Emotionally and Verbally Abusive Husband?
I was in a physically abusive relationship when I was 17 and I stayed until I was 22 filed for divorce when I was 23 because I met a man that became my husband of 20 years this year. I too have fibro and arthritis in my back so understand the pain. I am not...
Eating with Dentures?
I recently got dentures as well and have been using them for a year now. I have not mastered the art of eating with them yet totally but for sandwiches, pizza and burgers, a frequent meal in my home, I think I have the solution... I use Polident gel, as a glue...
Skyrim Birthday Ideas?
There are dragons in Skyrim. I recently saw online somewhere a dragon cake...Look for dragon anything... Here is a site that can give you some major ideas for a Skyrim Party Just searched on google http://www.questexperiences.com/quest2/products/skyrimparty1...
Disinfect, Re-Use, and Save
I learned to make my own. Here is the recipe: Bounty paper towels baby shampoo Alcohol 1 C. Water a rubber maid container with sealing lid Cut the whole roll of Paper towels in Half with an elec meat cutter. Leave in pkg to cut. Put 1/2 roll into water proof...
Games to Play With Kids While Driving
We always traveled a lot during the summer. My dad had his own truck transportation service and we traveled with him all over the US. One game we always played was out of state license plates it got kinda hard to remember exactly where we were all the time...
Finding a Job After Being a Stay at Home Mom?
I have been a stay at home mom that homeschooled for 18 years I have two teens ( 17 and 14) right now. I totally understand your situation. My husband has been out of work for 8 months. I have been looking also. Hang in there something will turn up for you...
Freezing or Canning Bell Peppers?
Yes, you can freze bellpeppers and onions too. I used to do it all the time. What I did was chop them however I was going to use them. Threw them in a snack sized baggie then threw them in the freeezer. I put them in a Gallon sized baggie jsut to keep them...
Digital Camera Won't Connect to Computer?
I had the same problem with my powershot. I basically had to reinstall the drivers. Do a web search at Cannon for you camera. that is what I had to do I dont know why it happened but that is what fixed my problem. Hope this helps.
Toddler Cries Excessively?
Do you give her cows milk? If so, It may be a lactose allergy. My daughter would cry uncontrolably when she was 11mo - 18 months when I stopped breast feeding her (she was fine when it came to water or juice so she wasnt missing the breast) and gave her a little...
Seven Mile Sunset (Delray Beach, FL)
Beautiful! I was wondering if I could save it and use it as a background on my computer.. Just beautiful. Dahart
How Do I Make Good Fried Eggs Over Medium?
You need to see if there are scratches in your pan. If there are throw it away and get another one or a cast iron pan. If there arent scratches then use a thin rubber spat and loosen the egg edges then flip or swirl the eggs to loosen them and flip. HTH, Dahart
Buy and Freeze Overripe Bananas
I have done this before for many years. The one thing I would recommend is to cut the liquid/water some because using the banana frozen adds just a touch more liquid. I love using frozen bananas. I have even used them in pancakes, anything that uses bananas...