Mushroom Fungus?
Here is a lot of information about getting rid of fungus in your garden. Click on Databases and look for the one on Fungus.
Reusing AOL CDs & Computer Disks?
I have a great use for old CDs. Last Christmas, my grandaughter and I made gifts for her teacher and parents, by cutting pics from old Christmas cards and gluing them onto the shiny side of the CD. Then, we glued bits of fake Christmas trees or weaths, to make...
Reusing AOL CDs & Computer Disks?
I put small stakes in the ground and put a CD on each one along my walkway shiny side up. They pick up the light from the porch light and make energy free illumination along the dark walk. - Marianne
Reusing AOL CDs & Computer Disks?
I use the cds when I crochet to make CD hotpads. There are many different patterns to chose from. They also make wonderful gifts. - Margaret Fraleigh
Buying in Bulk
We always get canned goods and toilet paper in bulk - make sure youlluse whatever it is youre buying or its never a good deal! - Tracy in Watauga, TX
Buying in Bulk
We buy a lot of things in bulk. Toilet paper, laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, rice, beans, flour, sugar (lots of 5 lb. bags when on sale, canned goods, evaporated milk, ramen, pet food. I buy when it is on sale so try to get the lowest price. Anything...
Heres the link that I think youre looking for - it lists Target deals, just like you were saying. Enjoy the bargain hunting! Brannon
You can look at or on the LWIF (look what Ifound) boards for deals people have found at Target. - Kyle
House Boat Rentals? - Carolinas
Come on down to Central Florida. Houseboat Rentals on the St. James River. See the alligators/wildlife up real close. - Vicki
Stain on White Leather Sofa?
Try a little saddle soap or another leather cleaner, but first read the label regarding its safety for use on your particular kind of leather. You may also try removing the stain with lukewarm water and a gentle shampoo. If the finish is getting thin on the...
Here are some natural repellants and links.Bugrepel Tick Repellent. Super effective natural Geraniol based product Herbal Insect Repellent is from Green...
Memorial Day Picnics?
If you are going on a picnic to a park, bring a propane barbeque. The barbeque pits at parks are often difficult to cook on and cook unevenly. Make sure no matter what you are having, that you bring: Plastic wrapPlastic bags ( a few sandwich or larger and...
Memorial Day Picnics?
Fill clean milk jugs halfway with water and freeze. Filling empty space in your freezer makes it work more efficiently -- and when you are preparing a cooler for a picnic or road trip, your frozen jugs will keep things cool without having to buy ice! - Becki
Memorial Day Picnics?
Hang a sausage from a tree 20 or more feet from your picnic to distract bees from your festivities.
Memorial Day Picnics?
Take a colander or two to invert and place over bowls when on picnics to keep bees and flies out of your food. - Beth
Memorial Day Picnics?
Wash a milk, juice or water jug and fill with water to take to a picnic so hands can be washed before eating and after clean up. - Ann
Memorial Day Picnics?
In a pint sized zip lock bag combine:1 cup milk1/2 tsp. vanilla3 Tbs. sugarZip the bag closed getting out as much air as possible.Put the pint size zip lock bag into a gallon zip lock with:1/3 bag of ice1/4 cup salt on the ice.Zip it closed and...
Memorial Day Picnics?
I like to take a 7 layer salad to picnics, it is always a hit and is often requested by those who have already tried it before. Arrange in layers in bowl, amounts are dependent to how big you want your salad. Each layer should cover the last.lettucetomato...
Kitten in the Planter Boxes...
Kitties do not like citrus scents. I have used orange peels to keep them out of forbidden areas. Good luck. - Claudia
Kitten in the Planter Boxes...
A mixture of coffee grounds and cut up orange peels scattered over the soil will keep your kitty from using it as a litter box. This also works well for the garden.- Susan
Kitten in the Planter Boxes...
Try mixing a little dirt in the litter box.She may just not know that litter is the place to go. The Pet Guy on Martha Stewarts show said to put Foil where you dont want them to go. Apparently they dont like the crackly noise & feel. I havent tried it but I...
Kitten in the Planter Boxes...
Jodi: get your kitten spayed soon or you will be calling the shelter again soon and the outcome will likely not be good.Thats all I can bear to say. - Linne
White Roses?
I dry many of my flowers in cat litter. I take the rose, and how ever long I want the stem, and carefully place it in a container. I first put some very fine (and it can be cheap cat litter) on the bottom of the container. I lay the rose on it, preferably upright...
Bread Sticking to Breadmaker?
Try spraying the container and beater with Pam or rub it with oil before you put in all the ingredients. Also make sure you turn the beater back and forth to loosen it (little thing that mixes the bread) before trying to remove the loaf. - Susan
Non Food Use for Egg Yolks?
Make Some Egg Tempera Paint:Egg tempera is made from egg yolks, a little water and some pigment. Click on the link below for instructions.
Non Food Use for Egg Yolks?
AnnieWhy not use eggbeaters? Also, now the stores sell plain egg whites. Makes good egg dishes. Give it a try.- Dottie
Using It All - Margarine Tubs?
When reading about the uses for margarine cups, I thought about how I use apple sauce/dessert cups. Here are some of my ideas.Living on my own, I buy my apple sauce, and some desserts, in the singleserve cups. I wash them up, then keep them in the closet...
Frugal Dog Toys?
For the cheap dog toys request, Please let her know that many attended laundrymats keep a lost and found. After so long they discard the clothes. Towels and socks knotted make excellent dog toys. If she can sew, you can get squeakers and rattles at some craft...