toasting and after toasting we topped them with homemade jellies, jams and...
Oh, I wish you could, too. I never knew anyone other than my family to toast biscuits. First, we split them in half. Takes me back 70 years. Sometimes we added a pat of butter before toasting and after toasting we topped them with homemade jellies, jams and...
Buttermilk Falls
Hoagy Carmichael gave us Buttermilk Skies. Now, you give us Buttermilk Falls. Sounds a bit strange at first but the name does suit. Oh to be sitting on a tree stump by these falls in the cool of the evening. Just thinking about it is relaxing. Thanks
Identifying Tiny Bugs Outside?
This could be a ladybug larva. There are many types of ladybugs. All their larvae look different. I was about to exterminate hundreds of them. I sent a pic to my Ag agent. He said, Dont, they are one of the most beneficial insects in the garden.
Cleaning Plastic Containers Used For Powdered Drinks
Thanks for the tip, but I dont have denture cleaning tablets. As for the safety of my mixture, I have been mixing ammonia and peroxide for years on a near daily basis. So have others. The two mixed together serve as a catalyst for most all developer hair colorings...
What Breed Is My Puppy?
Occasionally, youll encounter a dog with unusual behavioral traits, but for the most part, you can expect the dogs temperament to match the way you train it and care for it. He doesnt know whether hes a stray mutt or a champion sire. All he knows is, hes mamas...
Yes Virginia, You Can Freeze Milk
I was not trying to be sarcastic.Theres no reason to assume sarcasm just because you didnt understand the comment. Apparently, I made a vain attempt at being funny. You did help. At least I know Im not alone with this bulging bottom issue. I freeze water in...